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U.S. senators file bill to exempt India from sanctions over Russia deal, citing China

If USA give India a waiver over S-400 then I would lose some more respect for US...
WASHINGTON, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Three Republican U.S. senators said on Friday they filed legislation to exempt India from sanctions for purchasing a Russian S400 missile defense system, citing the importance of working with allies to stand up against China.

The bill, from Senators Ted Cruz, Todd Young and Roger Marshall, would create a 10-year exemption for member countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue - Australia, Japan and India - from sanctions imposed by CAATSA, a sweeping 2017 law intended to punish countries that did business with, among others, Russia's military.

The bill added to calls in Congress to waive sanctions for India.

Republican Senator John Cornyn and Democratic Senator Mark Warner, in a letter to Biden on Tuesday, called for a waiver on the grounds of national security and broader cooperation.

Waiver incoming after all.
"republicans" filed a bill? is a democrat government. if China *** raping india is sick a worry then the democrats will advocate simply selling patriots and thaads to india, democrats and be seen as exporting u.s. platforms, not giving waivers so their enemies can sell their platforms. bill will likely get defeated.
CAATSA sanctions are there to target Russian military hardware and to hurt Russian economically. Russians are already struggling economically. There is no CAATSA for China because China is economically strong. Won’t make any difference to Chinese.

CAATSA is simply a geopolitics strategy to weaken US potential enemy, isn’t meant to prove any moral high ground. Now in case of India and other few same purpose is served better by giving few exemptions.

The Americans are sanctioning the Turks for the same acquisition.

Nevertheless, this was expected and predicted long ago.
Don't be surprised seeing F-35 in InAF service one day.

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