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U.S seized domains of Iranian media outlets


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
In what seems to be a coordinated action, a similar message has appeared on the websites of a series of Iranian and regional television networks that claims their domains have been “seized by the United States Government.”


The notice, which appeared late Tuesday on the website of English-language television news network Press TV as well as a number of other Iranian and regional news channels, cited US sanctions laws for the seizure and was accompanied by the seal of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the US Department of Commerce.

"The domain presstv.com has been seized by the United States Government in accordance with a seizure warrant...as part of a law enforcement action by the Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Export Enforcement and Federal Bureau of Investigation," the message read.

The websites of Iran's Arabic-language Al Alam television news network, Yemen’s al-Masirah TV channel and Bahrain's Lualua television network were also among the targeted outlets.

The US government has not officially commented on the matter, but some reports said the websites might have been hacked.

Press TV has announced that its website will be available on .ir domain.
Over the past years, the United States has for several times taken similar measures against Iranian media outlets.

The US tech giant Google has recurrently taken on Press TV more than any other Iranian outlet given the expanse of its viewership and readership.
In March, Google for the seventh time blocked the English-language news network’s access to its official YouTube account without any prior notice, citing "violations of community guidelines."

The US-based social media giant Facebook also informed Press TV in the same month that its account had been shut down for what it claimed to be the Iranian news channel’s failure to “follow our Community Standards.” The page was reinstated a few days later.
The Tehran-based English-language news network has repeatedly fallen victim to censorship on multiple fronts, including Twitter and Instagram besides Google and its services.

Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:

Two years ago when US terrorist regime blocked Farsnews.com domain, with the excuse of being related to IRGC, fools said it's just the result of trump presidency, now Biden administration has siezed multiple .com domains of Iranian and non-Iranian news agencies as well.

As I have said several times, Reformists and Democrats are the same shits with different colors, Trump didn't violate JCPOA, US regime as a whole did, and today the very same terrorist regime with a different element (Biden) is continuing the Trump's maximum pressure campaign without any decrease.
presstv i rember the day the intervewers mentioned the name Rothschild/ gold curency etc. after a about two weeks presstv was taken off uk channel.
LoL Iran worried about freedom of speech


Let us know when Iran stops blocking Facebook , YouTube ,Twitter , Netflix .

Yes,except of course its usually the west,not iran,that always like to w@nk on about how much it loves "freedom of expression/free speech" etc,etc,etc,tho I couldnt help but notice that in some western countries if one dares say anything that dissents from the official line on the shoah,then you`ll wind up being prosecuted faster than you can say "politically incorrect".
Also iran,unlike the us,isnt seizing the websites of facebook,twitter etc and taking them offline,its just blocking them in iran,which as a sovereign nation it has every right to do.
You know whats really funny tho?,you have the us condemning china for targeting hong kongs apple daily newspaper,yet here it is doing the exact same sort of thing.There really is nothing quite like the fetid stink of good old,bad old,western double standards and hypocrisy,now is there?
One thing that this action does do however,is an excellent job of showing that ultimately in real terms,as far as relations with iran is concerned,that there is virtually no difference between a us run by a biden regime than there is a us run by a chump regime.
One last sad kick in the reality balls for rouhani and co.:cry:

There is no democracy in the us. Deep state picks both candidates.

Media promotes military industrial complex candidates.

Justin Amash was called a "terrorist" by the Speaker of the House for opposing the Patriot Act and other forms of terrorism against us civilians,
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In what seems to be a coordinated action, a similar message has appeared on the websites of a series of Iranian and regional television networks that claims their domains have been “seized by the United States Government.”

Excellent decision to shut down mouthpieces of the Iranian regime, long overdue.
Also iran,unlike the us,isnt seizing the websites of facebook,twitter etc and taking them offline,its just blocking them in iran,which as a sovereign nation it has every right to do.

No , what Iran is doing is much much worse . All US did was block the mullah regime mouthpiece propaganda sites.

While the mullah regime bars it's own people from expressing themselves on the social network. God forbid that Iranians would be able to voice their own opinion.

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Where is "freedom of speech"? and ofcourse, the "media censorship"!!

Certainly not democratic behaviour. Difference of opinions must be tolerated.

The relevant legal basis under which the seizure has been implemented is clearly mentioned:

No , what Iran is doing is much much worse . All US did was block the mullah regime mouthpiece propaganda sites.

While the mullah regime bars it's own people from expressing themselves on the social network. God forbid that Iranians would be able to express their own opinion.

The us didnt "block" these sites,they seized them and took them off line,so I guess the us isnt quite so keen on the idea that "Iranians would be able to express their own opinion",funny that,eh?
By comparison iran merely blocks,and it is just a block as these sites can still be accessed to some degree if one really wants to,sites that it considers are western "regime mouthpiece propaganda sites."
Like I said,good old,bad old,western double standards and hypocrisy.....par for the course in the mena region,sadly :tsk:
Clear case of stopping freedom of speech and day light robbery on media freedom.

Those who claim to be democracies, must show democratic behaviours.

This is a crystal clear case of violations of US laws resulting in appropriate action.

9:18 PM EDTLast Updated 15 hours ago
Middle East
U.S. blocks websites linked to Iranian disinformation

The website of Al Masirah television?s website, which belongs to Yemen?s Houthis, is seen with a notice which appeared on a number of Iran-affiliated websites saying they had been seized by the United States government as part of law enforcement action, in a screenshot taken June 22, 2021. REUTERS

A screen grab from alalamtv.net shows a notice saying the website has been seized by the United States government as part of law enforcement action, as seen June 22, 2021. REUTERS

DUBAI, June 22 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday it seized 36 Iranian-linked websites, many of them associated with either disinformation activities or violent organizations, taking them offline for violating U.S. sanctions.
Several of the sites were back online within hours with new domain addresses.
"Today, pursuant to court orders, the United States seized 33 websites used by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union (IRTVU) and three websites operated by Kata’ib Hizballah (KH), in violation of U.S. sanctions," the department said in a statement.
Also spelled Kataib Hezbollah, KH is one of the main Iran-aligned Iraqi militia groups and has been designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States.

The sites seized included Press TV, the Iranian government's main English-language satellite television channel, and Al Alam, its Arabic-language equivalent. Both came back online using Iranian domain addresses Alalam.ir and Presstv.ir.
The Justice Department said the 33 domains used by IRTVU are owned by a United States company and that IRTVU did not obtain a license from Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control prior to utilizing the domain names.
KH also did not obtain a license.
Notices appeared earlier on Tuesday on a number of Iran-affiliated websites saying they had been seized by the United States government as part of law enforcement action.

Iranian news agencies said the U.S. government had seized several Iranian media websites and sites belonging to groups affiliated with Iran such as Yemen's Houthi movement.
The notices appeared days after a prominent hardliner and fierce critic of the West, Ebrahim Raisi, was elected as Iran's new president and after envoys for Iran and six world powers, including Washington, adjourned high-stakes talks on reviving their tattered 2015 nuclear accord and returned to capitals for consultations.
The website of the Arabic-language Masirah TV, which is run by the Houthis, read:
"The domain almasirah.net has been seized by the United States Government in accordance with a seizure warrant ... as part of a law enforcement action by the Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Export Enforcement and Federal Bureau of Investigation."

The site quickly opened up a new, working website at www.almasirah.com.
Iran's Arabic language Alalam TV said on its Telegram channel: "U.S. authorities shut down Al-Alam TV's website."
Notices also appeared on the website of Lualua TV, an Arabic-language Bahraini independent channel that broadcasts from Britain.
U.S. prosecutors in October seized a network of web domains they said were used in a campaign by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to spread political disinformation around the world.

The Justice Department said then it had taken control of 92 domains used by the IRGC to pose as independent media outlets targeting audiences in the United States, Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia.
The semi-official Iranian news agency YJC agency said on Tuesday the U.S. move "demonstrates that calls for freedom of speech are lies."
Writing by Lisa Barrington Reporting by Nayera Abdallah, Mark Hosenball and Dubai Newsroom Editing by Mark Heinrich
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