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U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

They will be treated like normal human beings? What's wrong with that? How do 'NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS' get treated in India?

Nothing wrong with that, But this incident will become an example for other nations to follow who have anger against USA ....... :lol:

There is nothing to be defused. The Indians is in the wrong !00000%.

Yes Indians are 0% wrong!!!!
nothing wrong , its just US wants special treatment where ever they go , the special treatment and facilities provided for US diplomats was not being provided to any other country ..

they'll be getting out of India IMHO that is incentive enough to forgo the 'special treatment' at the airport :lol:
By the same token, the basis of the case, that the nanny was being paid is less than minimum wage is a false accusation.
The nanny was paid in kind by
1. Boarding and Lodging
2. Food
3. Full Insurance Cover for her and her family
4. Full Medical Cover for any and all medical issues
5. Once a year flight to India and back.

Lastly, she went to US on an Indian govt passport, not the regular Indian passport.

No matter what proof I show you, you keep adding some reason why I am incorrect. The bottom line is the bottom line, the maid was not paid as agreed, made to work past her agreed upon hours, etc (as listed above) All of the information you listed is irrelevant, food is not salary, boarding is not salary, insurance is not salary, medical coverage is not salary, paid flights are not salary.

The people protesting this should be saving their efforts for an actually worthwhile cause (i.e. the girl in India that was raped by multiple police officers) Instead they are so focused on the fact that a higher up is being "humiliated" that they are unknowingly reinforcing caste mentality. Sad really, the ignorant unknowingly propping up the beliefs that are holding them down.

Because most people in US are not diplomats on a foreign mission who have duties even at odd hours.

US diplomats in India do have maids btw.

And no one has forced the maid to take the job if she didnt want it. The jobs are posted, people apply. She applied and got the job.

If the US is willing to throw the book at India.
Then India is merely reciprocating.

We are going to the throw the book at US. No special privileges would be granted to US officials in India.
This is not Pakistan or one of the banana republics. Equality and reciprocity is the basis of any diplomatic relationship.

If US chooses to take this further, so would India.

She was forced to take the job, seeing as she was lied to and then forced to do the job by her employer. You keep mentioning special privilege because you can't understand the difference between India granting US ambassadors special exceptions vs the Indian diplomat knowingly committing fraud.
No matter what proof I show you, you keep adding some reason why I am incorrect. The bottom line is the bottom line, the maid was not paid as agreed, made to work past her agreed upon hours, etc (as listed above) All of the information you listed is irrelevant, food is not salary, boarding is not salary, insurance is not salary, medical coverage is not salary, paid flights are not salary.

The people protesting this should be saving their efforts for an actually worthwhile cause (i.e. the girl in India that was raped by multiple police officers) Instead they are so focused on the fact that a higher up is being "humiliated" that they are unknowingly reinforcing caste mentality. Sad really, the ignorant unknowingly propping up the beliefs that are holding them down.

She was forced to take the job, seeing as she was lied to and then forced to do the job by her employer. You keep mentioning special privilege because you can't understand the difference between India granting US ambassadors special exceptions vs the Indian diplomat knowingly committing fraud.

The protest is for the way a consular officer was treated

Relevant clause is Article 41 which states,

1. Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority. (Grave crime is usually defined as Murder, Rape, Robbery etc. )

2. Except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, consular officers shall not be committed to prison or liable to any other form of restriction in their personal freedom save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect.

3. If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular officer, he must appear before the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the proceedings shall be conducted with the respect due to him by reason of his official position and, except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, in a manner which will hamper the exercise of consular functions as little as possible.

Article 72 does discuss customarily favored treatment beyond the limits of the Convention. This could be what infuriates Indian officials so much.

privilege that consider exists under Article 72.

@Star Wars, borrowed your post.
All I heard from India is talk. Its time for some action, go ahead and arrest some US diplomats in India.

Indians know better. Its up to them to lower the temperature and drop this complaint. Just let the American justice system run its course. We have a very fair system that treat everyone the same.

They will be treated like normal human beings? What's wrong with that? How do 'NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS' get treated in India?

Normal human beings do not have to take the bus in New Delhi. Sentence her to take the bus in New Delhi is a worse punishment than putting her in American jail if she is convicted.

Its time to forget about this case as an incident that has any international ramifications. This is just a personal case of an individual violating the law. The violator would go through trial. And if found guilty, punish by the extent of the law.
Let US justice system do what it does, It will be crucial how India treats US Gay diplomats , since the supreme court ruling.... let the law of the land prevail....
I know you live in the US, don't be afraid to openly advocate the arrest of gay US diplomats in India.
I know you live in the US, don't be afraid to openly advocate the arrest of gay US diplomats in India.

When US judicial system has it's own interpretation of the spirit 1963 Vienna convention, it is of utmost importance that US diplomats are extended the same courtesy. US is a big proponent of equality, I believe US diplomats should be exactly treated in accordance to their own interpretation of the Vienna convention.... I am only advocating US diplomats be subjected to the same civil and criminal code as Indian Diplomats are being subjected to in US.... level playing field....
When US judicial system has it's own interpretation of the spirit 1963 Vienna convention, it is of utmost importance that US diplomats are extended the same courtesy. US is a big proponent of equality, I believe US diplomats should be exactly treated in accordance to their own interpretation of the Vienna convention.... I am only advocating US diplomats be subjected to the same civil and criminal code as Indian Diplomats are being subjected to in US.... level playing field....

lol I can't believe you are afraid to say it. You don't have to be afraid to express your feelings not in the US.
lol I can't believe you are afraid to say it. You don't have to be afraid to express your feelings not in the US.
Trust me, haven't been afraid to say anything, ever. Not in India, not in US.... It is mortifying that most americans dont understand the core of this issue, If the diplomat was arrested with due process upholding the spirit of vienna convention, not a single voice would have been raised. But if this is the way you treat your official diplomats of your allies, and provide preferential treatment to rapists like Dominique strauss kahn, it presents a very different picture.... In all fairness reciprocity should be accepted, or are we calling for special powers of american exceptionalism now?
Trust me, haven't been afraid to say anything, ever. Not in India, not in US.... It is mortifying that most americans dont understand the core of this issue, If the diplomat was arrested with due process upholding the spirit of vienna convention, not a single voice would have been raised. But if this is the way you treat your official diplomats of your allies, and provide preferential treatment to rapists like Dominique strauss kahn, it presents a very different picture.... In all fairness reciprocity should be accepted, or are we calling for special powers of american exceptionalism now?

India have a no alliance stance on foreign policy, don't use ally clause don't make US as the false guy for the crimes committed by the defendant.
India have a no alliance stance on foreign policy, don't use ally clause don't make US as the false guy for the crimes committed by the defendant.
your lack of comprehension skills is not my problem dear, try some other members, they might bite!!
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