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U.S. sanctions Turkey over purchase of Russian S-400 missile system

Any Turkish people on the forum? Want to hear their views.
Also, its time that some alliance from the East materializes. We've seen enough aggression to a few bunch of countries we all know about, who surprisingly have the same interests and enemies as well.
These few countries need to do their own QUAD or NATO or what not. But if we keep waiting until the West and its servants reach our door, it would be too late.
Any Turkish people on the forum? Want to hear their views.
Also, its time that some alliance from the East materializes. We've seen enough aggression to a few bunch of countries we all know about, who surprisingly have the same interests and enemies as well.
These few countries need to do their own QUAD or NATO or what not. But if we keep waiting until the West and its servants reach our door, it would be too late.
ME has split into 3 major factions. GCC+select Arab States, Iranian bloc and Turkish Bloc. France and other big powers want the region divided and in conflict. They don't want any larger Islamic bloc forming at all. So far the region has complied with this. I don't see any regional bloc forming.
ME has split into 3 major factions. GCC+select Arab States, Iranian bloc and Turkish Bloc. France and other big powers want the region divided and in conflict. They don't want any larger Islamic bloc forming at all. So far the region has complied with this. I don't see any regional bloc forming.
So where are we going to fit in all this?
India is next.
Honestly, this is a message to everyone by the US:
"If you wanna ally with us, you better not buy that naughty naughty Russian S-400."
Actually the world is realising america is a dominant bully. The world will tolerate America but emerging powers are challenging the status quo. Pakistan is slowly moving away from America. This is great
Here's my 2 cents:

The Arabs and their precious Israel have the 100% support of the West.
Iran is playing solo, and is fighting proxy wars but has allies in Iraq.

Turkey is tore down between East or West, but on the long term they will end up cozying up to China or Russia.
So where are we going to fit in all this?
Pakistan is caught in the middle and can't do much. We should engage all sides while strengthening our selves economically. We should try to mediate if possible...but considering regional politics that wont go far.

Turkey doesn't really need the USA or NATO militarily but its economy is vulnerable. I think Pakistan should work with Turkey economically. Pakistan can send cheap laborers to Turkey to assist with its economic growth. If done in an organized fashion it can help both sides. Joint SEZ's set up inside Turkey manned by low cost Pakistani laborers producing manufactured goods for export will boost Turkish exports and provide remittances back to Pakistan. Turkey has easy overland access to EU and Russian markets. A win win for both sides.
Thats why USA has blocked sales to Turkey and thats the reason you still are waiting for your T129s. India is their biggest ally in the region and we have military relations with them. USA would obviously want India to have more sophisticated equipment to counter growing threats. By the way a new Ummah bloc of OIC of Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Malaysia has been shattered permanently. By the way pakistan also has many Russian equipment like Mi-35s which are on order. Only reason you’re not sanctioned is because of Afghanistan.

The only reason ur having US attention is china. Turkey was a bigger ally than india, how else is it NATO member? Turkey was strengthened against USSR and then Russia. Now China is the biggest problem for US and thus using india.
CNN and other major media outlets claim trump is an isolationist

Isolationists are of the belief to not get involved in world affairs, to let other countries be, to not pick sides and to stay neutral. They don't sanction other countries, they don't threaten to kill the Iraqi Prime Minister over getting too close to China, they don't kidnap other countries' corporate employees over business with Iran, they don't try to topple other countries' election results and leaders, they don't promote the yellow peril, Isolationists are fine with their country's primacy being replaced with another, they don't bully other countries to pay more or do what Washington wants.

Washingtons policy has been to keep North and South Korea at odds, then threatens South Korea that they are going to get beat up by North Korea, unless South Korea pays some mafia protection money.

trump is the exact opposite of an isolationist. trump is a CNN deepstater.
USA doesn’t have any interest in putting sanctions on India. We buy from them and we have relations with them whereas Turkey 🦃 was busy in Anti-US activities. Now form a QUAD OIC of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey 🦃 and Pakistan in which 2 countries are already sanctioned, one doesn’t have a sizeable economy and the 4th doesn’t have anything more than palm oil.
I actually agree with you on this. USA will not sanction India.

Losing Turkey is a very very dangerous thing.
They might hate each other, but they depend on each other.
It's Trump being reckless as is his way.
trump is the exact opposite of an isolationist. trump is a CNN deepstater.
Hmm. I'm not convinced...but it's not entirely ridiculous. I believe Trump is an isolationist. He just can't be a perfect one because he has to keep some deep-staters happy to maintain his position - he is in the Republican party y'know?
CNN for 4 years attacked trump as through trump were some isolationist libertarian nationalist. Rand Paul went along with this narrative that trump is opposed to sanctions (therefore isolationist).

CNN is 100% complicit in the false notion that trump is an isolationist. They did so deliberately.
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Pakistan is caught in the middle and can't do much. We should engage all sides while strengthening our selves economically. We should try to mediate if possible...but considering regional politics that wont go far.

Turkey doesn't really need the USA or NATO militarily but its economy is vulnerable. I think Pakistan should work with Turkey economically. Pakistan can send cheap laborers to Turkey to assist with its economic growth. If done in an organized fashion it can help both sides. Joint SEZ's set up inside Turkey manned by low cost Pakistani laborers producing manufactured goods for export will boost Turkish exports and provide remittances back to Pakistan. Turkey has easy overland access to EU and Russian markets. A win win for both sides.

We should be more careful, and not offer to mediate unless it involves our own interests.

We should remember what Deng Xioping said “Bide your time, never claim leadership”

When our economy is a G20 economy like Turkey’s we will have enough clout for the world to take what we say more seriously. Until then we should remember Money talks louder then words.
USA doesn’t have any interest in putting sanctions on India. We buy from them and we have relations with them whereas Turkey 🦃 was busy in Anti-US activities. Now form a QUAD OIC of Malaysia, Iran, Turkey 🦃 and Pakistan in which 2 countries are already sanctioned, one doesn’t have a sizeable economy and the 4th doesn’t have anything more than palm oil.

Just to show how irrelevant, powerless, and backwater shithole india truly is on world stage. You said the 4th (Malaysia) doesn't have much except palm oil.

Well my dear pajeet---get ready to be HUMILIATED again as your dharmic ancestors have been getting since centuries. Lets see how that "palm oil" Malaysia squares up with sh*thole india in when it comes to High-Tech Exports

Backward India dwarfed by small Malaysia in high-tech sector.png

Oh wait, Malaysia ALONE exports MORE high-tech products than india...even though Malaysia is 4300% smaller than india is size :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

Now imagine if I compared entire Islamic World with india---you wouldn't even be in the picture kid. india was and always will be just a secondary footnote in history of mankind---mentioned only in reference to getting conquered by the actual big boys of history (Europeans, Muslims et all)

But hey, at least you can edit Wikipedia and feel happy while in real life, even small Muslim-state of Malaysia utterly DWARFS india in high-tech exports and your air force was humiliated worldwide by 7x smaller Pakistan just last year and China owns 1000sq km of your territory under its boots and you can do nothing about it :D
The major sanctions:
  • No license for the US products used in exports of the Turkish defense equipment. A joke for it's already there
  • No credits from the US or International financial institutions to the Turkish Defense Industry!! Another joke for Turkey is spending $60b on the defense R&D from her own coffers. He who takes loans also takes orders
  • Sanctions on key the defense industry personals!! Mother of all jokes for no such folk travels to the USA/Israil for God's sake. Everybody has seen what has happened to the Iranian/Iraqi scientists
Actually the world is realising america is a dominant bully. The world will tolerate America but emerging powers are challenging the status quo. Pakistan is slowly moving away from America. This is great

NATO was created to defend against Russia (the old USSR). If Turkey wants Russian weapons then they should quit NATO.

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