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U.S. regains Supercomputing Crown, bests China, Japan.


India at #10 !!! NICE GOING, GUYS !! Pakistan....?:bunny:

no. it doesnt appear right. no 10 should be Russia. india is outside of top 10! please check and confirm again!
It depends which column we're comparing the rankings. China is in the top three by any measure.
India just added two guys with calculators to stand beside the computer they had and the calculations have increased by 50%
its water cooled,that gives a hint that processors have been massively overclocked above stock speed.
This seems to be a simple upgrade and can be done with most existing computers.

:no: :usflag:
Imagine heat transfer from several processors with a fluid with high chances of moisture deposition / leaks. It is no as simple as you think. If it was so simple why is Pakistan not having a super computer ?
Re: U.S. regains Supercomputing Crown, bests China, Japan.

Computerworld - The U.S., once again, is home to the world's most powerful supercomputer after being knocked off the list by China two years ago and Japan last year.

The top computer, an IBM system at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is capable of 16.32 sustained petaflops, according to the Top 500 list, a global, twice a year ranking, released Monday.

This system, named Sequoia, has more than 1.57 million compute cores and relies on architecture and parallelism, and not Moore's Law, to achieve its speeds.

for details pls visit:U.S. regains supercomputing crown, bests China, Japan - Computerworld
there was no doubt that the crown belongs to US...
Records are set to be broken!
It is just a matter of when, how long and by whom! My bets, in order of possiblities outside of usa are on China, japan, Taiwan, France. Germany, uk, Canada, Australia, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Brazil, S Korea!
Fine and all...But can it play 'Crysis'?

I do not play games, console or else, so I have no fracking ideas of what I just asked. :lol: But it seems to be the standard question to ask of any computer related hardware.
Fine and all...But can it play 'Crysis'?

I do not play games, console or else, so I have no fracking ideas of what I just asked. :lol: But it seems to be the standard question to ask of any computer related hardware.
Crysis is the game that pushes the computer to the max( mine can barely run it lol).
It can't play crysis, but the guys at the NSA have a heck of a Sims game going.
This is a great example that healthy competitions make progress. It is just matter of time before US regains #1, nothing surprising. But challenges from China and Japan definitely speed up the process. Now the ball in on China and Japan's court.

Taiwan has 3 super-computers, not bad.
These supercomputers are awesome. Beyond all the numbers, they can do things like accurately model otherwise impossible scenarios, like weather, atomic bombs and physics, fluid computations, astrophysics, etc. One of the better examples I saw was a simulation of a galaxy being formed... they programmed in some unholy number of dust and gas particles, and each of these has gravity with respect to each other. They are all set in motion, so now each particle has a vector as well. Then, the computer does the math, and each particle moves according to physical laws relative to all the others. Gas and dust coalesce into stars, stars coalesce into galaxies, and the shape and motion of the galaxy is noted.

They used this model to predict the quantity of dark matter out there. By changing that, the model eventually produced beautiful spirals just like our Milky way. Without the correct dark matter, the model simply fell apart and no galaxy was formed.
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