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Featured U.S. Pushes Large Arms Sale to Taiwan, Including Jet Missiles That Can Hit China


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is pushing the sale of seven large packages of weapons to Taiwan, including long-range missiles that would allow Taiwanese jets to hit distant Chinese targets in the event of a conflict, say officials familiar with the proposals.

If approved by Congress, the packages, valued in the billions, would be one of the largest weapons transfers in recent years to Taiwan. The administration plans to informally notify lawmakers of the sales within weeks.

Some administration officials see bolstering Taiwan as an important part of creating a broader military counterweight to China in Asia. Taiwan has strong bipartisan support in Congress, so administration officials expect lawmakers to approve the arms sales.

Relations between the United States and China have plummeted to their lowest point in decades, as the two nations openly challenge each other on a wide range of issues, including trade, technology, diplomatic relations and military dominance of Asia.

The most sensitive weapon system of the proposed packages to Taiwan is an air-to-ground missile, the AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER, made by Boeing. Because of its range, it can be fired by jets flying beyond the reach of China’s air defense system. The missiles could hit targets on the Chinese mainland or at sea, including warships trying to cross the Taiwan Strait. The proposed sale of the missile, which is likely to cause concern among Chinese military officials, has not been previously reported.

The missiles can be used with F-16 fighter jets that the United States has sold Taiwan. The Trump administration announced last year that it was selling to Taiwan 66 such jets at $8 billion, one of the single largest arms packages to the island in many years.

Officials said the current proposed sales include surveillance drones that are an unarmed version of the Reaper model made by General Atomics; a truck-based rocket artillery system made by Lockheed Martin; land-based Harpoon anti-ship missiles from Boeing; and sea mines. Reuters reported aspects of the packages on Wednesday.

“The U.S. is increasingly concerned that deterrence is weakening as Chinese military capabilities grow,” said Bonnie S. Glaser, a senior adviser for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “The items in this package will help increase Taiwan’s ability to prevent a Chinese invasion — essentially to hold out longer.”

But, she said: “Weapons procurements are only one part of that equation. The U.S. is also urging Taiwan to rebuild its reserves and conduct more real-world training.”

China traditionally denounces arms sales to Taiwan, and it could send a warning by increasing the intensity of exercises the People’s Liberation Army conducts in the area. Last month, it fired a barrage of medium-range missiles into the South China Sea during a series of military exercises, and on Wednesday, it sent two anti-submarine aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone.

China might also announce sanctions against the American companies involved in the proposed sales. In July, it said it would penalize Lockheed Martin after the Trump administration had announced it was approving a $620 million arms package to Taiwan that involved upgrades by the company to surface-to-air missiles. But Lockheed Martin barely does any business with China and has supplied weapons and defense equipment to Taiwan for many years.

If China imposed sanctions on Boeing, however, that could deal a blow to the company, which sells commercial jets to the country.

Evan S. Medeiros, a professor at Georgetown University who was a senior Asia director on the National Security Council in the Obama administration, said China might impose sanctions on a few companies, “but strategically they are focused on preserving stability in U.S.-China relations right now.”

Mr. Medeiros and other American officials have pressed Taiwanese officials over the past decade to buy weapons that would enhance deterrence and increase the island military’s abilities to hold off Chinese forces in a meaningful way. In June 2019, the Trump administration, at the request of Taiwanese officials, proposed a $2 billion package of arms that included 108 M1A2 Abrams tanks. Those sales have been widely criticized by U.S. experts on the Chinese military, who say the tanks would not be of great use in the event of an invasion by the People’s Liberation Army.

With the current proposed sales, though, “Taiwan is finally buying what it really needs to implement its asymmetric defense strategy,” Mr. Medeiros said. “It’s a bit tardy to this garden party, but Taiwan’s leaders are finally committing serious resources.”

Some of the biggest proponents of strengthening Taiwan’s military are in the White House. Robert C. O’Brien, the national security adviser, and Matthew Pottinger, his deputy, are advocates of this. Mr. O’Brien’s predecessor, John R. Bolton, has gone further, pushing for the United States to formally recognize Taiwan.

Administration officials are reluctant to take that step, but they do aim to bolster Taiwan’s diplomatic standing in the world. In March, officials persuaded Mr. Trump to sign the bipartisan Taipei Act passed by Congress, which commits Washington to helping Taiwan improve its international status. On Thursday, Keith J. Krach, the under secretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment, arrived in Taiwan to attend a memorial service for Lee Teng-hui, a former president.

Last month, Alex M. Azar II, the U.S. secretary of health and human services, met in Taipei with Ms. Tsai, in the highest-level visit by an American official to the island since Washington broke off formal diplomatic relations in 1979.

Taiwanese officials hope that a new economic dialogue with the United States will result in a free-trade agreement.

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It is beyond me to understand how can China claim Taiwan to be part PRC when Taiwan can purchase weapons from a third country. I mean, procuring weapons is like THE DIFFERENTIATING FACTOR when determining claims over ownership over territories.

Some elementary advise for PRC: Either stop Taiwan from independently dealing with ANY third country on ANY matter (buying weapons is the FIRST thing to be stopped). How you do it your concern. But either do it or be ready to consider Taiwan NOT your part somewhere in the passage of time. Try to mess with India & rest of the world after that. Try to use your stooges & show your "superpower" status after that. Dont bite more than your chewing capacity.

@beijingwalker please ignore
This could be good news for iran arms embargo. will see...
This just proves that America is the world's trouble maker. Good job, America.

Yeah quite innocent china.. who claims part of Bhutan which has no army.. troubling every country in SCS
... even harassing Indo navy near Natuna islands.. which located farrrrrrr away...
Yeah quite innocent china.. who claims part of Bhutan which has no army.. troubling every country in SCS
... even harassing Indo navy near Natuna islands.. which located farrrrrrr away...
Bhutan is a de facto Indian protectorate ... it has no army because you are its army. I have no idea why Indians are trying to portray Bhutan as some kind of victim of aggression when you guys are just clearly using it to poke the Chinese lmao. You guys proved in 2017 that you were willing to risk the destruction of a beautiful country all for satisfying your strategic position. The people of Bhutan know this, by which I mean the true nature of this Indian "ally".
And yet would whine if china armed them lolz. Taiwan belongs to china, read history.
Even a housewife whines. Whining is like a fundamental right which you should not snatch away from anyone.

Need is to go beyond whining.

You can definitely whine if I claim ownership of Mars. But you cannot just "whine" if I interfere in your house.

Better learn when to differentiate and when to compare.

Even chinese will get angry if you try to compare US+Iran situation with China+Taiwan. Iran is known enemy of US. China can either claim Taiwan to be its own OR consider it an enemy. Doing both is not allowed in logical world. At least try to find a better way to cheer.
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Try learning history
Whatever history may have taught you, let me teach you some present and possible future.

Refrain from claiming ownership of a territory which can procure weapons from a third party without your permission.

If you still insist on claiming that, FIRST THING you should do is, prohibit that territory from doing the above procurement.

If you cant do it, dont let the unpleasant future shock you.

PS: I thought the Chinese were smarter than this.
I think it's time for Russia and China to sell Venezuela "large amounts of missiles, jets and air defense systems!" See how they start sh!tt!ng their pants, collectively. And while we are at it, do the same for Cuba and North Korea.

Zionists and their little prostitutes in Washington DC really are hurting to see China and Russia rise and challenge their hegemony!!
Whatever history may have taught you, let me teach you some present and possible future.

Refrain from claiming ownership of a territory which can procure weapons from a third party without your permission.

If you still insist on claiming that, FIRST THING you should do is, prohibit that territory from doing the above procurement.

If you cant do it, dont let the unpleasant future shock you.

PS: I thought the Chinese were smarter than this.
Heh, and I thought the US was smarter then selling Taiwan state of the art weapons. But don't worry. Even if the Taiwanese gov spends their entire budget on overpriced USA weapons, it still won't change the balance of power much. Taiwanese military is getting more and more insignificant every year.

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