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U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission

“Washington’s strategy is to permanently ratchet up tensions to ‘new cold war’ levels to justify sanctions against Russian energy exports.”

By Glen Ford

March 21, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "BAR"-The massive – and desperate – American offensive against world order is entering a new phase, as the U.S. prepares to resume its historical status as global energy superpower. The Obama administration’s brazen implantation of a rabidly anti-Russian, fascist-led regime in Ukraine places U.S. proxies astride pipelines that carry much of Siberia’s gas to Europe and beyond. Seventy-six percent of Russia’s natural gas exports are bound for Europe, the bulk of it to Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. Russia’s weight in the world is largely derived, not from its economically burdensome nuclear arsenal, but as an energy giant. The U.S.-engineered coup in Kiev sets the stage for a protracted assault on Russia’s energy trade, which accounts for more than half of Moscow’s federal expenditures. Without its huge oil and gas exports, Russia deflates like a leaky dirigible.

Even the Americans were not so stupid as to believe that their neo-Nazi friends in Kiev could somehow pry Russia from its naval base in Crimea. Such was never the plan. Rather, Moscow’s response to the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government was predictable, as was that of the Russian-speaking Crimean majority. Washington’s strategy is to permanently ratchet up tensions to “new cold war” levels to justify sanctions against Russian energy exports while exploiting America’s own natural gas “surplus” as an enhanced weapon of global hegemony.

The U.S.-engineered coup in Kiev sets the stage for a protracted assault on Russia’s energy trade.”

Thanks to shale fracking, the United States recently surpassed Russia as the world’s number one exporter of natural gas, and will next year become the top oil producer. As the New York Times reported on March 5, “The administration’s strategy is to move aggressively to deploy the advantages of its new resources to undercut Russian natural gas sales to Ukraine and Europe.” That’s not the half of it. When Moscow stood up to U.S.-backed jihadists in Syria, the Obama administration understood that the U.S.-Russia button could not be “reset” to Washington’s satisfaction under current conditions. An assertive Russia, increasingly coordinated with China, must be taken out of international contention. Washington will move to crush, or at least seriously disrupt, Russia under its “sanctions as war by other means” machine, by targeting its energy exports, while simultaneously boosting the foreign markets for U.S. natural gas.

The U.S. government tells its people that it spends more on weaponry than the rest of the world’s nations, combined, in order to, among other things, maintain the free flow of energy throughout the planet. But, that didn’t stop Washington from attempting to cripple Venezuela’s oil production in 2003, or from preventing Iran, once the world’s fourth largest exporter, from marketing more than a fraction of her production under the current U.S. sanctions regime. U.S. rulers have never been guardians of free oil flow. Rather, American policy is designed to ensure that U.S.-based corporations and financiers dominate the global energy trade, and that the dollar remains central to energy transactions, regardless of where the oil and gas comes from.

Russia also plays a key role as the energy giant among the BRIC bloc, which is the most likely venue for hatching alternatives to dollar hegemony. Venezuela, which barters oil with some of its Latin American partners and uses the proceeds of its dollar-denominated exports to build structures of resistance to U.S. imperialism, must also be forced back into line, or taken out of the game.

U.S. rulers have never been guardians of free oil flow.”

Ever since the Arab oil embargo of 1973, U.S. presidents have trumpeted the quest for “energy self-sufficiency” as a national security imperative, requiring subsidies for domestic energy production. Richard Nixon proclaimed: “In the last third of this century, our independence will depend on maintaining and achieving self-sufficiency in energy.” In truth, oil producers enjoyed bounteous subsidies when the U.S. was indisputably the oil production king of the world, from 1925, when U.S. oil fields accounted form more than 70 percent of total global production, to the early 70s. Citizens assumed self-sufficiency meant drilling for domestic development. “Self-sufficiency” – and jobs – is what makes fracking “worth it” in the eyes of many Americans. Now that the aquifers of much of the country have been fouled by shale-frackers intent on cornering gas markets around the globe, the script must be flipped, so that the surplus can be exported. As George Washington University law professor Richard Pierce told Al Jazeera, last year, "The US is now 100 percent independent in natural gas and within the next half a dozen years [North America] will be independent in oil. It will become a global supplier, rather than a demander, in a hurry."

Room must be made for this global supplier in an energy-glutted world. Russia’s gas sales to Europe need to be “undercut,” as the Times puts it. Sanctions can reshape the global markets to the advantage of the new energy superpower – war by other means. Corporate media mask the historical moment with juvenile jibes at Putin, as Washington prepares to subdue the planet with gushing oil and burning water.

BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com.

U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission

So let me get this straight.

The Yankees have found all this oil and gas.

They want to export this to maintain global energy trade in dollars to keep the dollar as the reserve currency.

So to do this they want to trigger problems against other big energy exporters (Russia, Iran) and use that as an excuse to sanction their energy trade.

This way the Yankee oil and gas can replace Russian and Iranian oil and gas thus won't have to worry about them using non-dollar currencies.

Typical behaviour of an imperialist.
The entire notion of US shale fracking sent to Europe to undermine Russia is a canard. Not only does the entire infrastructure for this project need to be built - at huge costs - but it would take several years. Several absolutely critical years as the crisis in Crimea has forced Putin and his "Eurasian Sovereignists" (for an explanation of these terms see here, here and here) to "come out of the closet" and openly confront the AngloZionist empire and now this is a race against time: will the Empire have the time and means to disengage Russia from the West before Russia realigns itself with China and the rest of Asia or will the West be dependent on Russia long enough to allow Russia to realign? I am quite confident that Russia will win this race, which makes the entire issue of US gas irrelevant.

Speaking of China and the West: consider that China's energy needs are immense, as they are in most of Asia and add to this that under Obama (did this guy ever ever do something not stupid?!) the US has openly adopted a new anti-Chinese policy which aims at "containing" China, i.e. preventing it form acquiring the type of influence which it would naturally have in the Asian-Pacific region. The Chinese are not stupid, they know that they are next in line for "democracy" and "freedom" and they understand that without Russian help (energy, weapons, political) they cannot resist the Empire. Bottom line, both China and Russia must enter into a deep symbiosis (if not a formal "alliance") and help each other. And there is no doubt in my mind at all the both Putin and Xi Jinping are both doing exactly that.

As for Europe - it is a depressed economy, a socially bankrupt continent, and a US protectorate. The Kremlin understands all that, and while they will be more than happy to sell energy (or anything else) to the EU, they know that they cannot make any long-term plans with such partners: the AngloZionist Empire is an existential threat to Russia and Europe is just a US protectorate with no personal opinion, identity or policy other than "yes, Mr. President, whatever you say Mr. President".
China, India, Asia, Latin America and, especially, the Russian North - that is the future of Russia, not the West. So all these sanctions can achieve is to accelerate this process.

Those who think that they can put Russian into submission are just as delusional as Hitler in 1945 with his talks about a "strategic counteroffensive": just ignore them.
The Saker
This American game of establishing a New World Order is unfolding in spectacular fashion. From Iraq to the Middle East and now to the CIS republics and Russia. The Americans want to install their lackeys in countries that pose a threat to their objective. The NWO, needless to say, would be headed by the neo-cons and Illuminati who control the massive military industrial complex and the oil cartels.

We urgently need to stop an arrogant America in their tracks before it is too late. What better way than to cobble up an alliance consisting of Russia, China, India, and other like minded countries to counter America's hegemony and their desire of controlling the world's energy resources - the only way that their grand strategy of establishing a NWO can be achieved.

These countries that would be a counter to American designs, must ditch the dollar and start trading in an alternative currency. This was mooted during the last BRICS conference too. The sooner they do it, the better. That would throw a spanner in the works, put an arrogant America in its place, and put a stop to their ongoing 'color revolutions'.
This American game of establishing a New World Order is unfolding in spectacular fashion. From Iraq to the Middle East and now to the CIS republics and Russia. The Americans want to install their lackeys in countries that pose a threat to their objective. The NWO, needless to say, would be headed by the neo-cons and Illuminati who control the massive military industrial complex and the oil cartels.

We urgently need to stop an arrogant America in their tracks before it is too late. What better way than to cobble up an alliance consisting of Russia, China, India, and other like minded countries to counter America's hegemony and their desire of controlling the world's energy resources - the only way that their grand strategy of establishing a NWO can be achieved.

These countries that would be a counter to American designs, must ditch the dollar and start trading in an alternative currency. This was mooted during the last BRICS conference too. The sooner they do it, the better. That would throw a spanner in the works, put an arrogant America in its place, and put a stop to their ongoing 'color revolutions'.

An alliance between Russia,China and India? Only one problem with this dream - India is dead weight with nothing to contribute.
An alliance between Russia,China and India? Only one problem with this dream - India is dead weight with nothing to contribute.
Only people like you think india is a dead weight india one of largest middle class in the world and consmer market.Presently india have not much that affect but in decade or so india will be a third biggest economy in the world and much more in future or so with its population of a billion india is a future global power no international community can deny that
Only people like you think india is a dead weight india one of largest middle class in the world and consmer market.Presently india have not much that affect but in decade or so india will be a third biggest economy in the world and much more in future or so with its population of a billion india is a future global power no international community can deny that

According to the 2011 Indian census only 4.6% of the Indian population owned a TV, computer, cell phone and a car.
Is that what you mean when you say India has one of the largest middle class population in the world? Besides, I wasn't referring to the Indian middle class when I said that India brings nothing to the table. I was talking about Indian exports to China and Russia. For bilateral trade to work using the mechanism of currency swap it is essential both parties have something to trade. Somehow I doubt the Chinese or the Russians will have much use for India's principal export - outsourcing.
An alliance between Russia,China and India? Only one problem with this dream - India is dead weight with nothing to contribute.

Dude, for you I will actually defend India on this occasion.:lol:

Let us use the example of energy here:

India imported nearly 4 million barrels of oil a day in 2013 and that did not include any from Russia.

All that India would need to do would be to take 1 million barrels from Russia and that would help it immensely in alleviating EU refusal to buy Russian oil.
According to the 2011 Indian census only 4.6% of the Indian population owned a TV, computer, cell phone and a car.
Is that what you mean when you say India has one of the largest middle class population in the world? Besides, I wasn't referring to the Indian middle class when I said that India brings nothing to the table. I was talking about Indian exports to China and Russia. For bilateral trade to work using the mechanism of currency swap it is essential both parties have something to trade. Somehow I doubt the Chinese or the Russians will have much use for India's principal export - outsourcing.
Did you even know about india or your just being naive india is 2nd in the world using mobile phones

List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India have much more tv audience that of US

Television in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now about cars

The automotive industry in India is one of the larger markets in the world. It had previously been one of the fastest growing globally, but is currently experiencing flat or negative growth rates.[1][2] India's passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the sixth largest in the world, with an annual production of more than 3.9 million units in 2011.[3] According to recent reports, India overtook Brazil and became the sixth largest passenger vehicle producer in the world (beating such old and new auto makers as Belgium, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Spain, France, Brazil), grew 16 to 18 percent to sell around three million units in the course of 2011 and 2012.[4] In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth largest exporter of passenger cars, behind Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.[5] In 2010, India beat Thailand to become Asia's third largest exporter of passenger cars.

Automotive industry in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dude, for you I will actually defend India on this occasion.:lol:

Let us use the example of energy here:

India imported nearly 4 million barrels of oil a day in 2013 and that did not include any from Russia.

All that India would need to do would be to take 1 million barrels from Russia and that would help it immensely in alleviating EU refusal to buy Russian oil.

You not doing a very good job of defending India. Which do think is cheaper for India? Oil shipped from Iran, Oman,UAE Iraq and Saudi Arabia OR Oil shipped all the way from Russia? The Russian oil that Europe receives is transported via a Soviet era pipeline. Russian oil is similarly transported to China.Why will India pay more for Russian oil? Besides what will Russia receive in exchange for its oil - lots of Rupees? What does lots of Indian Rupees buy the Russians?
An alliance between Russia,China and India? Only one problem with this dream - India is dead weight with nothing to contribute.

According to the 2011 Indian census only 4.6% of the Indian population owned a TV, computer, cell phone and a car.

That just means India's economy and consumer market has a huge amount of unused potential.

Which is actually a positive, not a negative.
That just means India's economy and consumer market has a huge amount of unused potential.

Which is actually a positive, not a negative.

Somalia has potential too but the question remains other than Iron ore what does China need from India?
You not doing a very good job of defending India. Which do think is cheaper for India? Oil shipped from Iran, Oman,UAE Iraq and Saudi Arabia OR Oil shipped all the way from Russia? The Russian oil that Europe receives is transported via a Soviet era pipeline. Russian oil is similarly transported to China.Why will India pay more for Russian oil? Besides what will Russia receive in exchange for its oil - lots of Rupees? What does lots of Indian Rupees buy the Russians?

Dude, Russia and India would come to an agreeable price. After-all India is helping out Russia here.

As for the question of payment, well the US dollar would be used as long as there is no total economic war involving Russia/China/India and the West. If there was, then Russia/India would be able to find a way to batter 1 million barrels of oil a day with equivalent Indian goods and services.
Dude, Russia and India would come to an agreeable price. After-all India is helping out Russia here.

As for the question of payment, well the US dollar would be used as long as there is no total economic war involving Russia/China/India and the West. If there was, then Russia/India would be able to find a way to batter 1 million barrels of oil a day with equivalent Indian goods and services.

So you expect the Russians to eat the cost of transport? Have you ever met a Russian?
What Indian goods and services are the Russians interested in?
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