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U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus

I am really wondering is China is still going to provide minimal resistance when being punched.

I frankly don't know why China won't fight back on a proportionally basis. Not just over the trade war, or the sanction against her industrial champions by the USA, but also against actions conducted by hostile countries or areas such as Australia, Hong Kong (protesters), and Taiwan (independence supporters).

Maybe there is an urge by China's president to want to feel be accepted by the West. If that is the case, then there is a degree of neuroticism involved. I hope that is not the case though.

The trade war was useless hence China didn't make much of a move those products which were tariffed caused prices to increase when imported by the US which the US consumer ended up paying anyways. In the longer run its impacts US consumers more.

On top of this the Chinese can wait it out, they know US president and policies change every 4 to 8 years, while the Chinese can just extend the limits of their premier. Two their dealing with an administration that lacks sense.

BREAKING: U.S. officials crafting plans to punish or demand compensation from China over virus, as Trump fumes in private over pandemic Officials discussing stripping China of sovereign immunity (so ppl can sue), or voiding US debt obligations to China

a bunch of old, retired farts sitting in the congress & senate trying to "punish" CHINA with what? law suites (not gonna happen) & asked to void debt...I guess the pentagon asked to kept outta this new cluster fk!!! :lol:

sovereign immunity isn't give, it is TAKEN! there won't be any law suite nor debt relief from China let alone debt voiding.
The trade war was useless hence China didn't make much of a move those products which were tariffed caused prices to increase when imported by the US which the US consumer ended up paying anyways. In the longer run its impacts US consumers more.

On top of this the Chinese can wait it out, they know US president and policies change every 4 to 8 years, while the Chinese can just extend the limits of their premier. Two their dealing with an administration that lacks sense.

time is on China’s side, time is working against the US. It is in the US’s interest to act swiftly to contain China, it is in China’s interest to maintain the status quo which it has been benefitting from in order to buy time for its rise. Understand this and everything makes sense.
The numbers flattened long ago. I know people who work in the medical industry and hospitals are half empty and there are barely any cases, they all say that what they see on a daily basis does not match the hysteria being whipped up by the media.

This "pandemic" is orchestrated by the Deep State to organize Western governments into more authoritarian models, for the globalist elite to reorganize wealth so they seize more of it and to line up Western publics with Western governments towards a long and all encompassing Cold War with China.

Well here in the UK my brother's friend's mother has died from coronavirus and his friend of 40 is fighting for his life
on a ventilator.

Just a few roads from where my mother lives, we kind of know a family where the son of around 40 died from coronavirus and his mother as well but not exactly sure if that was coronavirus.

Still think it is some conspiracy theory?
because China is still dependent on good relations with the west

Exactly because China wants good relationship with the West, she needs to stand up.

When a bully punches you, and you back down. We all know what will happen next.

European are watching too. If they see there are goodies to be had if you punch China hard enough, it is awfully tempting for them not to join USA so they can enjoy the spoils.
Exactly because China wants good relationship with the West, she needs to stand up.

When a bully punches you, and you back down. We all know what will happen next.

European are watching too. If they see there are goodies to be had if you punch China hard enough, it is awfully tempting for them not to join USA so they can enjoy the spoils.

China will refuse to pay. The rest is up to the US but this was all planned. Anything China does in response will be blown out of proportion and provoke further decoupling.
By the way, all of my co-workers feel this is a great idea. Some of Trumpers while others are anti-Trumpers. But all of them felt this is a good idea, except to increase the scale and frequency the the trade war.

China already coughed up $200B of purchase of USA product as the result of phase 1 trade deal. All of my co-workers felt it shouldn't stop there. Why not, $300B, $400B, or even mandatory trade surplus.

China will refuse to pay. The rest is up to the US but this was all planned. Anything China does in response will be blown out of proportion and provoke further decoupling.

If USA says she is not going to honor her debt to China ($1T), China is not going to pay what?

Nobody want China to retaliate disproportionately. If you cower under a bully, you are just asking for it.

It is not like it is a secret China is biting for time as well as afraid of both USA and Europe gang up on her.
By the way, all of my co-workers feel this is a great idea. Some of Trumpers while others are anti-Trumpers. But all of them felt this is a good idea, except to increase the scale and frequency the the trade war.

China already coughed up $200B of purchase of USA product as the result of phase 1 trade deal. All of my co-workers felt it shouldn't stop there. Why not, $300B, $400B, or even mandatory trade surplus.

If USA says she is not going to honor her debt to China ($1T), China is not going to pay what?

Nobody want China to retaliate disproportionately. If you cower under a bully, you are just asking for it.

It is not like it is a secret China is biting for time as well as afraid of both USA and Europe gang up on her.

The only real action that China can do in retaliation is to shift all of its trade away from the US dollar. But that will be very difficult.
Could just be a negotiating tactic for a trade deal. This was a natural calamity, you can't blame the first victims. The USA can sue many other countries for other disease outbreaks (HIV, Zika) why single out China and this virus.

When was the last time the Jets won anything.
I don't know whether Covid 19 originated from the Chinese wet markets, or if it's a biological weapon from the likes of the US. I do however feel the status quo cannot stay the way it is; we are better off in a multipolar world, where no single nation has the luxury of monopolising dominance at the expense of weaker nations.

Threads merged. Will move to World Affairs Section though.

You have admin powers?
The only real action that China can do in retaliation is to shift all of its trade away from the US dollar. But that will be very difficult.

What you proposed is what I called dis-proportionate response. Nobody is saying that. I am talking about proportionate responses. There are so many things China can do before it gets to that point.

Anyway, this topic is not like something I like to spend a lot time on right at this point since we don't yet know what USA is going to do. Let's wait until we know the actual actions of USA.
Senior U.S. officials are beginning to explore proposals for punishing or demanding financial compensation from China for its handling of the coronaviruspandemic, according to four senior administration officials with knowledge of internal planning.

The move could splinter already strained relations between the two superpowers at a perilous moment for the global economy.

Does it involve injecting bleach?

from 530.000 to over a million within two weeks is called flattening by F22Raptor.
He is most likely a MAGA guy. I believe there will be around 150k to 200k deaths.
Maybe F22RAptor can share his painful experience of having a syringe sticked into his lungs having bleach injected.
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