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U.S. not seeking permanent bases in Afghanistan

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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U.S. not seeking permanent bases in Afghanistan

The United States is not seeking permanent military bases in Afghanistan, and any future American presence in the country will be possible only at the invitation of the Afghan government, White House spokesman Jay Carney said here on Thursday.

The spokesman echoed what U.S. President Barack Obama said in response to a statement made by Afghan President Hamid Karzai earlier in the day about Washington's intention to set up nine military bases across the Asian nation after the exit of most U.S. and NATO combat troops by the end of 2014.

"The United States does not seek permanent military bases in Afghanistan, and any U.S. presence after 2014 would only be at the invitation of the Afghanistan government and aimed at training Afghanistan forces and targeting the remnants of al-Qaeda," Carney told reporters at a regular briefing.

Washington and Kabul have been working on a deal allowing a limited U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, as U.S. and NATO troops have failed to weed out the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in a bloody and costly war that has lasted more than 11 years.

"As we have said, we envision that the bilateral security agreement will address access to and use of Afghanistan facilities by U.S. forces," Carney noted. "But we seek no permanent military bases in Afghanistan. We've been very clear about that."

In a speech at the Kabul University on Thursday, Karzai said that Washington wants military bases in major Afghan cities including Kabul, Bagram, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Gardez, Kandahar, Helmand, Shindand and Herat.

He added that Kabul conditions the request on U.S. help in boosting the country's security and national forces as well as in building a strong economy and government.

Negotiations between the U.S. and Afghan governments on security agreements started late last year. Karzai stressed on Thursday that Afghanistan would seek a balanced relationship with other nations and try to allay concerns of its neighbors.

U.S. not seeking permanent bases in Afghanistan: spokesman - Xinhua | English.news.cn
need to withdraw BASES NOW, the economy of US also affects economy of rest of world, do you know happened to taiwanese economy during that last big recession???
need to withdraw BASES NOW, the economy of US also affects economy of rest of world, do you know happened to taiwanese economy during that last big recession???

They can print $ and get loan from themselves until oil is traded in $.
From my perspective I think the Next super power "india" should come to rescue and save Afghanistan from Taliban/recession or whatever, They seem to be very interested in afghan.
They were together as parts of various empires in history. Concept of nation states is fairly new :)

i know they are similar people, that is why border/immigration disputes, just like us here and with mexico.

do you think it would be best for them to become ONE country???
i know they are similar people, that is why border/immigration disputes, just like us here and with mexico.

do you think it would be best for them to become ONE country???

There were talks of a confederation in the early 50s.... but shyt hit the fan...
i know they are similar people, that is why border/immigration disputes, just like us here and with mexico.

do you think it would be best for them to become ONE country???

That question you should put to Paks and Afghans :). To me Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese look alike, does'nt mean you people have to become one country.
That question you should put to Paks and Afghans :). To me Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese look alike, does'nt mean you people have to become one country.

do you indians think you have much in common with the pakistanis/bangladeshis?? i have always wondered this, i have had both indian and pakistan classmates here, and they seem to get along quite well with each other, some even look a little alike.
do you indians think you have much in common with the pakistanis/bangladeshis?? i have always wondered this, i have had both indian and pakistan classmates here, and they seem to get along quite well with each other, some even look a little alike.

Yes we have lot in common and lots of differences too because we have lived side by side for centuries. Not to mention we can understand each other's languages such as Hindi/Urdu (mutually intelligible), even Bangladeshis can. Subcontinental people generally get along well when we are in a foreign country. Otherwise we are always fighting and bickering with each other.
Yes we have lot in common and lots of differences too because we have lived side by side for centuries. Not to mention we can understand each other's languages such as Hindi/Urdu (mutually intelligible), even Bangladeshis can. Subcontinental people generally get along well when we are in a foreign country. Otherwise we are always fighting and bickering with each other.

so you are closer than some think, after all. but maybe if india was more lenient on kashmir issue, then maybe things would be for better...i mean, is it very important to India? India is a big nation, after all.
There were talks of a confederation in the early 50s.... but shyt hit the fan...

Is that true? there were violent protest and Pakistan embassy was ransacked in Kabul when NWFP was dissolved for one unit.
maybe if india was more lenient on kashmir issue, then maybe things would be for better...i mean, is it very important to India? India is a big nation, after all.

It is simply not possible to gift away pieces of your country's land to buy peace. Shows weakness :).
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