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U.S. Must Keep Its Distance in Pakistan


Dec 20, 2006
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February 11, 2008
Star-Ledger of Newark

Sometimes doing less is better than doing more. Such is the case in Pakistan today. Pakistan’s president, Pervez Musharraf, is so discredited that it is in American interests for him to cede power—but only if Pakistanis themselves hasten his demise. American intervention against him or on his behalf would be counterproductive to our long-term interests in Pakistan.

The Bush administration continues to support Musharraf in order to ensure Pakistan’s counterterrorism collaboration. Most Pakistan experts outside of government, on the other hand, assert that Washington should curtail its support for Musharraf and throw its full weight behind free and fair democratic elections. Yet neither prescription can fulfill Washington’s security interests today and in the future.

To mitigate near- and long-term security challenges in Pakistan, the United States must instead develop a third way. This alternative must persuade Pakistan’s military and its general population that counterterrorism is important to Pakistan, regardless of any American agenda. Washington’s Pakistan policy should reflect the need to appeal to both constituencies within Pakistan.

For Pakistan to undertake a successful counterterrorism campaign against the troika of dangerous Islamists within its borders—al Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban and domestic militants—its people must believe that such an effort is in their self-interest. We know from Iraq that winning over the populace is vital to a successful counterinsurgency or counterterrorism campaign. Pakistanis need to be convinced that Islamist extremism threatens their way of life.

Presently, though, many Pakistanis attribute the rise of Islamist extremism in Pakistan to Musharraf’s ill-fated alliance with the United States. Given his role in sacking the chief justice last March and declaring a state of emergency in November to ensure his re-election as president, Musharraf’s unpopularity seems irreversible.

Accordingly, the appeal of a Musharraf-centric explanation for domestic terrorism will fade only if Pakistan continues to experience militant attacks after the president’s downfall. This is why Musharraf ultimately must go. Until he does, Pakistanis will not accept that the fundamentalists have a more expansive goal: to impose strict Islamic law on all of Pakistan.

Yet the support of the Pakistani people—while necessary—is not sufficient to carry out a prolonged, effective counterterrorism campaign. The concurrence of a motivated Pakistani army is also essential. To maintain the army’s support, Washington cannot instigate Musharraf’s demise.

Many in Pakistan’s army believe the United States will desert Pakistan when America’s immediate interests in the region are satisfied. Historical events have informed this belief. Washington withdrew from the region, for example, after the Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, leaving Pakistan to deal with a failed state on its western flank. Throwing Musharraf overboard would only fortify this view, even among Musharraf’s enemies.

Washington, then, faces an unenviable paradox: Pakistanis will not accept that Islamist extremism poses an existential threat to Pakistani society while Musharraf remains in power. But abandoning Musharraf would undo any trust fostered among the army brass since 9/11 and would likely deter wholehearted Pakistani military collaboration on a protracted and costly counterterrorism mission.

Instead of digging a deeper ditch with one constituency or the other, Washington should err on the side of inaction. We should not hasten Musharraf’s demise, but neither should we prop him up. We should continue to collaborate operationally with the Pakistani security services but avoid any provocative U.S. incursions or strikes. Even praise for Musharraf’s handpicked successor as army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, should be kept to a minimum; Washington’s enthusiastic endorsement diminishes his credibility in Pakistan.

Washington should press for transparent elections on Feb. 18 but not appear to favor any candidate, as it did with Benazir Bhutto. American support is more of an obstacle than an asset. Moreover, Washington will need to work with whoever emerges as Pakistan’s next leader.

For Pakistan to align itself unreservedly with a counterterrorism mission that fulfills American security interests, both its general populace and army must believe that fighting Islamist militancy is not merely a quid pro quo with the United States but a necessary battle for the survival of their society. This joint outlook can only emerge after Pakistanis oust Musharraf—without American interference.

U.S. Must Keep Its Distance in Pakistan - Council on Foreign Relations
It is all very easy to say that free and fair elections should be held and democracy restored.

But the issue is, will it bring about a stable Pakistan that the military has not yet been able to provide so far?

Political parties that are in Pakistan, in its present form, will only lead to further chaos since they will have to take "political decisions" that maybe far from "pragmatic decisions". Politics requires compromises since it is the votes that matter and that comes from the people, who need not be of a pragmatic variety. The military, on the other hand, has no constituency to appease!

So, is Musharraf such a bad bet?
In last 5 to 6 years Musharraf was some how able to hold back unaligned democratic forces as well as Islamic fundamentalists. This was the sole reason USA kept supporting Musharraf.

Now from last few months situation is changing very fast. In current scenario, Political parties and Islamic fundamentalists are gaining power against Musharraf, that makes a tough ride for him.

Though Islamic fundamentalist can not completely take over Pakistan at least in near future, but as Salim said, if democratic government comes in power it will be weak and any decision making will be really difficult for them due triangular power friction.

Looking to situation it would be really challenging for Pakistan to take out country from alarming condition. USA is going to play crucial role in Pakistan’s internal politic.
Musharaff did not do enough to reverse the damage that was started by Zia when Zia started to destroy the secular nature of the military. And on the other hand he also mismanaged the army and ISI's role against domestic terrorism and made too many people, especially in NWFP and Balochistan angry at the government...this has created a very dangerous situation which NATO/US/India can exploit to try and split pakistan vertically. Now so many people within pakistan hate the army providing opportunity for RAW/CIA/NATO etc etc to send terrorists against the army and create further chaos. Well I think Kiyani can hopefully handle this mess better than Musharaff, even the west seems to like him more which means they feel less threatened by his policies, for some reason.
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