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U.S. may remove all troops from Afghanistan after 2014


Apr 28, 2011
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Washington (CNN) -- The Obama administration is considering the possibility of removing all U.S. troops in Afghanistan after the NATO combat mission officially finishes at the end of 2014, White House officials said Tuesday.
The comments by Ben Rhodes, the White House's deputy national security adviser, come as the Pentagon and White House mull over the number of troops that could be left in Afghanistan after 2014 to fight insurgents and train Afghan security forces.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Obama are scheduled to meet on Friday in Washington.
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Rhodes said the administration is considering a range of options, with one scenario having no U.S. troops there. The range, according to defense officials, had until recently been between 6,000 and 15,000 U.S. troops possibly remaining in the country, based on an assessment by the U.S. top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen.
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"We have an objective of making sure there's no safe haven for al Qaeda within Afghanistan and making sure that the Afghan government has a security force that is sufficient, again, to assure the stability of the Afghan government and the denial of that safe haven," Rhodes said.
"That's what causes us to look for different potential troop numbers or not having potential troops in the country," he continued.
Rhodes said there were no expectations of any deal on post-2014 troop levels during the Karzai visit, and he said it could be months before any decision was made.
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The White House remains committed to ensuring Afghanistan does not return to its status as a safe haven for Al Qaeda, Rhodes said
"The president does not view these negotiations as having a goal of keeping U.S. troops in Afghanistan," he said. "And we're guided by the shared missions that we've agreed to with the Afghans, the training and equipping of their forces, and counterterrorism."
But the United States also is insistent on legal protection for any troops in Afghanistan after 2014.
If there is no agreement on that between the United States and Karzai between now and the end of 2014, then it could lead to a similar situation for the United States as when it left Iraq.
The refusal by the Iraqi government to extend legal protections for U.S. troops after the end of the war in Iraq was a major reason the United States left the country with no residual military training force.
But Karzai has said he would like for U.S. troops to remain after the end of the NATO mission. He also has been highly critical of the troops over the years, following incidents in which U.S. forces have killed civilians.
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U.S. defense officials are playing a wait-and-see game on what the Karzai visit will produce.
As one defense official told CNN on Monday about the Afghan president, "It's Karzai; who knows what he will want on any given day?"
U.S. may remove all troops from Afghanistan after 2014 - CNN.com
Well there goes Afghanistan

If that happens then AFG needs to break up. No sense in keeping the Northerners hostage to the bull **** of the south. AFG reminds me of the USA during the US Civil War era. You have the crazy religous nut jobs in the south and the more sane progressive people in the North. Unlike the US though, AFG has never had a central govt and its people hate each other. So god f'ing damn it just break up and let your people live in peace. Nobody would have to deal with the bs of the Pashtuns. They can have their taliban in their own territory and nobody will care.
I say we get the hell out of there now let Afghanistan burn OBL is dead we've pissed away enough money as it is in aid/military packages to the corrupt Karzai regime which was intended to help the people of Afghanistan and improve their military and it made no progress whatsoever. God only knows how many thugs/militant groups are waiting to pour back into Kabul after we leave its bound to happen sooner or later.
I say we get the hell out of there now let Afghanistan burn OBL is dead we've pissed away enough money as it is in aid/military packages to the corrupt Karzai regime which was intended to help the people of Afghanistan and improve their military and it made no progress whatsoever. God only knows how many thugs/militant groups are waiting to pour back into Kabul after we leave its bound to happen sooner or later.


The Pashtuns don't think like 99 percent of people in the world. Material things, science etc... doesn't interest them. Basically there needs to be a country called Pashtunistan for Pashtun people only. That's the only way. When there's a cancerous tumor on your body, you don't let it stay there, you remove it. Afghanistan in this current format simply doesn't work.

The Pashtuns don't think like 99 percent of people in the world. Material things, science etc... doesn't interest them. Basically there needs to be a country called Pashtunistan for Pashtun people only. That's the only way. When there's a cancerous tumor on your body, you don't let it stay there, you remove it. Afghanistan in this current format simply doesn't work.

From what it seems like you are trying to say that Pashtun people are backwards and incapable of being civilized? sorry if i misinterpreted.

The Pashtuns don't think like 99 percent of people in the world. Material things, science etc... doesn't interest them. Basically there needs to be a country called Pashtunistan for Pashtun people only. That's the only way. When there's a cancerous tumor on your body, you don't let it stay there, you remove it. Afghanistan in this current format simply doesn't work.

The same can be said about backward people of cholistan, interior sindh, balochistan and northern areas.
The same can be said about backward people of cholistan, interior sindh, balochistan and northern areas.

well I don't know about those place so can't comment, but regarding Baluchistan I can b/c we have Baluchis in Iran. It's true that Baluchi people are generally "backward" compared to the rest of Iranians (no matter what ethnicity, religon or culture), but at least they're not violent people. Maybe it's b/c the Iranian govt has a tight control over the country, but they're not at all violent like Pashtuns. Pashtuns even have their own code (the code is called pashtunwali and it's right out of the ancient times if you actually try to live based on this) and they unconditionally support the taliban. Heck, all the Afghan members of the taliban are pashtuns. On top of that you don't have to go too far back to see all the genocides committed by the Pashtuns against Hazaras and other minorities in the country. So it's not a recent thing. Pashtuns live and die by the sword.
well I don't know about those place so can't comment, but regarding Baluchistan I can b/c we have Baluchis in Iran. It's true that Baluchi people are generally "backward" compared to the rest of Iranians (no matter what ethnicity, religon or culture), but at least they're not violent people. Maybe it's b/c the Iranian govt has a tight control over the country, but they're not at all violent like Pashtuns. Pashtuns even have their own code (the code is called pashtunwali and it's right out of the ancient times if you actually try to live based on this) and they unconditionally support the taliban. Heck, all the Afghan members of the taliban are pashtuns. On top of that you don't have to go too far back to see all the genocides committed by the Pashtuns against Hazaras and other minorities in the country. So it's not a recent thing. Pashtuns live and die by the sword.

True those tribals are belligerent by heart, after 9/11 Bush wanted to bomb Afghanistan to the stone age but Afghanistan pretty much was and still is set in that era so we basically ended up bombing their stones.
well I don't know about those place so can't comment, but regarding Baluchistan I can b/c we have Baluchis in Iran. It's true that Baluchi people are generally "backward" compared to the rest of Iranians (no matter what ethnicity, religon or culture), but at least they're not violent people. Maybe it's b/c the Iranian govt has a tight control over the country, but they're not at all violent like Pashtuns. Pashtuns even have their own code (the code is called pashtunwali and it's right out of the ancient times if you actually try to live based on this) and they unconditionally support the taliban. Heck, all the Afghan members of the taliban are pashtuns. On top of that you don't have to go too far back to see all the genocides committed by the Pashtuns against Hazaras and other minorities in the country. So it's not a recent thing. Pashtuns live and die by the sword.

History would never forgive you for what you iranians have done with your baloch population.

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