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U.S. Marines probe video of men urinating on Taliban corpses

If you check the video why are non of the "taliban" carrying weapons and why have they got a wheelbarrow........it seems like a few innocent teenagers have been murdered.
What we Pakistanis are dalits or blacks??? we cant have an opinion??? we are disqualified from talking about humanity??? Why?? You an Indian talk about it after Gujrat Kashmir and all the insurgencies in India?? We dont hold you personally responsible and you should afford us the same respect

I think we are talking abt the army misbehavior not the riots and insurgencies. Wat I am trying to say is our army captured 90000 Pakistani soldiers(POW) but we aren't tortured them and we safely handed over to Pakistan . But wat kind of treatment Kalia got ?? frm urside , your army failed to thought abt our courtesy towards Pakistan in 1971. Your ARMY DID(disciplined force) That's y I posted in that way.

If some terrorists did the barbaric means its somewhat acceptable I mean its their nature.
Fine. So we are terrible. But the question is about YOU going Taliban. YOU said you would rather be a Taliban. So when are you going to move to Afghanistan, start beating up on women, and molesting 'dancing boys'? Are we seeing a more true 'you' today, a misogynist and child molester?
Seems to me that the US just killed those people, I guess that really tells you everything you need to know about how they feel about the Taliban...

do you know when the killings took place?

why is Pakistan looking to purchase weapons from us? I guess we must be doing something right.

do you know something we dont? :what:

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

I do not think that you do either.

i actually know it very well, as i was a part of it up until 5 years ago ;)

who the fack are you?
Glad they could do this at that time since they are not wearing PAMPERS. :lol:
any way :tdown: for such idiotic act.
Fine. So we are terrible. But the question is about YOU going Taliban. YOU said you would rather be a Taliban. So when are you going to move to Afghanistan, start beating up on women, and molesting 'dancing boys'? Are we seeing a more true 'you' today, a misogynist and child molester?

A child molester? Really???

I do not think Mr.Azad is a priest working at a church at all...
These Americans have only one point to justify this act that Taliban did same in 9/11.
I ask them:
1. You want to become Taliban?
2. It has never been proved that those attacks were even done by Taliban.
3. If some group of people have performed an act of cowardness, then who should be punished in return?
4. After US attack on Afghanistan more attacks on Muslims have been witnessed instead of Americans.
5. And the final blow......Few days back US said that Taliban are not their enemys, rather friends.
Where should we go. Actually Americans think they are kings of this World.
If we had let 9/11 go un-responded, there certainly will be more terrorism. Remember, the WTC Towers were attacked before.

Of course the hardcore terrorists will always be there. However, acts such as this will make it much easier for the Taliban or whomever to recruit more people (than usual) into their ranks. One thing for sure, the defense industry will be very happy.
CNN contributor salutes Marines for urinating on dead Afghans
The video of American marines urinating on the corpses of Afghan civilians has prompted worldwide outrage, condemnation from the White House and the opening of a federal investigation. CNN's Dana Loesch thinks the whole thing is pretty cool, though.

Loesch, the 33-year-old CNN contributor hired last year to offer political analysis for the coming election, is already giving the network their money's worth. Speaking during her own syndicated radio program on Thursday, Loesch discussed the just-surfaced video that shows four Marines urinating on the corpses of slain Afghans, presumed to be civilians.

Her own insight seems to be a bit more harsh than the commentary that others are offering.

“I’d drop trou and do it too,” Loesch told listeners during the January 12 broadcast of The Dana Show. “I want a million ‘cool points’ for these guys. Is that harsh to say?” she asked.

Loesch, who says she was a liberal until the September 11 terrorist attack, added that she had no problem with the act of desecration. “Come on people, this is a war,” she said. On the contrary, even those responsible for continuously waging the deadly operation in Afghanistan have condemned the act portrayed in the video and all the men involved.

The video was uploaded to the Web earlier this week and by Wednesday had garnered mainstream coverage across the world. On Thursday, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said from Fort Bliss, Texas, “The danger is that this kind of video can be misused in many ways to undermine what we are trying to do in Afghanistan and the possibility of reconciliation.” After more than a decade of the War on Terror, the Obama administration has only of late started talks with the Taliban in order to end the operation which has yielded no major success for any party apart from the execution of former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Panetta, who added that the video was “disgusting,” is now worried that the relationship just budding after ten years of conflict might now come crumbling apart.

Loesch, however, seems to be more upset with the nay-sayers than the servicemen who might have just extended America’s war with Afghanistan. “Now we have a bunch of progressives that are talking smack about our military,” she said. “Can someone explain to me if there’s suppose to be a scandal if someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter?”

At one point in the broadcast, Loesch is interrupted by another DJ that announced that, despite what the media is saying, there are no similarities between this incident and the Abu Ghraib scandal that exposed the mistreatment of prisoners of war at an Iraq facility. “It’s nothing compared to what happened at the prison in Iraq,” commented her co-host.

“Completely different story!” responded Loesch.

For a recap, CNN contributor Dana Loesch may or may not have a problem with American soldiers stripping POWs naked and torturing them for days on end. When it comes to pissing on the faces of dead Afghans, however, all is fair in love and war.

CNN has yet to offer a comment on her quip, though should have expected as much from when they hired her. Despite previously calling the network “the biggest bunch of idiot blockheads” with a “blatant disregard for objectivity,” CNN welcomed her aboard in February to offer such genius insight as the extension of “cool points” to American war criminals.

"I'm excited to be working with CNN and am appreciative of their efforts to showcase diverse political thought on their airwaves,” Loesch said in a CNN press release announcing her hiring last year. "I look forward to the discussions."

Current TV host Keith Olbermann brought Loesch into a discussion of his own during the September 28, 2011 broadcast of his program Countdown. In it, the commentator attacked Loesch for saying what he said was “One of the all-time dumbest things in the history of journalism,” but offered a few words in her defense: “It is important to remember here that she is not very bright and thus she has to get a little benefit of the doubt.”

Given her latest gaffe, CNN might want to reconsider their hiring process. For a “real” news network, we’re not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for this one.
CNN contributor salutes Marines for urinating on dead Afghans (AUDIO) — RT
I would ask peoples to read the article of former US marine Ross Caputi in Guardian .

The video of US marines urinating on Afghan corpses does not shock me. Though their behavior is disgusting and unacceptable, I find the public's reaction to this video far more troubling. People are not outraged that there are dead Afghans; they are outraged at the manner in which the dead are treated. This is indicative of our culture's tolerance for war and war crimes – as long as they are done in a gentlemanly fashion.

During the second siege of Fallujah, blatant war crimes were committed, yet the corporate media reported them with indifference. The siege itself was a war crime, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross Summary of International Law, because indiscriminate tactics were used, constant care was not taken to protect the civilian population, proper distinction between civilians and combatants was not made, medical personnel and medical units were not protected, indiscriminate weapons were used, and recent research about the current health crisis in Fallujah suggests that poisonous weapons may have been used as well.

Many of these war crimes were reported by the corporate media, though they were not described as such. For example, the New York Times reported on 8 November 2004 that American forces "seized" the Fallujah general hospital. An incident that I witnessed, as did Paul Wood and Robbie Wright from the BBC, was when my unit fired grenades into a house until it collapsed – with full knowledge that there were two resistance fighters and a young boy (roughly 10 years old) inside. Paul Wood interviewed the lieutenant at the scene, and he acknowledged that they had killed the young boy. In both of these reports, war crimes and Geneva Conventions were never mentioned, and the façade of honorable conduct was preserved.

What did not make it into the news was my behavior in Fallujah and the behavior of others in my unit, which I am certain would have elicited outrage equal to that elicited by this video of the urinating marines. I believe that the second siege of Fallujah can correctly be characterised as an "atrocity-producing situation". Our false beliefs about who we were fighting, our dehumanisation of Fallujans, our desire to "see combat" (a cute euphemism) and to get a confirmed kill, and our longing for revenge for lost comrades against a faceless enemy all conspired to create a bloodthirsty and lawless atmosphere.

I witnessed marines stealing from the pockets of dead resistance fighters and looting houses. I've heard firsthand accounts of marines mutilating dead bodies, of a marine who murdered a civilian, and of a marine who slit a puppy's throat. As the days of the siege passed, we used increasingly indiscriminate and illegal tactics – like "reconnaissance by fire", which is when you fire into a house to see if anyone is inside. The violence, the hate and our distorted sense of morality made many of us sick, including myself. I stole a black ski mask out of someone's home, because I wanted to take it home as a trophy, as evidence that I had fought against the "terrorists".

My behavior and the behavior of others in my unit was despicable, as was the behavior of these marines urinating on corpses. But we shouldn't let ourselves be fooled that an immoral mission and immoral war could ever be conducted in an honorable manner. War crimes were implicit in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and they are abundant in the continued occupation of Afghanistan.

Yet, many of us choose not to see these war crimes, even though they are right in front of our faces. Only when a shocking YouTube video comes along, do we choose to look. And even then, what we see is the urinating, not the dead bodies.

Source: The marines urination video doesn't show the real war crime | Ross Caputi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
We all know the US will never be bought to book for their war crimes. The ICC is a joke.

Its nice to see that some ex US marines have dare to speak the truth unlike this apologist gambit who was trying to bring excuses instead of focusing on actual issue and this ex US marine was right that violence, hate and this distorted sense of morality is reason behind such sickness and he was also right to say that we shouldn't let ourselves be fooled that an immoral mission and immoral war could ever be conducted in an honorable manner. He was discharged from the army in 2006 because of his criticism :)
gambit is more nationalistic American than Americans themselves :laugh:.....i understand it and can respect it.....

let's all try to keep it civilized, or let's agree to disagree and not let emotions take control over decency

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