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U.S. is looking to increase arms sales to India and wants to sell "restricted" drones

India is basically doing what China did in 1979(?). Betraying the eastern bloc to suck up to the west. US will support India until India's Tiannamon massacre happened which ended the US help to PLA.

WHAT! did I just read...
India will betray 'some bloc' by buying advanced weapons from us, and that will lead them to become another China? It will turn them into a mini-china, a communist country that will herd its citizens like sheep and brainwash them from the cradle to the grave?

Dammit! If that's the result of buying weapons from us, we will sell to our enemies too. :cheers:
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Why is it when you want more F16s from us it is not the US milking Pakistan, but when they want it, it is us milking them?
read our f-16 history then sir . i cant help you in this case specially after 1989 .
read our f-16 history then sir . i cant help you in this case specially after 1989 .
You were not discussing history, you were making an economic and business 'intent' argument. F16's history has no relevance.
Milk the holly cow more:lol::lol:
We are not milking them. It is a transactional deal based on their needs and US interests. Unless you think we intend only to make a few bucks, and not a strategic decision to offer these sensitive weapons packages?
You were not discussing history, you were making an economic and business 'intent' argument. F16's history has no relevance.
that is why i said read the history of our payments for f-16 sir . how pakistan got f-16 and at what price under which program ?
LOOOOL.....well, my subconscious already saw US as this while i was reading this article....but maan....India seems to have infinite $$ for defense needs...wow.
Unfortunately the people are the ones suffering in India. They need food, medicine and better infrastructure, not more useless weapons that will be destroyed in a war with China.
We are not milking them. It is a transactional deal based on their needs and US interests. Unless you think we intend only to make a few bucks, and not a strategic decision to offer these sensitive weapons packages?
Everybody knows in the world that India i s your puppet to counter rising China you're arming them with your latest military hardware which you didn't offer to your closest allies Israel/UK/Australia/Japan
Everybody knows in the world that India i s your puppet to counter rising China you're arming them with your latest military hardware which you didn't offer to your closest allies Israel/UK/Australia/Japan

India does not go to war or adhere to our biddings. I'll leave it at that.

Israel/UK/Australia/Japan can indeed purchase the same package. Here is how and to whom the US sells its weapons:

1. The US designates weapons that it will share with all allies. These include many with sensitive technologies and access to our sensitive comms and network. (BTW, US keeps some weapons off any export list to anyone-period, like the F-22)

2. Separately, the US designates sells 'specific ' weaponry to non-allies. Those non-allies don't get access to 'all' weaponry, or if they get access to SOME of the same weaponry as allies. It is limited on tech and functionality within that weapons package. For example, when we sold Pakistan the F16, it did not have all of the top and sensitive technology that our allies had access to within their F16s

3. Non-ally, Ally status- Countries designated under this status get access to weapons we share with allies including sensitive technology BUT granted on per case by case basis. India was denied armed drones for the longest but now it looks like it will be granted access to purchase them. Since India is officially designated as a non-NATO ally, it means they are getting access to weapons our allies can purchase too.
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India does not go to war or adhere to our biddings. I'll leave it at that.

Israel/UK/Australia/Japan can indeed purchase the same package. Here is how and to whom the US sells its weapons:

1. The US designates weapons that it will share with all allies. These include many with sensitive technologies and access to our sensitive comms and network. (BTW, US keeps some weapons off any export list to anyone-period, like the F-22)

2. Separately, the US designates sells 'specific ' weaponry to non-allies. Those non-allies don't get access to 'all' weaponry, or if they get access to SOME of the same weaponry as allies. It is limited on tech and functionality within that weapons package. For example, when we sold Pakistan the F16, it did not have all of the top and sensitive technology that our allies had access to within their F16s

3. Non-ally, Ally status- Countries designated under this status get access to weapons we share with allies including sensitive technology BUT granted on per case by case basis. India was denied armed drones for the longest but now it looks like it will be granted access to purchase them. Since India is officially designated as a non-NATO ally, it means they are getting access to weapons our allies can purchase too.
whatever the reality is you put India in front of China because you want to complete a blockade around China, from Central Asian countries to India
Why is it when you want more F16s from us it is not the US milking Pakistan, but when they want it, it is us milking them?
USA cannot milk Pakistan due to JF-17 now, which is why PAF is not going ahead with F-16 sale without concession through CSF.

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