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U.S. efforts fail to convince Pakistan's top general to target Taliban

"Since U.S. boots in Pakistan are out of the question,"
You have no idea of what you are talking about.

Oh really? Why don't you enlighten me with your knowledge?

Any U.S. activity in Pakistan is either reviled or extremely controversial.

My point was that without cooperation, the effort to eliminate TTP/Taliban is doomed to failure.

Why are drone strikes being carried out on Pakistani soil? Just to irritate Pakistan? Ridiculous. If there were identifiable enclaves of terrorist leaders in Afghanistan, politically it is far easier to execute strikes there, than into Pakistan.

I'm getting two messages:

1) U.S. Get OUT of Afghanistan; or...
2) If you leave, the region will fall into anarchy and Pakistan will suffer.

So which one is it?

Without cooperation, the end result will be (shall we say ) less than desirable.

Believe me, I'd love to see all U.S. forces completely out of all foreign bases. Every single one of them. If that happened, the world would shriek "You need to clean up your mess!" The other option (press on; fight the battle) also results in condemnation.

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