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U.S. doesn't expect Pakistan to reopen Afghan war supply routes soon

As I said the mere fact that they are not reopened after 5 months is in itself a victory even if they reopened on American terms tomorrow. Five months is not American terms lol

Good point, but only if the delay of five months does not cause further damage to Pakistan elsewhere. After all, cutting off one's nose to spite one's face is never smart, is it?
Pakistan is not caving because its military leadership wields power over civilian one

Incorrect: blockage of NATO routes has wide popular support.

The "democratic" civilian government is acting democratic, for a change.
Incorrect: blockage of NATO routes has wide popular support.

The "democratic" civilian government is acting democratic, for a change.

Then again, blockade of NATO routes always had popular support since the drone strikes paced up from, i believe, late 2008. Why didn't they block the route in these 4 years?

Pakistan has no "democratic" government. It is a dictatorship run by a parliament that would better be called fish-market, as in many developing countries.

Only reason why supply was blocked is due to patriotic elements in the armed forces who pressurized the so-called civilian govt into doing so.
Then again, blockade of NATO routes always had popular support since the drone strikes paced up from, i believe, late 2008. Why didn't they block the route in these 4 years?

Pakistan has no "democratic" government. It is a dictatorship run by a parliament that would better be called fish-market, as in many developing countries.

Only reason why supply was blocked is due to patriotic elements in the armed forces who pressurized the so-called civilian govt into doing so.

Since you have already made up your mind that the military forced the government into this action, and are now going into a tangent about civilian dictatorships, there's no point debating the issue.
Since you have already made up your mind that the military forced the government into this action, and are now going into a tangent about civilian dictatorships, there's no point debating the issue.

Your point is, the decision was taken by civilian govt. themselves?
Your point is, the decision was taken by civilian govt. themselves?

I am saying support for route closures is within the wider society, not just the military.

Truckers back NATO supply-route closure - USATODAY.com

This civilian government takes great pleasure in poking and taunting the military; the only reason they have maintained route closure is to avoid looking like total US stooges in the face of public opinion.
all over the world people want democracy. why is it in pakistan media and people always beging military to take over. is it because of being too much religious minded and gullible. almost all islamic countries are run by kings and dictators even to this day and age.
I am saying support for route closures is within the wider society, not just the military.

Truckers back NATO supply-route closure - USATODAY.com

This civilian government takes great pleasure in poking and taunting the military; the only reason they have maintained route closure is to avoid looking like total US stooges in the face of public opinion.

That is normal. Especially after the illegal attack which killed 26 soldiers, I would be surprised if a significant portion of public in pakistan does not support not only blocking supplies, but getting out of war on terror completely.

I guess it was the "red line" for civilian government. I remember reading news that pakistan's military establishment changed the commander of a division which is normally used for coup d etats, during the civilian military divide which ensued after the attack.
all over the world people want democracy. why is it in pakistan media and people always beging military to take over. is it because of being too much religious minded and gullible. almost all islamic countries are run by kings and dictators even to this day and age.

People want dictator....So let it be dictator .... Isn't that what democracy is .... People's choice????
People want dictator....So let it be dictator .... Isn't that what democracy is .... People's choice????

Democracy basically means nobody in the government will have absolute power. Everybody can be held accountable for their actions.
look at the state of islamic countries run by dictators. pakistan dont need dictators but needs leaders who represent people. almost all leaders in pakistan are from rich upper class. pakistanis should choose better leaders with their voting power. use democratic means to get things down. change the system
I guess it was the "red line" for civilian government. I remember reading news that pakistan's military establishment changed the commander of a division which is normally used for coup d etats, during the civilian military divide which ensued after the attack.

The civilian government is shameless; it has no red lines. It was only popular sentiment which compelled them to cave in against their baser instincts.

I don't know about any Pak army division dedicated to coup d'etats. But, anyway, let's leave that since that's not the topic here.

all over the world people want democracy. why is it in pakistan media and people always beging military to take over. is it because of being too much religious minded and gullible. almost all islamic countries are run by kings and dictators even to this day and age.

What does your post have to do with the topic? Who is asking the military to take over in Pakistan?
Question is , does USA want restoration of supplyline?

No they don't. They will pull out soon

all over the world people want democracy. why is it in pakistan media and people always beging military to take over. is it because of being too much religious minded and gullible. almost all islamic countries are run by kings and dictators even to this day and age.

To be fair though, you have to admit they are making progress in that department. There was supposed to be a coup just recently, I think earlier this year or late last year, can't recall the exact details now. Perhaps a Pakistani poster can help. The rough details I know is, everyone was expecting it to happen, but somehow the coup didn't happen and the civilian government stayed in power. The idea didn't sit well with everyone this time.
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