What Afghan reserves? IEA don't use banking systems but off-grid with Hawala system. This means that Biden freezes the money intended for Afghan gov't and what does this has to do with Taliban..
There was never been any money exchanges to be cut between them before.. I hate these hyperbolic misleading titles just misusing information sharing and fake newsing everything..
- NO money exhange ever recorded between them previously
- IEA uses Hawala systems meaning off-grid
- IEA has no intention of wealth exhanges or anything with the US in the realm of wealth IEA will rebuild her country by her own resources and money.
- The only thing the Americans can do is to just stay out of our sights or in simple english just leave my channel go do you and go do something else or occupy yourself with something else get outta my face..
They have frozen the Afghan Bank's foreign exchange assets which actully harms their so-called allies who are still in the country but this has nothing to do with the Taliban as they use the Hawala System and off-grid.. I don't even understand why Taliban would be accessing money in the Afghan bank's assets which is held by private people and it is their orivate property what they actully did is freezing the money of their allies