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U.S Cutting Off All Funding To Taliban




You meant this cash?
Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

Americans were never funding the Taliban.

Next day report: "China opens all funding for Afghanistan and get access to Largest Lithium reserves and creates CPEC 2.0"

Well done Ameerka you lost again!

Don't know what is this Hawala system off-grid...but if you mean informal money transfer system then it ain't be possible for them to now run a country with Hawala.... Besides, Afghanistan is a landlocked country with literally no source of income (other than opium)..... Let's see who all will feed them....

Afghanistan has alot of potential resources, agri and can bypass the US entirely by doing business with countries that are friendly in the area so the US is not needed whatsoever since they are from 10.000 miles away but there are regional players for such trade China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. IEA has no need for the US in any way or shape. The best outcome is the quicker we forget about each other and move on separately..

Afghanistan can become self-relient on food within 4-5 years it has great agri potential.. It is basically bye felicia US
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Afghanistan has alot of potential resources, agri and can bypass the US entirely by doing business with countries that are friendly in the area so the US is not needed whatsoever since they are from 10.000 miles away but there are regional players for such trade China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. IEA has no need for the US in any way or shape. The best outcome is the quicker we forget about each other and move on separately..

Afghanistan can become self-relient on food within 4-5 years it has great agri potential.. It is basically bye felicia US

Let's see mate....these Could, Would, Can.... that could not happen ever before under Najib, Russians, US...will now happen under Taliban..... is unlikely....

And do you think West will let China having a cake-walk?...... I still think this all sudden exit of US and Taliban blitzkrieg could be a well thought of plan....to create a void and let other power (Esp. China) come rushing to fill in......and then create a mayhem for China through proxies (ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc etc).
Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

LOL so these are the same Americans and Westerners that cry for Afghan women and girls, but are now going to economically hurt them? Nice one.
Clearly you did not care to even open the link and rather jumped to opine.

Headline is"
Biden administration freezes billions of dollars in Afghan reserves, depriving Taliban of cash".

Hope it's clear to you now..what's being stopped.

That is mainly going to impact the women and girls that the Americans and their Western partners love so much.

Not that it will matter much considering Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China will step in.
Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

Taliban bend over backwards for US/Western recognition or start walking like puppy dogs to hope for US recognition its not going to come, only slogan will be "Do More". It will be Pakistan all over but bit more worse as US don't have to worry about a nuclear state and ramifications.
Do you guys really think US is going to let Taliban implement Sharia in their country and let another country to be not in their grasp or slip away from their influence? Why they tried so hard to contain and destabilize Iran, simply they want to control Iran and rest of the world in one or the other way and talking of Islamic system is anathema for them. So expect troubles for Taliban for every turn and and road lie ahead is going to be bumpy for them. I will not be surprised Syria like situation for them created but that will only going to come about if one of the Afghan neighbours give them space or US manages to destabilize Pakistan. There are plenty of bro's are going to jump up and down, but bear in mind how many of our politicians are in US pockets. IK in next election can be defeated in different way's and then West got destabilized Pakistan and base for Afghan troubles.
Pakistan will be shouldering the responsibility for the time being given they are the big brother of Afghan Taliban. Or Taliban could resort to illegal drug trade. There is no other way. Earlier America was footing the bill of Afghan administration and military. Taliban with this usurpation of power kicked their food plate with their legs. Pakistan can easily provide for Afghan Taliban as it gives them strategic depth.
You fellows really need to start thinking laterally and outside the box. Taliban already have financial backing from two countries (hint, hint), and this number will exponentially grow. Enough said.
And whatever funding was given to the Afghan govt can't be at least directly given to the Taliban govt-in-making without extracting some concessions. Biden is already in hot water!
PS. My hunch is that Taliban were promised power through a 'transition' but the speed of their victory and Ghani running away have put a monkey wrench into schemes.

Visibly and functionally inclusive government (they should consider giving Abdullah Abdullah a high position in the new government, maybe maybe also Karzai)

Visible restoration of girls education up and including university and graduate schools (such as law and medicine) for which they can ask for aid to be extended or access to the money in the reserves to fund until they can fund it selves once the economy is back up and running. Even the old government of Ghani funding the schools through us aid; so it’s not reasonable for Talibs to fund all those schools themselves if their money is cut off. Karzai should be put in charge of getting this kind of funding from the west as well as food and medical aid.

visibly allowing women to operate in civil society and work

these three things will help Biden save face and should convince the world that the money needs to be released. If the money isn’t released Afghan slides into anarchy (from lack of funding and food aid) there will be a migrant crisis of Millions.

it’s not about pleasing the west but about mutually beneficial understandings. Secondly, the Talibs should extract recognition so they can start reconstruction efforts unimpeded of time wasting political hurdles, especially if they are following through with their earlier diplomatic/treaty commitments

Taliban should also consider (if they are politically savvy and want someone directly interact with half the population) to get a female Afghan Islamic scholar that has a track record of good works and credibility amongst the people.

they want to get someone like this as at least one of their education ministers.

they should also consider a female medical minister and obviously a woman for the job of women’s affair minister
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Where is their concern for humanity now?? Knowing full well this is not going to hurt Taliban as much as it is going to hurt the Afghan common folk. What impact will this have on women that West cries so much about??

This was expected. Look at Vietnam they were recognized only a few years back that too to the hatred of China. Money and food would come in from other sources and in a few years relations would become normal with the West.
Ah expecting US to care for ordinary people of the country they invaded, sweet.
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