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U.S. committed to providing best defense technology to India: Leon Panetta

Yeah right! :lol:

the MRCA was real eye opener

Dont get too happy indians!! US has a history of using other countries for its own benefits and abandoning them once the interest is acheived. Im sure most of u would know that!!

Every nation on this planet does that.
Being non aligned puts you in a precarious position of having no allies. That is a mentality we cannot afford anymore due to the missteps we have taken in defence production for decades. Time to close the gap the only way we have available now.

Again, you are contradicting yourself! India has more allies/friendly countries today than in the past and the deeper relations now to US is just a proof for that! If we have bound ourselfs in the past to Russia instead, because they were and still are the most reliable ally of India, a closer relation to the US would not be possible now. So the non alignment is the key to get more allies/friendly countries and not for less!
Secondly, India is way stronger in it's own defence capabilities than in the past and even China has realised that. That's why they started beefing up the Tibet area to counter us and when IN has the new nuclear subs and carriers inducted we will have even a credible 2nd strike option to deter China from an attack. That's why we are not dependent on support of allies to defend ourselfs.
agreed, but he has a point. Never trust especially the Us too much

America is superpower, which gives her too much flexibility in what she does, she can cut her losses and be off in times of peril, unlike her allies.

USA cannot be ignored given the benefits, but must be kept at a distance.
i'd tread a bit more cautiously than that, but good luck anyhow and enjoy :D

the Americans look after their own interests first even if they have to trample on 40 others.....that's their modus-operandi and always has been. Hard not to respect that -- that's what all countries are supposed to do. If only our leaders did the same.

sounds more like wishful thinking.....tell that to the daughter of your (former?) consul general in New York :laugh:

It's about geo politics - we are concentrating on the Far East now - with countries who are majorly allied with the US - Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, another focus area is Africa which is the future growth area - again a continent with heavy US influence, tomorrow it will be South America and later the ME. The US is active in 60 countries in the world, a relation based on mutual benefits in a third country is what will make the relation workable and profitable. The US has its own set of priorities and needs from a relation with India - both strategic and economical. You scratch my back I scratch yours.

Vis-a vis Pakistan's necessity for the US in the beginning stages was majorly 1st as an offset to India and China, then to counter the Soviets in Afghanistan and now as a transit route to reach Afghanistan.

A relationship based on immediate needs and a relation based on long term goals are two different things, a relation based on an immediate requirement is a trade off bargain - I pay you so much and I expect you to complete your end of the bargain. You don't keep up with your end of the bargain - it pisses off the other entity. A well thought out policy based extension of a hand of friendship is based on mutual respect and always has breathing space and space for gradual improvement.

So yeah we always know what and why we get into any bilateral pacts/ partnerships.
Dont get too happy indians!! US has a history of using other countries for its own benefits and abandoning them once the interest is acheived. Im sure most of u would know that!!

Don't bother, India's foreign policy has always been India first always, we dont care about others interests including US's.
Thanks fr the heads up mate! But I think the GoI knows what they're doing and we can see India isn't jumping wholeheartedly into bed with the US. India is forging greater friendships with almost every nation on earth and there is no way if you look at recent arms purchases you would say India is learning heavily in favour of any one nation- especially not the US.

+ let's not forget this isn't purely about politics/diplomacy, the C-130,C-17,P-8I, M777, Ah-64D Blk.III and CH-47F are all the best at what they do in their respective fields India isn't buying from the US purely to make freidns but because these tools will significantly boost India's military capabilities.

+ it now turns out the news about Javelin being refused in desired quantities is pure BS and Panetta explicitly said so in a press conference today.

Sir don't you think the stinger missiles given to taliban back in the 80s were also good at what they do in their respective fields. and what about Cobra helicopters given to Pakistan!! please collaborate!

sounds familiar?? lol
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