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U.S Army Chief: “Iran attack option on the table”


Sep 9, 2009
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U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, attended a press conference after his arrival to Israel and made it clear that all options are on the table. “We would operate all our forces for Israel”

“Politically, it is prohibited in any way that Iran will have nuclear weapons”, said Mullen during a press conference convened on Sunday evening only hours after his arrival to Israel. “Right now, diplomatic efforts continue,” he explained, but did not rule out military option, “The option to attack Iran is still on the table, but we’re not there yet.”

“It is very difficult to expect the pace of the Iranian government, I am very concerned with their use of rhetoric and their uranium enrichment program,” said Mullen. “Iran undermines the stability of the region – also in Yemen and Afghanistan. The U.S. government has very serious intentions to impose harsh sanctions and I very much hope that it will end the conflict.”

Mullen also noted that according to the American assessment Iran could obtain a nuclear bomb from one year to three years. However, Mullen stressed that, “conflict with Iran would be a big problem for everyone. I worry about the unintended consequences of an attack. While every situation has limits, we’re not there yet. The diplomatic efforts must be exhausted until the end.”

We Are Close Partners

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S military referred to Israel’s security and made it clear that the U.S. stands behind it. “Israel supports the policy that Obama leads. The Chief of the General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi made this clear to me in a meeting a few weeks ago. That does not mean we are not worried. We have appreciation for Israel and we can take care of its security.”

Additionally Admiral Mullen stressed that between Israel and the U.S. there is real cooperation. “This important relationship with Israel grows stronger every day,” he said. “We are close partners, since the establishment of the state. I am aware of the needs of Israel in every step. I’m here to understand the perspective of those who live here. I worry about the stability and the possibility for instability in the region. We will operate all our forces to have a stable and secure Israel and for the people of Israel.”

Mullen was also asked about the possibility that Israel would attack Iran, and he answered, “Israel’s sovereignty is important to us. We would not hurt Israel’s sovereignty or any other country’s. We worked hard in recent years to improve our abilities in different areas, here in Israel and elsewhere in the region, including the Persian Gulf. Improving capabilities is not a response, but collaboration – all the improvements are only defensive.”

Mullen’s Request: A meeting with the Israeli Delegation to Haiti

During his visit, Admiral Mullen will hold a private meeting with Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi, as well as a briefing with senior commanders of the General Staff, including Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Benny Gantz, Head of Israel Defense Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Head of Strategic Planning Directorate, Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, and the military attaché? to Washington, Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni. The discussion will focus on cooperation between the two militaries and mutual security challenges.

In addition, Admiral Mullen will meet with Minister of Defense Ehud Barak.

Admiral Mullen will be greeted at the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) General Headquarters in Rabin Base, Tel Aviv (Kirya), by an honor guard consisting of IDF soldiers from the ground, air and naval forces, to the sound of the national anthems of Israel and the United States of America.

Admiral Mullen will also visit the Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial and Museum, where he will pay respects to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. At his request, Admiral Mullen will see members of the IDF rescue delegation to Haiti, and hear about their professional experiences with regard to rescue operations and field medical treatment.

Source: defence.professionals | defpro.com
if usa attack on Iran then what option for china how will china react
As far as China was concerned it never allowed tough UN sanctions on Iran while it kept importing Oil from Iran. If th plans for US lead attack on iran along with Israel comes to play, its quite difficult to predict how the equation will be.
Keep in mind that the US overthrew Saddam Hussein despite lack of unanimous UN Security Council support. So no matter what, either the current Iranian regime is overthrown by its own people with US support, or it survive, China will get oil anyway. Iran needs to export to survive no matter who is in power.
How many times is this article going to be posted on this forum? lol.

Nothing will happen ... here is why

no world power will intervene if US plans to go with the attack plan unilaterally.. no one will want to get involve in costly conflict..coz russia,china have other plans such developing their economy..they wont get in the way of USA atleast militarily..

and if US plans to go with a multilateral forces..like UN or NATO..thats not gonna happen..coz after the debacle of Iraq....no sane country will side with USA in another middle east conflict...

and I dont think US will take any action unilaterally..coz they already have two wars to fight and with their economy recovering very slowly after the recession...any such attempt by any1 will have to face the ire of the American public.....

so i think these comments by US army chief are empty rhetoric...diplomatic pressure more than military prssure

P.S:From indian point of view..any such attack will disastrous to india foreign policy strategy..iran has always been a good friend to india even when we voted against them in international forums......But a nuclear iran will be game changer in middle east....:cheers:
Nai Putar Gal Ae hai K !!!!!
that Russia is very close to Iran in many aspect...
and China may not...
lol in their wildest dreams they will never attack iran can't handle afghanistan and iran is 3 times the size and more than twice the population not mention what they'll do to U.S interests in the persian gulf.
By China not going along with sanctions. It increases the probability of a military response. And in that regard look at what has happened in the past year.


1. A new enrichment facility is discovered on an Iranian military base near Qum.

2. Iran has dramatically increased it's enrichment ability including the recent announcement that they would start enriching to 20%.

3. Iran has rebuffed all offers of accommodations in regards to the processing for fuel rods.

4. Documents surface of Iran's work on a nuclear trigger

5.The U.S. has made a recent and urgent push to dramatically upgrade Gulf area missile defenses.

6. Extra naval ships have recently and quietly been sent to the gulf.

7. Elements of the U.S. 6th fleet have been deployed near Israel and Lebanon.

8. Saudi FM al-Faisal said yesterday after a meeting with Secretary of state Clinton "the threat posed by Iran demanded a "more immediate solution" than sanctions." Now how many times have you seen a Secretary of State travel with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? Also Adm. Mullen stated that the option of a military strike was still on the table.

I think the U.S. would like to see dialog work coupled with sanctions. However the administration seems to be coming to the conclusion that Iranian negotiations may be a lost cause. Some experts have said that the end of 2010 would be the best time for an Iran attack. If it's decided that's what needs to be done. But with Putin recently announcing that Russia will honor it's contract with Iran for the S300 system. It could force Israel or the U.S. to act before that happens.

Anyway just a thought. In some ways I hope I am wrong becuase it will be a bloody mess. Hopefully Iran wakes up before any conflict takes place.

** I need to clarify that Clinton and Adm. Mullen are meeting separately with leaders in the region.
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US is a menace to this world. Trying to impose its will on other countries. Iran has a right to have nukes (that's if they are even making one). Moreover, the suggestion that Iran would attack Israel is ridiculous to the level that one cannot even imagine. It's sad that people buy into government propaganda and believe X is true just because their government said X is true. One thing governments around the world can depend on is people to be utterly stupid and believe them like what they say is an empirical fact. Iran attacking Israel would be highly suicidal. It's just not an option for it.

Btw, pre-empting what I can see already. No, MA did not say he wants to wipe out Israel off the map. That has been deliberately distorted by western media.

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