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U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

there is a misconception for non Iranians especially that i can see here people don't know much about Iran
if you listne to royalists or communists the problem is simple: mullahs mullahs and mullahs
but the reality and the history is not that simple to understand
at the revolution everyone wanted the shah to be kicked out of the country: no democracy no respect no moral value (especially his wife).. i am just saying some of the many points .... and of course he tortured so many of the good guys or killed in jails.
communists, nationalists, religious , any political or social perception parties were in the revolution
Army came step by step in our side
this was a real revolution of the people and i'll be proud of it always
people in that time wanted moral values .. the islamic could give the morality that was not before
and many many people loved somuch the ideas of shariati (if you want to understand Iranians please read Shariati)
then some ultra got more and more power in the same time that so many events made the situation difficult... it is a complex moment to describe. War came and we bloody didn't think of something else than this war.
When Khomeiny ordered to kill the opposants in jails , Grand Ayatollah Montazeri said he was not agree and it was a beginning of a refusal to dictatorship and bloog leadership. Things went worst with Khamenei who didn't respect the constitution.
The only hope was the reformist movment. Individual rights, more freedom of press, a good economy
then people wanted more and you know what happened... fake elections and so
the situation is not that simple as mullah or not mullah. our country is something more difficult to understand than this.

I read somewhere that if it was not for the Iran Iraq war, the Iranian system would have been much more liberal. The war served as the perfect diversion for Khomeini to eliminate his opponents and impose his agenda.
I read somewhere that if it was not for the Iran Iraq war, the Iranian system would have been much more liberal. The war served as the perfect diversion for Khomeini to eliminate his opponents and impose his agenda.
Many good people left the country, many dead in the war
I think Iranians have the world record of youth leaving the country. Still the youth in Iran changed a lot , the new generation. Our generation , the sacrified generation, we are very critic but the youth is much anti, even some anti religion.
Khamenei suceeded to have a total dictatorship but he suceeds as well to make the youth hate Islam. I hate him for both.

Yeah Iranian society is quite liberal.
When i speak to French about my country i cannot lie to them and say that Iranians are much more like Americans, they value freedom , even in business. But there are many differences: loving arts, not a war minded culture (but i don't know much about this about USA). What i can see here French hate war . Thats' why they don't want any war, except the war in Libya was an exception.
you americans killed Thousands of civilians with chimical bombs and now you are saying that this isnt full us support?
do you know any thing about humanity?shame on you
down with USA
They were the Germans not the Americans who sell the chemical tech to Iraq
the USA is going to start something it won`t be able to end, this will be the beginning of end for American economy
Unless Iran develops a very strong anti-aircraft defense system - which it hasn't so far - the speed boats won't last long. Surely, they are not stored deep underground and the US can track them ... first step before hostilities: bomb the boats in their bases. If some are left later, after getting close to US ship, most will be taken. I wonder what exactly the value of those speed boats are ?

The anti-ship missiles, some of which are mounted on trucks, mobile, might be hidden ... and deployed only when needed. So, that might work better against US warships.

Thousands of undersea mines will work well against civilian ships ...

For the Iranians here what do you think about this document:
page 38

see comment of Jafari page 41 about assymetric force
What about Pakistan economy? Can it survive without US aid.

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

What about Pakistan economy? Can it survive without US aid.
no doubt, Pakistan doesn't need the US or its stupid WOT which is the main reason for the terrorism in Pakistan. Now it is my turn to ask the question.

Can Indians leave Pakistan on a thread that is not related to Pakistan? judging from you the answer is quite obvious, but lets hear what you have to say
I read page 41, thank you for the interesting document.

I am really worried about the military tensions. The best Iran can do is to give the impression that they are crazy and unpredictable, and willing to attack everyone (incl Saudi oilfields) like a mad-dog in retaliation for any attack on Iran. Though in practice, if there is a confrontation, I can't see any way that Iran can come out on top, even if they retaliate. Because the US cannot tolerate being seen as weak or being defeated, they will not hesitate to inflict so much damage (the way they did to Saddam) - and if desperate nuke Iran - as to return Iran to the stone age.

I would like to see a resolution of problems between the US, Israel, and Iran. The only hope I have is that the sanctions and threat from the US will force Iran to engage in a grand bargain. Iran cannot afford these hostilities - the population is suffering, and Iran has no reliable allies that will protect it. Certainly not Russia. And I cannot see how China would risk its trade and relations with the US, and its national interest, by supporting Iran in an armed conflict against the US.

Those cheerleaders for Iran - though they are well intentioned for the most part (esp. Pakistanis) - would themselves not risk their country being ruined in such a confrontation.


For the Iranians here what do you think about this document:
page 38

see comment of Jafari page 41 about assymetric force
The news report did not say the aircraft carrier passed through the Straits of Hormuz. It said the carrier entered the zone of Iran's exercises. In other words, it was in the littoral regions of the Gulf of Oman. That is a much larger area and much harder for Iran to pinpoint the location.
Correction: the latest news reports said that the aircraft carriers did indeed pass through the Straits. So we can't gather from the fact that Iran managed to videotape / photograph the carrier whether Iran really pinpointed its position in the vast seas. (This would be quite a feat if they did.)

US warships cross Hormuz despite Iranian threats | News.com.au
the USA is going to start something it won`t be able to end, this will be the beginning of end for American economy

If america passes the bill that is designed to prevent Iran from exporting its crude oil and if the US navy tries to implement that policy, surely that will be the trigger for this possible conflict. The question is has america done that? So, far only discussions have taken place, no such legislation has been passed. Surely, the americans know the consequence of it. So, I predict they will cleverly stay away from implementing such a dangerous policy even if they pass such a bill.
hold strong Iran. US against Iraq was a total joke. The real matter you should look to is Korean War.

In November of 1950, US forces were at the Yalu.
In May of 1951, Chinese forces took Seoul.

We crossed the Yalu and never looked back. Pyongyang was occupied only once; Seoul changed hands 5 times, and Pyongyang is only 100 km from the border.

There's nothing to fear, if the US attacks Iran, the Persian Gulf will just be a big graveyard for the carriers.
hold strong Iran. US against Iraq was a total joke. The real matter you should look to is Korean War.

In November of 1950, US forces were at the Yalu.
In May of 1951, Chinese forces took Seoul.

We crossed the Yalu and never looked back. Pyongyang was occupied only once; Seoul changed hands 5 times, and Pyongyang is only 100 km from the border.

There's nothing to fear, if the US attacks Iran, the Persian Gulf will just be a big graveyard for the carriers.

So you think. Should be a big grave yard for Iran subs, boats, jets, etc.

---------- Post added at 07:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

hold strong Iran. US against Iraq was a total joke. The real matter you should look to is Korean War.

In November of 1950, US forces were at the Yalu.
In May of 1951, Chinese forces took Seoul.

We crossed the Yalu and never looked back. Pyongyang was occupied only once; Seoul changed hands 5 times, and Pyongyang is only 100 km from the border.

There's nothing to fear, if the US attacks Iran, the Persian Gulf will just be a big graveyard for the carriers.

Oh yeah by the way how come South Korea still exists?
So you think. Should be a big grave yard for Iran subs, boats, jets, etc.

Depends on how Iran plays its cards, they can hurt US big time.

China entered the war at the Yalu, Kim Il Sung wanted to invade South Korea not us, we even warned him against that, but when you conquered North Korea, you forced us to move.
Depends on how Iran plays its cards, they can hurt US big time.

China entered the war at the Yalu, Kim Il Sung wanted to invade South Korea not us, we even warned him against that, but when you conquered North Korea, you forced us to move.

And we can hurt Iran big time as well. Remember the tanker wars. And of course you were forced to defend the aggressor.
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