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Putin will destroy that carrier.

USA will do something good for the nature by suplying an artifical reef. Go USA! :usflag:

The Problem is westerners watch to much SuperHero Movies and think they are invincible or something. But you are no super heros, you are lazy and fat americans killing people for money.
US warship given permission to traverse Bosphorus en route to Black Sea

Turkish authorities have given permission to a U.S. Navy warship to pass through the Bosphorus within the next two days as fears grow that the standoff between Russia and Ukraine and the West over Crimea could soon become militarized.

Turkish sources, speaking with the Hürriyet Daily News on March 5, declined to elaborate on the name of the U.S. warship. The same officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, however, noted that it was not the USS George H.W. Bush nuclear aircraft carrier as suggested in some news reports, as it did not meet the standards specified by the 1936 Montreux Convention in terms of weight.

The U.S. Navy ship to pass through the straits will conform to the convention’s standards, the sources said.

According to the Montreux Convention, the total weight of military ships that non-littoral states to the Black Sea may deploy to the body of water cannot exceed 45,000 tons.

US warship given permission to traverse Bosphorus en route to Black Sea - LOCAL
is it to much to ask for some rational thinking and common sense logic around here :lol:
you expect common sense, logic etc. from keyboard warriors.....:woot:

I wonder if you really a chinese or just a bharti giving china a bad name.

When will you Pakis 'get over' this India phobia....
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Do you know Indians in your personal life? And are they as belligerent as the lot here :)

Yes, I know a few. They're hard working and humble people. They're very proud of their heritage, but not belligerent like some that I've come into contact here.
Yes, I know a few. They're hard working and humble people. They're very proud of their heritage, but not belligerent like some that I've come into contact here.

That Indian woman in the Royal pains series is :smitten:

Nato jets to monitor Ukraine border

LONDON: Nato is to deploy reconnaissance planes in Poland and Romania to monitor the Ukrainian crisis.

It gave the go-ahead for the flights on Monday, a Nato spokesman said.

"All Awacs (Airborne Warning and Control System) reconnaissance flights will take place solely over alliance territory," the official said.

It comes as Russia cements its control of Ukraine's Crimea ahead of Sunday's referendum to join Russia. Ukraine and the West say this is illegal.

Nato said the surveillance flights would "enhance the alliance's situational awareness".

Last week, the organisation said it was reviewing all co-operation with Russia and stepping up its engagement with the government in Kiev.

Nato jets to monitor Ukraine border - thenews.com.pk
USA will Learn it the hard way that its not iraq or libiya they are trying to scare but russia and that too in its own backyard


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