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U.S. Air Force sends B-1B bombers to Saudi Arabia amid U.S. military buildup in the kingdom

Doesn't matter. If you end up going against US airpower, they are all ancient.
Could be the same radars that failed to protect Iranian assets in Syria. You know the ones that initially allowed the Iranian military to drive from Iran to Palestine.
it would be nice to just google before giving your professional view.
iran started it's air defense program 30 years ago with reverse engineering MIM-23 hawk then tried to upgrade it. the resulted system named mersad. it was able to launch shaheen and shalamcheh missiles.
shaheen had 45 km range and shalamcheh 60 km:


(left one is shaheen and right shalamcheh missiles seekers)

old mersads used the same MIM-23 radar and fire controls.
finally mersad air defence evolved with the arrival of AESA radars and now it uses mehrab missile and hafez AESA radar.


20 years ago we moved on and reverse engineered sea based ADs available for us, started with tartar guided missile fire control and RIM-66. the result was mehrab missile and sayyad air defense system.




the turning point for us was najm AESA radars, which we used them in sayyad and mersad ADs which now we call them talash (najm 802) and evolved mersad (hafez radar) respectively. the latest version of talash (formerly sayyad) is 15 th khordad AD with sayyad 3 missile and 120 km max engagement range and partially anti ballistic missile capability at 7-40 km. it can engage with stealth targets at around 50 km.


(15th khordad with SD-2 and SD-3 missiles)
sayyad-2 missile an evolved mehrab missile which itself is a RE version of standard missile.
we also reverse engineered sam-6 and sam-2 missiles. which after Iran mastered in AESA technology resulted in 3rd of khordad (we used it against MQ-4):


(3rd khordad missile seeker)


(3rd khordad and buk-m2 radar comparison)

and finally our masterpiece which utilizes two radar for each battery and 3 radars in each battalion (VHF, S and X band), with it's 200 km sayyad-4 missile that enjoys TVC and can engage with ballistic missiles at 70 km altitude.
it's VHF meraj radar has 450 km range, S band has 300 km and X band has 250 km range.



Iran has the best air defense in the region and one of bests in the world. and believe me i didn't mentioned many other systems. so please search before commenting.
all for show....

only a fool would believe the americans would start sacrificing themselves for their dumb cash cow Saudis...

this is just a show to convince the princesses in Saudi that they will protect them.

the US would love nothing more then to see a Iran Saudi war that completely demolishes every piece of infastracture in Saudi arabia. 100s of billions of over bloated contracts for American companies

the only way the US would actually go to war for the Saudis is if an Iranian army is on the brink of capturing Riyadh. the US cannot afford to let some other country take over their Saudi cash cow and will go to war only under those specific (and very unrealistic) circumstances.
all for show....

only a fool would believe the americans would start sacrificing themselves for their dumb cash cow Saudis...

this is just a show to convince the princesses in Saudi that they will protect them.

the US would love nothing more then to see a Iran Saudi war that completely demolishes every piece of infastracture in Saudi arabia. 100s of billions of over bloated contracts for American companies

the only way the US would actually go to war for the Saudis is if an Iranian army is on the brink of capturing Riyadh. the US cannot afford to let some other country take over their Saudi cash cow and will go to war only under those specific (and very unrealistic) circumstances.
They didn't dare to do it in past 40 years after the 1979 Revolution, I don't see significant changes they would do it now.

US sanctioned Iraq for 13 years, weakened Iraq, made inner chaos and rebellions, then invade. As long as Iran stand still and keep economy healthy and Iranians united, there is no way Yankees dare to do it.
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