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U.S.A can take down the sold F16 whenever they want


Dec 5, 2010
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Hi soldiers,

Did someone even tought about the chipsystem that the Americans use to take down the planes they sold to other countries when ever they want with 1 satelite signal? I think that the most people think that everything goes legal but thats not true.

Its a fact that the Americans has this power. Thats why i say that we must make our own damn jetfighters and other airdefence systems by our own! This is not a joke people. 3 people of Aselsan deciphered this microchip but they got killed. Also in 1993 a Turkish general that deciphered the threat of iron hammer in Iraq. That they starting making a kurdish state. The general made a contra strategy agains this plan and he was succesfull. Till the Americans dropped his plane down and give it a kaza susu ''look like an accident''
There is a thread where discussion is done over KILL SWITCHES(If i am right).
Every F16 has a GPS navigation system which can be shut off by selectively disabling the GPS recivier unique ID.
Is that so hard to figure..?
Every F16 has a GPS navigation system which can be shut off by selectively disabling the GPS recivier unique ID.
Is that so hard to figure..?

I dont talk about that. I talk about a chip that disables the whole electronic systeem.
America doesn't need those "kill switches" all it needs to do is stop supplying spare parts and within months the air force will be down.
Pakistani force tracked the chips and deactivate them​

Pakistani F 16 are no more in American control.
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Pakistani force tracked the chips and deactivate them​

Pakistani F 16 are no more in American control.


I'm actually believing you too. Even though you're fresh and have only one post.

This "kill switch" if it even exists, is probably easy to deactivate if it is on the plane in hardware form. I wouldn't be too sure if it were some sort of software form though.
The ones in the know, know that there is NO SUCH thing as "KILL SWITCH" whatsoever - these are rantings of delusional minds!

Now please to be continuing with your theories about 'hardware' and 'software' kill switches! Entertain us.

ps: EDIT: Correction - there is indeed a kill switch now that I remember. I had been to an airshow and the F-16 pilot showed me a small switch in the main undercarriage bay. He said that flipping the switch would kill the engines! He also said that there was a USB hub in the cockpit and if you connect your laptop (which all F-16 pilots carry in their backpacks), a small highly classified java program can kill the engine controlling codes by running the program and then pressing Ctrl+Shft+Esc! Thats why they dont let people sit in the cockpit of F-16s in airshows!!
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Rubbish thread..Moderators needs to close it, It has been discussed to death.
Hi soldiers,

Did someone even tought about the chipsystem that the Americans use to take down the planes they sold to other countries when ever they want with 1 satelite signal? I think that the most people think that everything goes legal but thats not true.

Its a fact that the Americans has this power. Thats why i say that we must make our own damn jetfighters and other airdefence systems by our own! This is not a joke people. 3 people of Aselsan deciphered this microchip but they got killed. Also in 1993 a Turkish general that deciphered the threat of iron hammer in Iraq. That they starting making a kurdish state. The general made a contra strategy agains this plan and he was succesfull. Till the Americans dropped his plane down and give it a kaza susu ''look like an accident''

No aselsan engineer killed because of that. Please please please think about a second before posting rubbish. No project in aslelsan depends only one or three engineers. There are departments and many engineer work on same project. Everything they do is documenting. So you can not sabotage a project with killing one or three engineers.
The ones in the know, know that there is NO SUCH thing as "KILL SWITCH" whatsoever - these are rantings of delusional minds!

Now please to be continuing with your theories about 'hardware' and 'software' kill switches! Entertain us.

ps: EDIT: Correction - there is indeed a kill switch now that I remember. I had been to an airshow and the F-16 pilot showed me a small switch in the main undercarriage bay. He said that flipping the switch would kill the engines! He also said that there was a USB hub in the cockpit and if you connect your laptop (which all F-16 pilots carry in their backpacks), a small highly classified java program can kill the engine controlling codes by running the program and then pressing Ctrl+Shft+Esc! Thats why they dont let people sit in the cockpit of F-16s in airshows!!

Does the Mig 21 use by India has these switches? Is this the cause of the plane crushes?
Although it sounds like a conspiracy theory... with my limited knowledge I know that a lot of hardware both civilian and military is thrown into the market with multiple capabilities blocked by the sellers... It is part and parcel of Capitalism... for example you can have a laptop which only burn DVD + R disks but in reality it is capable of burning all types of disks be it DVD - R or DVD DL etc... All you need to do is update the software/firmware and viola... the machine gets jailbroken... ;)

GPS tech is something where we are obviously limited... this is why PAF needs to train their pilots without relying on the GPS...
Ok, somebody give me 1 reason why America shouldnt do that?
Because they are really peacefull? They are no Imperialists? They
are the Cop of the world? They never hurt people? They are always
right and never lies? Man calling him self a soldier and reading on this
forums while he even not understand whats going on in the middle-east
and what kind of strategy u.s.a uses. You guys are blinded by world media
that they control to program brains and keep them away from the truth.
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