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U.N. counts 52 corpses after violence at Iranian dissident camp in Iraq

Why should any Arab cry about dead Iranians?:omghaha::laugh::laughcry:

They can both finish each other off for all I care.
a big thank u to our iraqi people!!!
nice job killing terrorists:kiss3:
Why should any Arab cry about dead Iranians?:omghaha::laugh::laughcry:

They can both finish each other off for all I care.

Perhaps because these people wanted to bring down the Iranian regime.

So Iran got its Arab pets in Iraq to kill them.

a big thank u to our iraqi people!!!
nice job killing terrorists:kiss3:

I prefer it when the Arabs blown up IRGC scumbags.
Perhaps because these people wanted to bring down the Iranian regime.

So Iran got its Arab pets in Iraq to kill them.

I prefer it when the Arabs blown up IRGC scumbags.

Don't care the slightest. We are under no so-called "Iranian threat" whatsoever. This is not Southern Lebanon or Southern Iraq. They are not present anywhere else in the Arab world. Their presence there is also fairly limited to a few groups, political support to certain parties etc. That's all. It's all making a storm out of a little glass of water if you ask me. Just look at Syria. We are handling that. Soon the other areas too.

Israel are free to support them for all I care.
Don't care the slightest. We are under no so-called "Iranian threat" whatsoever. This is not Southern Lebanon or Southern Iraq. They are not present anywhere else in the Arab world. Their presence there is also fairly limited to a few groups, political support to certain parties etc. That's all. It's all making a storm out of a little glass of water if you ask me. Just look at Syria. We are handling that. Soon the other areas too.

Israel are free to support them for all I care.

You are not under an Iranian threat? :rofl:

The Shia arc is stretching from Damascus, through Lebanon, onto Tehran via Iraq, parts of Yemen and Bahrain.

Do you not think that if Syria & Lebanon remain Iranian, that they won't then have the power and confidence to take Bahrain?

And do you think they will stop there?
These attacks in Ashraf and in Baghdad a part of a big game that was started by American warmongers. They want to burn down the whole Middle East so they started a new crusade against regimes in Syria, Iran and Iraq. After yankees wasted billions in Iraq and Afghanistan they decided to do dirty job with hands of Sunni terrorists like People's Mujahedin of Iran. America always was a waste dump full of cowards but now I see that Middle East is also full of those ones who betrayed true Islam just like PMOI. Americans and traitors of Islam are our main problem. We must sweep all these provocators away if we want peace in the Middle East. In other way we will suffer because of Americans and their pseudo Islam momzers who won't leave us alone because of our treasures Americans want to grab in exchange for giving radicals power in the Middle East. We must prevent them from doing so!
Ḥashshāshīn;4728169 said:
Good riddance? Shooting unarmed prisoners? while they were tied back and could not retaliate? yes, indeed.

I don't agree with the way this was carried out.

IMO they should've captured them and turn them to Iran.

But these follks were not "civilians" or "dissidents" , some were high ranking MKO officials, that were close to Saddam.

They invaded Iran during the war, killed many people and later on they helped Saddam put down the Shia and Kurdish uprising. So they are not exactly innocent "people".

Most MKO members have quit and returned to Iran, but some live as refugees in Europe, U.S, etc.
Ḥashshāshīn;4728169 said:
Good riddance? Shooting unarmed prisoners? while they were tied back and could not retaliate? yes, indeed.

I'm sorry mate, you are yet to understand what they have done to Iranians and Iraqis. If you are kind enough to care about terrorists, being prisoners or not, that's your choice, we are not like that. You can call it violent, inhuman and anything else, but that's the way it is.
Thousands of families lost their loved ones, I wouldn't care about 70 terrorists who did it, we have cared enough in the past and we saw what happened. Not this time.
You're the animal.

Suddenly sensitive about 52 Iranians, what makes you think they like Israel just because they dislike the IRI.

Founded on September 5, 1965 by a group of left-leaning Muslim Iranian university students as an Islamic and Marxist political mass movement,[5] the MEK was originally devoted to armed struggle against the Shah of Iran, capitalism, and Western imperialism

Shah of Iran best friends with the US, capitalism ( the west ), western imperialism includes Israel.
Maybe you would change your mind now.
Suddenly sensitive about 52 Iranians, what makes you think they like Israel just because they dislike the IRI.

Nothing to do with being pro or anti Israel.

Unlike you (a sub-human) I don't condemn dozens of civilians to death on the basis of them being pro or anti anything.

If these people were armed Jihadists, that's different.

But they were unarmed political dissidents.
The Cult of Rajavi

If these people were armed Jihadists, that's different.

MKO is an armed Ji-hadi group!

Its membership has been described as part of the Iranian generation "shaken by the events of June 1963" and the radical generation Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Vo Nguyen Giap, the Tupamaros in South America, the Algerian Mojahedin, and the Palestinian fedayeen. They were more "religious, radical, anti-American" than the earlier generation of Iranian leftists.

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