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Type052D => Type052E, China new class DDG prepare for building


Dec 23, 2012
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China last batch of 14x Type052D DDGs building close to end, next batch of Type052-class will start building Type052E :coffee:

Type052D vs Type052E vs Type055 CGI

Whats new about this type? I see the new radar array but what about everything else.
Whats new about this type? I see the new radar array but what about everything else.
my read: new and larger helicopter (maybe Z20); a new powertrain system, very likely to employ IEP system (Integrated Electric Propulsion); and leave the potential of a future upgrade of laser-based weaponry system.
my read: new and larger helicopter (maybe Z20); a new powertrain system, very likely to employ IEP system (Integrated Electric Propulsion); and leave the potential of a future upgrade of laser-based weaponry system.

So Chinese Arleigh Burke FLT III???
1. gas turbine + IEP system
2. 2x anti-sub helo hangars
3. 4x L-band phased array radars + X-band phased radar integrated mast

Other weapons system as same as the Type052D

Why no S band AESA? Is that the Type 055's job now as CBG area defence?
Why no S band AESA? Is that the Type 055's job now as CBG area defence?
That's my bad ...

the type346 phased array radar (Wiki:Type346 Radar) on type052C already is S-band
Type 346 radar is a highly digitized, multi-function, dual-band (S and C bands) naval active phased array radar (APAR) installed on Type 052C destroyers

the type346A phased array radar on type052D, also S-band
Type 346A: Development of Type 346 with increased number of T/R module and increased range, utilizing liquid cooling system and identifiable by the flat surface of the cover of the radar array. Installed onboard Type 052D destroyer

According to information i read on chinese military forum, type052E still equip the S-band phased array radars and add a X-band phased radar integrated mast, so will be S-band + X-band radars on new type052E DDG.
I guess the Type 52E is the final evolution of the 52 series
Evolution Yes; Final Dunno :P

From my earlier post in other thread:

The PLA Navy Type 052E Destroyer (observation info)

The Type 052E DDG may have dimensions as of 157 meters (L), 18 meters (W), draft of 6 meters, with full-load displacement is estimated to be around 7,500 tons

The main improvements: the Type 364 Radar to be replaced by a Single-sided X-band rotating phased-array radar, the Type 517B VHF air search radar to be replaced by an L-band remote search radar, the single hangar to be enlarged into double, flight deck extension by 2 meters more, powered by two gas turbine generators, Integrated Power System, stealthy chimney, universal VLS (96 cells) and YJ-12 anti-ship missile launchers.


The earlier post is here with several more CG pics.
Evolution Yes; Final Dunno :P

From my earlier post in other thread:

The PLA Navy Type 052E Destroyer (observation info)

The Type 052E DDG may have dimensions as of 157 meters (L), 18 meters (W), draft of 6 meters, with full-load displacement is estimated to be around 7,500 tons

The main improvements: the Type 364 Radar to be replaced by a Single-sided X-band rotating phased-array radar, the Type 517B VHF air search radar to be replaced by an L-band remote search radar, the single hangar to be enlarged into double, flight deck extension by 2 meters more, powered by two gas turbine generators, Integrated Power System, stealthy chimney, universal VLS (96 cells) and YJ-12 anti-ship missile launchers.


The earlier post is here with several more CG pics.
You seem to have confusion with 052E and 180 markings. Your previous post contains many correct pictures, including this one: (Unless if there are separate 052E and 052EA types)
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You seem to have confusion with 052E and 180 markings. Your previous post contains many correct pictures, including this one: (Unless if there are separate 052E and 052EA types)
View attachment 432844
Those two CG pics have subtle differences (see the 3rd description line pointing downward as well as the additional labels pointing upward at 052EA), just look closely at the pics of 052E vs 052EA :D the CG creator simply used the same 180 marking for the two.

anyhow I ain't good at those ship details :P dunno about the existence of the specialized type, 052EA, either.
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