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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

055's weapons come from 052D and CV16 existing weapons system, it just install new X and S band 2x AESA radars and reach 12,000ton-size .
055 wont be as futuristic as DDG1000, and it wont be equipped with laser gun nor nuclear propulsion```it is going to use all mature design, techs and systems (90% are known to the public or used on current PLAN warships)

its VSL modular has neither 96 nor more than 128

there might be one thing that can be interesting, that is it will feature X and S band AESA radars on it

According to the relative of a PLA naval engineer, the 055 will have 128 cells according to last year status of the design.
The 130mm main gun will have rocket assisted precision ammunition similar to the army's 155mm self-propelled guns, with estimated range of 100km. It is said able to attack 40 targets in 10 minutes time.
The 055 DDG building ...



Guys, please confirm there is a rumour saying china got the technology of USS Zumwalt. China will built at least 10 of them.
if 054B's powerplant goes fully electric and functions well, any chance that 055 uses it as well? that would be better for blue water CVBG.

If it does, then theoritically no problem of using, at least start testing, laser and electromagnetic guns on 055B?
that looks fantastic. is it more or less the final design?
Most ppl in Chinese military forums believe it will be the formal design for 055 DDG, 80% truth. It looks like a bigger size 052D DDG, with 96~128x VLS, X and S band AESA radars, 2x helo hangars.

I don't like the shipbody design, it will as ugly as Britain Type45 DDG, has a BIG HEAD ( X band AESA radar on the head).
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Most ppl in Chinese military forums believe it will be the formal design for 055 DDG, 80% truth. It looks like a bigger size 052D DDG, with 96~128x VLS, X and S band AESA radars, 2x helo hangars.

I don't like the shipbody design, it will as ugly as Britain Type45 DDG, has a BIG HEAD ( X band AESA radar on the head).

The integrated mast isn't as exaggerated as the Type 45.
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