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Two-thirds of US Military Sex-Abuse Perpetrators in Japan 'Not Incarcerated'


Aug 20, 2011
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Instead, they've received punishments including demotions, fines, or even just a letter of reprimand, Freedom of Information documents reveal, RT reported.

Over 1,000 records acquired by AP paint a “disturbing” picture of how allegations have been handled. The news agency said the process “verged on the chaotic”. Reports of sex crimes filed between 2005 and 2013 showed that only one-third of 244 service members who warranted some form of punishment were incarcerated.

In 30 cases, a letter of reprimand was the only consequence of the allegation.
However, there were discrepancies between the different military branches, with inconsistencies apparent between how sex crime accusations were treated in the Marines and the Air Force.

The Marines sent 53 out of 270 sex offenders to prison, marking a sharp contrast with the number of jail sentences in the Navy, where only 15 out of 203 offenders were given jail time. Some 70 other Navy personnel received a court-martial or another form of punishment.
The Air Force only sent 21 out of 124 sex offenders to prison, making the military branch the most lax when it comes to issuing appropriate punishments.

I want to enroll in American's force and enjoy such privilege in Japanese soil.:victory:
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In westerner countries, if you're not a caucasian, police will be very hard with you

If you fight with a caucasian, it's always the caucasian who is right

I don't know why in other countries, police are so nice with the westerners
Tributary states have to pay tribute to their masters with whores and concubines. That's just how it works. So those poor Japanese protesting for a stronger law enforcement response are delusional and bound for disappointment - they don't seem to understand the terms of their relationship they've entered.
Poor Okinawans.

It's time to liberate them!
Tributary states have to pay tribute to their masters with whores and concubines. That's just how it works. So those poor Japanese protesting for a stronger law enforcement response are delusional and bound for disappointment - they don't seem to understand the terms of their relationship they've entered.
Exactly, the US is a pimp and Japan is the slave. I feel sorry for the Japanese. LOL
USA withdraws then there will be no need for north Korea to threaten japan for rice and whole grain LOL
Obviously, because slaves can't complain to their masters.
Life has come a full circle. Once they were enjoying comfort women, now they are providing. One would expect at least Chinese to understand their pain, but they are laughing:bunny:.
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