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Two PLA Mechanised Divisions Near Ladakh Deeply Worrying the Indians

These are two sides of the same coin

A strong india, China should worry, China will be alert -> Stronger.
A weak India, China does not worry, safe situations make China optimistic -> Weakened

China does not need to try to undermine India.

A weak decimated India is in the worlds interest. Modi is the best man to do the job himself.
India's greatest enemy is India
India's greatest enemy is it's population boom which is uncontrollable, how to feed them provide jobs to them and raised there standard of living. Spending on Defense doesn't help those causes.
China has same population but they spend money on there infrastructure, jobs and raised standard of living of millions if not billion. One can see a difference in China 30 years ago and now. I don't see that in India.
BJP policy is to spend on Defense and try intimidating there weak neighbors that they are the Boss. Unfortunately that policy of intimidation doesn't worked with China, Pakistan and to some extent with Srilanka and even Nepal now.
Russia Will Lose India simply because for first time in history it has failed to back india BUT remained neutral.

China has 10 times Russian GDP & 5 times indian GDP

INDIA is paying the PRICE for being ECONOMICALLY too weak infront of CHINA

" remember this GDP is everything in long term military power that is sustainable"

India is paying the price for thinking it can play everyone for their own benefit.
You can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
My 2 cents worth....for the past 3-4000 years gangus have been constantly been invaded and occupied....other than the guptas and mauryas (few hundred years between them) they have been subservient to foreign powers in its entirety(ps...the bharatas were a north eastern state and not some super empire they claim).

The desperation for recognition, credibility, authenticity etc


  1. The desperate revisionism in history to claim of ancient past (IVC/HARRAPA) to embellish their dubious heritage
  2. The over exuberant joy for 1971 (despite the fact that an 8 year old could command a win at those odds)
  3. The delusions of Grandeur of being a shooper power
  4. The whiter than white attitude, the adulation of anything western(despite westerners mocking them behind their back - and putting them in the hole they are in now)
  5. The hatred for pakistan and muslims in general (you dont see the same hatred for all other occupiers including the whiteys)

Resulting in:

The holier than thou attitutde....and the belief in their own hype...ending a humiliating beating.

the only route for India is to shun the western ideology and embrace the asian bloc....Russia, China Pakistan

Even the russians cannot save them from an epic defeat of biblical proportions
India is a representation of british colonialism. It represents the horrors of racism, the opium trade, the colonialism - its a blight on human civilization.

India is the result of the British colonialization. That is why Indian constitution is written in English. And official documents are in English. Indians are proud of its British heritage. As without the colonialization, India would not exist.
India's greatest enemy is it's population boom which is uncontrollable, how to feed them provide jobs to them and raised there standard of living. Spending on Defense doesn't help those causes.
China has same population but they spend money on there infrastructure, jobs and raised standard of living of millions if not billion. One can see a difference in China 30 years ago and now. I don't see that in India.
BJP policy is to spend on Defense and try intimidating there weak neighbors that they are the Boss. Unfortunately that policy of intimidation doesn't worked with China, Pakistan and to some extent with Srilanka and even Nepal now.

20-30% of India's population will always remain poor because of their disgusting caste system. As long as they don't have a caste to suppress how will they keep their supremacy?
20-30% of India's population will always remain poor because of their disgusting caste system. As long as they don't have a caste to suppress how will they keep their supremacy?

Most people do not know that the caste system applies to non Indians as well. East Asians are categorized as untouchables. While India’s white colonial masters are regarded as higher than Brahmins.
On a serious note the Indian Twitter feeds that I visit outside of this forum have suggested the amounts of ammo and equipment that China has brought in suggests China is definitely looking to redraw the line of actual control.

India will have to fight china they will be forced into war or surrender land China has come to change status quo.

We fear a massive defeat unless we are supported by USA and Israel

I can tell you now Russia has pulled away they do not wish to get involved

if that is the attitude of your commanders rhen surely u are defeated... half of the battle is courage, other the tactics, ...

just a FYI (for your information) ...if muslims exhibit these two traits, then the victory belongs to Allah ... most cant understand
People like you are dangerous. You talk sense.
On a serious note the Indian Twitter feeds that I visit outside of this forum have suggested the amounts of ammo and equipment that China has brought in suggests China is definitely looking to redraw the line of actual control.

India will have to fight china they will be forced into war or surrender land China has come to change status quo.

We fear a massive defeat unless we are supported by USA and Israel

I can tell you now Russia has pulled away they do not wish to get involved
Israel/America will only support India for the benefit of their arms industry. Both nations currently trade far more with China than with India. China itself has huge investments in Israel (Haifa) that Israel will keep its support of India limited.

I can tell you for certain America will not involve itself in any conflict. Trump would never screw the American economy more for some Indians. Sure they would provide diplomatic support but that it were it ends.

India must come to reality that it is cornered by Pakistan-China on almost every front. Your RSS days are numbered.
If 3 aircraft carriers are destroyed what humiliation they will have forever as well as their economy will drain
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India is the result of the British colonialization. That is why Indian constitution is written in English. And official documents are in English. Indians are proud of its British heritage. As without the colonialization, India would not exist.

All the founding fathers of India and Pakistan were close to British and were educated in England.
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