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Two PLA Mechanised Divisions Near Ladakh Deeply Worrying the Indians

Why are you giving them peace alternatives? India has become cancerous wart and it needs to be operated upon. Only Balkanization of India will do. China should be well aware of that.
I totally agree brother, but still after all wars people still need to sit on a talking table and bang their heads. Why not give it a try a bit earlier to avoid families being ruined. But then keeping humanity aside "LATON KAE BHOOT BATON SAE NAHI MANTAY".
I totally agree brother, but still after all wars people still need to sit on a talking table and bang their heads. Why not give it a try a bit earlier to avoid families being ruined. But then keeping humanity aside "LATON KAE BHOOT BATON SAE NAHI MANTAY".

No. If China lets India get away free, it will regroup and challenge China in 50 years again. It has to be divided. Northeast should be made independent. Kashmir should come to Pakistan. Sikhs can decide if they want Khalistan or not. And the Indian Muslims can also try for a state of their own.
India will have to fight china they will be forced into war or surrender land China has come to change status quo.

We fear a massive defeat unless we are supported by USA and Israel

if you are weak, you make alliances as US did against soviets, the yanks are willing to fight China on brown men's behalf, go hug them and start whining instead of wasting your energies on anti Pakistan propaganda.

Btw this new normal was started by Modi regime when they violated Pakistani air space despite knowing other possess credible nuclear deterrence.

now China don't give flying fk about your nuclear deterrence.
No. If China lets India get away free, it will regroup and challenge China in 50 years again. It has to be divided. Northeast should be made independent. Kashmir should come to Pakistan. Sikhs can decide if they want Khalistan or not. And the Indian Muslims can also try for a state of their own.
I 100% agree with you on all points, much of Indian States in the past have been won by negotiating a surrender. This has been practiced for centuries by all the Invaders. Saying that seeing Modis current body language ,people like him will run with their pants down towards the jungle before any serious hostilities. The current Chinese Pressure will Crack India, its called the SUN-TZU art of war. If need be the Cold war can be escalated to a hot war.
I 100% agree with you on all points, much of Indian States in the past have been won by negotiating a surrender. This has been practiced for centuries by all the Invaders. Saying that seeing Modis current body language ,people like him will run with their pants down towards the jungle before any serious hostilities. The current Chinese Pressure will Crack India, its called the SUN-TZU art of war. If need be the Cold war can be escalated to a hot war.

Let's hope our ISI has been doing homework. India is at it's weakest right now.
No. If China lets India get away free, it will regroup and challenge China in 50 years again.
100% agree. It's too late for China to back out and try to befriend India. I am sure the Chinese think tanks have worked this out even before moving in. India will now even be more aggressive than she was before.
On a serious note the Indian Twitter feeds that I visit outside of this forum have suggested the amounts of ammo and equipment that China has brought in suggests China is definitely looking to redraw the line of actual control.

India will have to fight china they will be forced into war or surrender land China has come to change status quo.

We fear a massive defeat unless we are supported by USA and Israel

I can tell you now Russia has pulled away they do not wish to get involved

You can forget Israel. Picking up a tussle with the Chinese is the last thing they would want to do. Besides, China appears at good terms with them.

Counting on major diplomatic support from the US would yield little on the ground. After all, we are talking about China, an independent power. The US holds virtually no diplomatic leverage against China. Inviting direct US involvement in Sino-Indian conflict would also be in the negation of India's national and international ideology. It will relegate India to dependent power, a regional policeman of the US, and also compromise its non-allied status (not that it mattered before or now). For better collaboration, the US might force India to buy US origin military equipment.

As for Russia, as long as India doesn't invite the US, it would remain impartial but if India does invite the US, it might decide to side with China and perhaps withdraw logistics support for the Russian origin Indian military hardware. But above all, the question is whether the US would be willing to commit to India diplomatically and/or militarily? So far the Trump Admin & the US Congress have both remained somewhat quiet, even as their influential think-tanks, lobbyists and other influential actors push for India's support.
What testicle? They never had. British created something artificial, you expecting too much from an artificial thing.
not really, lets not forget, they borrowed testicles from the Bengali muslim in 1971..

But I dont think this time the Bengali muslim is very eager to lend for obvious reason

You can forget Israel. Picking up a tussle with the Chinese is the last thing they would want to do. Besides, China appears at good terms with them.

Counting on major diplomatic support from the US would yield little on the ground. After all, we are talking about China, an independent power. The US holds virtually no diplomatic leverage against China. Inviting direct US involvement in Sino-Indian conflict would also be in the negation of India's national and international ideology. It will relegate India to dependent power, a regional policeman of the US, and also compromise its non-allied status (not that it mattered before or now). For better collaboration, the US might force India to buy US origin military equipment.

As for Russia, as long as India doesn't invite the US, it would remain impartial but if India does invite the US, it might decide to side with China and perhaps withdraw logistics support for the Russian origin Indian military hardware. But above all, the question is whether the US would be willing to commit to India diplomatically and/or militarily? So far the Trump Admin & the US Congress have both remained somewhat quiet, even as their influential think-tanks, lobbyists and other influential actors push for India's support.

Russia ignored Indian request to act as mediator. This shows kremlins appetite to get involved on behalf of India
You can forget Israel. Picking up a tussle with the Chinese is the last thing they would want to do. Besides, China appears at good terms with them.

Counting on major diplomatic support from the US would yield little on the ground. After all, we are talking about China, an independent power. The US holds virtually no diplomatic leverage against China. Inviting direct US involvement in Sino-Indian conflict would also be in the negation of India's national and international ideology. It will relegate India to dependent power, a regional policeman of the US, and also compromise its non-allied status (not that it mattered before or now). For better collaboration, the US might force India to buy US origin military equipment.

As for Russia, as long as India doesn't invite the US, it would remain impartial but if India does invite the US, it might decide to side with China and perhaps withdraw logistics support for the Russian origin Indian military hardware. But above all, the question is whether the US would be willing to commit to India diplomatically and/or militarily? So far the Trump Admin & the US Congress have both remained somewhat quiet, even as their influential think-tanks, lobbyists and other influential actors push for India's support.
American physical involvement would be a double edged sword for the Indians.
The Americans aren't known for leaving in a hurry once entrenched.
Although, it might safeguard India's security in the short term, changing American strategic calculations would leave the Indians vulnerable to their conspiracies, machinations and blackmail in order to keep the Indians divided and off balance in order to keep them dependent on them.
It would be the beginning of Empire Mk2.
not really, lets not forget, they borrowed testicles from the Bengali muslim in 1971..

But I dont think this time the Bengali muslim is very eager to lend for obvious reason

Russia ignored Indian request to act as mediator. This shows kremlins appetite to get involved on behalf of India
The Real Beneficiary of this Conflict is not China or India or USA or even Israel. The real Beneficiary will be Russia who won't say anything to China but keep selling Defense eqp to India for new orders which already started coming in since this Conflict started last month.

India still the biggest buyer of Russian Defense eqp. All Russia cares how much eqp they can sell to India.
The Real Beneficiary of this Conflict is not China or India or USA or even Israel. The real Beneficiary will be Russia who won't say anything to China but keep selling Defense eqp to India for new orders which already started coming in since this Conflict started last month.

India still the biggest buyer of Russian Defense eqp. All Russia cares how much eqp they can sell to India.

Russia Will Lose India simply because for first time in history it has failed to back india BUT remained neutral.

China has 10 times Russian GDP & 5 times indian GDP

INDIA is paying the PRICE for being ECONOMICALLY too weak infront of CHINA

" remember this GDP is everything in long term military power that is sustainable"

The Real Beneficiary of this Conflict is not China or India or USA or even Israel. The real Beneficiary will be Russia who won't say anything to China but keep selling Defense eqp to India for new orders which already started coming in since this Conflict started last month.

India still the biggest buyer of Russian Defense eqp. All Russia cares how much eqp they can sell to India.

Russia has its own interests in keeping China preoccupied by India. Russia is protected from Europe by its eastern european buffer states as well as its environment but that it completely opposite when it comes to the southern border with China. China can give Russia huge headache by pushing into Siberia.
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