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Two PLA Mechanised Divisions Near Ladakh Deeply Worrying the Indians


Sep 26, 2018
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The Standoff between China and India is escalating at each passing day, with both sides amassing huge quantity of men and material to the front lines .Anxious Indians airlifting their Tanks, Artillery,Jets, Sams and other modern material in HASTE to the front lines, some say upto 45,000 infantry men are already stationed there so far by them. The PLA are not that far behind with initial reports of the SIXTH Mechanised Division ,with hundreds of Tanks,APCs,Artillery and ADCs deployed there.

Although one Mechanised Div would have been enough to contain the Indians in the mountainous region, the PLA has brought in another the FOURTH Mechanised Division,much to the HORROR of the Indians.

It looks like the Chinese are hell bent in teaching the Indians a big time lesson this time.Hopes are pinned on Uncle Sam to save their ..... which might prove to be FUTILE. All i can say to the Indians is that the writing is on the wall, your future prospects dont look that bright, embrace DEFEAT in a dignified way as your forefathers have done for centuries.:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:
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On a serious note the Indian Twitter feeds that I visit outside of this forum have suggested the amounts of ammo and equipment that China has brought in suggests China is definitely looking to redraw the line of actual control.

India will have to fight china they will be forced into war or surrender land China has come to change status quo.

We fear a massive defeat unless we are supported by USA and Israel

I can tell you now Russia has pulled away they do not wish to get involved
funny part is Indians voted enmass for trump. so that trump may help them( India) against muslims and china. Sadly All that has happened is Trump called Modi an idiot, and allowed all indian's neighbours to turn on India

All that bootlicking only to be shown the middle finger , such a shame !
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All i can say to the Indians is that the writing is on the wall, your future prospects dont look that bright, embrace DEFEAT as your forefathers have done for centuries.:pakistan::china::pakistan::china:

It doesn't matter much to Indians, India was given to them for free by British. It is British who created this artificial state to contain China. How can an artificial state survive forever. It came with an expiry date.
On a serious note the Indian Twitter feeds that I visit outside of this forum have suggested the amounts of ammo and equipment that China has brought in suggests China is definitely looking to redraw the line of actual control.
I would suggest come to the negotiating table and avoid bloodshed along the LAC and LOC.
It doesn't matter much to Indians, India was given to them for free by British. It is British who created this artificial state to contain China. How can an artificial state survive forever. It came with an expiry date.
I suggest come to the negotiating table and avoid bloodshed along the LAC and LOC.

No chance, when russia gave the cold shoulder that was it

Indian generals have been drumming about being prepared for 2 front war

Now they have their wish .

will India step up or drop its testicles ?
Israel/America will only support India for the benefit of their arms industry. Both nations currently trade far more with China than with India. China itself has huge investments in Israel (Haifa) that Israel will keep its support of India limited.

I can tell you for certain America will not involve itself in any conflict. Trump would never screw the American economy more for some Indians. Sure they would provide diplomatic support but that it were it ends.

India must come to reality that it is cornered by Pakistan-China on almost every front. Your RSS days are numbered.
I'm sorry to say to my Indians that we have geared our military to fight Pakistani military.

We have neglected the chinease threat
And now it's too late

We will have to accept China lac proposal.

As for Pakistan India will not give an inch simply because they can fight Pakistan if they have too.

But China no chance
Are there any reports of a parallel build up in the eastern sector opposite Arunachal?
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