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Two Nation Theory 2.0

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I suspect @FaujHistorian is probably trying to point us towards Nehru and Sardar Patel.

He has formulated his question very subtly. I think that is what he has implied, but would like to know from his own mouth.
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I believe that my record will speak for me:.

No doubt about it.

And hence my deep respect for you my dear poster. deepest respect.

KS[/B] has, much to my surprise.

BTW, I do not think that he was right.

Thank you. And yes my dear dear KS was incorrect and I have already encouraged him to search for the correct answer.

As always I ask my dear Indian posters to go beyond the 5th grade chalta maal sarkari shool history books.


Those books are for the consumption of 10 year olds. young ones. To indoctrinate them in some theology or another.

Just ask yourself, if All the big name newspapers were owned by anti-Muslims league, If all the government power was in the hands of British, and all the political power was in the hand of Congress (with some exceptions here and there).

Then how come ML became the source and proponent of TnT.

That would have been snubbed and scrubbed in one single day.

So there got to be someone who was well liked by majority Hindus who proposed TnT, and then got it "approved" from the top level political elite and the Gora rulers.

Who was that group, or who was that person?

Think my dear Indian friends. Think.

And please leave the 5th grade sarkari school books in the bag. They will not help you in thinking. They are not supposed to. These books just produce blind followers. nincompoops Jih@dis.

No doubt about it.

And hence my deep respect for you my dear poster. deepest respect.

Thank you. And yes my dear dear KS was incorrect and I have already encouraged him to search for the correct answer.

As always I ask my dear Indian posters to go beyond the 5th grade chalta maal sarkari shool history books.


Those books are for the consumption of 10 year olds. young ones. To indoctrinate them in some theology or another.

Just ask yourself, if All the big name newspapers were owned by anti-Muslims league, If all the government power was in the hands of British, and all the political power was in the hand of Congress (with some exceptions here and there).

Then how come ML became the source and proponent of TnT.

That would have been snubbed and scrubbed in one single day.

So there got to be someone who was well liked by majority Hindus who proposed TnT, and then got it "approved" from the top level political elite and the Gora rulers.

Who was that group, or who was that person?

Think my dear Indian friends. Think.

And please leave the 5th grade sarkari school books in the bag. They will not help you in thinking. They are not supposed to. These books just produce blind followers. nincompoops Jih@dis.


I feel like I am in a quiz program or in a psychiatric room trying to delve into Fajhistorian's brain via his posts. :D
The legislative assembly in 1945 and provincial in 1946 both saw ML win almost all muslim seats....

How many my dear poster. How many seats won by ML? (ALL seats is not a correct answer. Muslim votes was split many ways. FYI!)

And in which province?

Thank you.

I feel like I am in a quiz program or in a psychiatric room trying to delve into Fajhistorian's brain via his posts. :D

You my dear dear poster, are a gem.

In addition to Joe, I respect you too. deeply respect your posts.

thank you
I feel like I am in a quiz program or in a psychiatric room trying to delve into Fajhistorian's brain via his posts. :D

Yes, but he writes powerfully and always in complete control of his facts. Reminds me, except for his very different literary style, of my dear friend Bloody Civilian. Old habitués of PTH will remember him from the brilliant series of debates on Jinnah.
Wasn't Jinnah himself a Shia? And I may be wrong but I think even the Bhuttos are Shias. So the crazies think they were/are not Muslim either?
Yes, but he writes powerfully and always in complete control of his facts. Reminds me, except for his very different literary style, of my dear friend Bloody Civilian. Old habitués of PTH will remember him from the brilliant series of debates on Jinnah.

PTH stands for...?
Wasn't Jinnah himself a Shia? And I may be wrong but I think even the Bhuttos are Shias. So the crazies think they were/are not Muslim either?

Dude Ahmedis were too among the founders of Pakistan but Pakistan was taken over by Maududi's ideology and they lost their Muslim status in 1974.

Now everyone vocally call Ahmedis as non-Muslims but they were called Muslims when Pakistan was needed.
I suspect @FaujHistorian is probably trying to point us towards Nehru and Sardar Patel.

Although my knowledge is also limited but i think the first person who surfaced this theory was Al-Biruni a Persian scholar but is waiting which rabbit Fauji is gonna pull from his hat.
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Unfortunately.. the thread(as interesting as it is) is in violation of the Rules that Indian members CANNOT create threads on Pakistan's social issues.
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