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Two Losers, One Made Hero, Other Treated Like Zero


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

Above are images of two IAF pilots shot down in Pakistan some 20 years apart.
On the left is Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa, who was shot down during the Kargil conflict and taken into custody while Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman on the right made headlines when his MiG-21 was brought down during an aerial engagement with PAF aircraft and he was subsequently rescued by Pak Army soldiers in full view of cameras and media.
However, while Abhinandan has falsely been given a somewhat the status of a hero in India, F/L Nachiketa's episode is nothing short of humiliation. Although both Indian pilots became POW while executing their duties, Nachiketa's citation doesn't read well.

''POW Flt.Lt Nachiketa was involved in the hostile attack on Pakistani positions. When his Mig-27 was shot down, he ejected and after landing on the ground he tried to escape. He fired on the Pakistani soldiers with his pistol but still, he could not escape and was captured. Later Indian government refused to take their alive pilot in front of the media and no one from Indian Embassy turned up to receive him and eventually he had to be handed over to Red Cross.''
pawa, connections??

he was a bullet dodger if not an amraam dodger .. hr deserved Vir too. lol
Haha lol lmao :P
Again it proves that after failing in it's objective on the 26th February and unable to stop PAF's assault the next day, the IAF had to create a myth to hide the utter humiliation and what better than the falsehood of awarding their captured pilot with a kill....but Indians ended up getting beaten with own stick when Christian Fair added insult to injury.
Again it proves that after failing in it's objective on the 26th February and unable to stop PAF's assault the next day, the IAF had to create a myth to hide the utter humiliation and what better than the falsehood of awarding their captured pilot with a kill....but Indians ended up getting beaten with own stick when Christian Fair added insult to injury.

100% correct windy bro what more is expected from a coward and lying nation lolz.
The only difference is that MoDi wasn’t around back then..... he was still selling tea at tea stalls ....he would have turned that into a bolloywood block buster as well:
The only difference is that MoDi wasn’t around back then..... he was still selling tea at tea stalls ....he would have turned that into a bolloywood block buster as well:
They did try but in a somewhat in a different light....Flt.Lt Nachiketa, in a rare interview in front of live audience, went on to say, ''Since there are ladies present in the audience, I cannot openly say, what those Pakistanis DID with me''. :o:

Above are images of two IAF pilots shot down in Pakistan some 20 years apart.
On the left is Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa, who was shot down during the Kargil conflict and taken into custody while Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman on the right made headlines when his MiG-21 was brought down during an aerial engagement with PAF aircraft and he was subsequently rescued by Pak Army soldiers in full view of cameras and media.
However, while Abhinandan has falsely been given a somewhat the status of a hero in India, F/L Nachiketa's episode is nothing short of humiliation. Although both Indian pilots became POW while executing their duties, Nachiketa's citation doesn't read well.

''POW Flt.Lt Nachiketa was involved in the hostile attack on Pakistani positions. When his Mig-27 was shot down, he ejected and after landing on the ground he tried to escape. He fired on the Pakistani soldiers with his pistol but still, he could not escape and was captured. Later Indian government refused to take their alive pilot in front of the media and no one from Indian Embassy turned up to receive him and eventually he had to be handed over to Red Cross.''
*indian youtube boy accent*

hey maan, waat eez uar prablem ?
U no supa pawa, v supa pawa v no hao to handeel aawar heeroz
why indian pilots always fell in hands of paksitanis ?:lol:

Because unlike PAF, which refused to fly combat missions during kargil war, prefered to remain in safety Pakistani airspace, outside the ranges of Indian BVR missiles. IAF was carrying out CAS mission against Pakistani army in a hostile territory.
It was during one of these mission, Flt Lt. Nachiketa MIG 27's engine flamed out due to smoke ingestion from the Rockets it was firing on Pakistani positions and he had to bail out.

Pakistan armed forces which has an institutional history of concocting lies, decided to claim it as its own kill.

Where as IAF, called spade and spade and accepted Fl Lt Ajay Ahuja's MIG 21 and the MI -17 was shot down by Pakistani SAMs, where as Nachiketa's Mig 27 suffered an engine malfunction.
Because unlike PAF, which refused to fly combat missions during kargil war, prefered to remain in safety Pakistani airspace, outside the ranges of Indian BVR missiles. IAF was carrying out CAS mission against Pakistani army in a hostile territory.
It was during one of these mission, Flt Lt. Nachiketa MIG 27's engine flamed out due to smoke ingestion from the Rockets it was firing on Pakistani positions and he had to bail out.

Pakistan armed forces which has an institutional history of concocting lies, decided to claim it as its own kill.

Where as IAF, called spade and spade and accepted Fl Lt Ajay Ahuja's MIG 21 and the MI -17 was shot down by Pakistani SAMs, where as Nachiketa's Mig 27 suffered an engine malfunction.

You should become an official fiction writer for Modi.... hostile territory? .... last I checked Kargil was claimed by India as their territory!!!
Ingestion of smoke caused engine flame out??? My God you really are going to ruin my day with your fantasy story....
You should become an official fiction writer for Modi.... hostile territory? .... last I checked Kargil was claimed by India as their territory!!!
Ingestion of smoke caused engine flame out??? My God you really are going to ruin my day with your fantasy story....

Kargil was occupied by Pakistanis that time, while IAF carried carried out CAS missions against Pakistani army, PAF refused to participate to save Pakistani soldiers from Indian bombardment.

Go... read a book, and learn what an engine flame out means.

You should become an official fiction writer for Modi.... hostile territory? .... last I checked Kargil was claimed by India as their territory!!!
Ingestion of smoke caused engine flame out??? My God you really are going to ruin my day with your fantasy story....
Last time I checked you guys too accepted it was you military personal who occupied those hills and we where bombing your personal

Because unlike PAF, which refused to fly combat missions during kargil war, prefered to remain in safety Pakistani airspace, outside the ranges of Indian BVR missiles. IAF was carrying out CAS mission against Pakistani army in a hostile territory.
It was during one of these mission, Flt Lt. Nachiketa MIG 27's engine flamed out due to smoke ingestion from the Rockets it was firing on Pakistani positions and he had to bail out.

Pakistan armed forces which has an institutional history of concocting lies, decided to claim it as its own kill.

Where as IAF, called spade and spade and accepted Fl Lt Ajay Ahuja's MIG 21 and the MI -17 was shot down by Pakistani SAMs, where as Nachiketa's Mig 27 suffered an engine malfunction.
It was the other way around nachiketha was flying mig 21
It was the other way around nachiketha was flying mig 21

No. Nachiketa was flying the MIG 27, when his engine flamed out and he had eject.

Ajay Ahuja's Mig 21 , was shot down while flying low level in order to provide cover for Nachiketa's escape.
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