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Two LeT militants killed in Kashmir gun battle

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Umm, might want to re-look at this policy sir. One only has to look at the mess Drones have made in Paksitan to see why this is NOT a good idea.

Anyway India's CI doctrine is very different to the US's. India does not like to use overwhelming firepower (whether from the air or through arty) against civilian targets. India's doctrine involves "boots on the ground" first and airpower last whereas for the US the conflict escalation scale is the reverse- airpower FIRST and boots on the ground last.

umm...point noted. makes sense. Also soldiers need real practice and what better target then these Let militants.
Also soldiers need real practice and what better target then these Let militants.
True, and what's more accurate, with a smaller margin for error and less likely to cause collateral damage? A 500lb air-dropped munition launched from thousands of feet up or a 7.62mm round fired by a well trained soldier with "eyes on the enemy"?
True, and what's more accurate, with a smaller margin for error and less likely to cause collateral damage? A 500lb air-dropped munition launched from thousands of feet up or a 7.62mm round fired by a well trained soldier with "eyes on the enemy"?

Why 500lb?,a hellfire missile is 100lb. In any case, more options the better, not an either or situation. Less predictability and a chance to neutralise a situation, if forces are some distance away
Why 500lb?,a hellfire missile is 100lb. In any case, more options the better, not an either or situation. Less predictability and a chance to neutralise a situation, if forces are some distance away

Just wait a while, till an armed version of the UAV appears. Then it will be a rocket up some 'hairy ar$e$' for sure.
Why 500lb?,a hellfire missile is 100lb. In any case, more options the better, not an either or situation. Less predictability and a chance to neutralise a situation, if forces are some distance away
I'm talking about what the IAF has in service right now. It doesn't have any armed UAVs and no Hellfires. I was just thinking about some M2Ks on station with 500lbs that could be called in like with Kargil. But this scenario is, frankly, terrifying as a lot of these encounters that don't happen along the LoC happen in the middle of villages. The current SoP of the RR is to seal the entire village, evacuate the locals/civilians and then engage the bad guys in wherever they are suspected to be holed up. Now just dropping a 500lb or even 100lb Hellfire on their heads opens the door to a hell of a lot of collateral damage and that is even if the munition is 100% accurate. What if it is off by a few metres (well within even the latest PGM's margin for error) and hits the occupied house next door?
Rest in Peace.

And in other news a few weeks later the same breed will be blowing up common Pakistanis in Balochistan,Sindh or Punjab with their perspective of jihad for azaadi..Would it be right?

True, and what's more accurate, with a smaller margin for error and less likely to cause collateral damage? A 500lb air-dropped munition launched from thousands of feet up or a 7.62mm round fired by a well trained soldier with "eyes on the enemy"?

I wish someone invented lasers that could be mounted on border posts and could take on any humans crossing the LOC..Now that would be cool.
We need an armed drone like a predator. It should be in our priority to buy one or develop of our own at the earliest.

it's in the works, see Rustom-2

rmed drones should be there and it should be programmed like whenever it see a beard infiltrating from Pak to India it blows it up.
Not needed per se. UAVs (unarmed) are already used along the LoC by the IAF and IA.

You should see how the IA works in these situations, have a read:

The Soaring Gideons: Indian Army Aviation Special Operations
(there is also a video that pretty much explains this all : The Soaring Gideons: Indian Army Aviation Special Operations | Page 2

So it goes like this- UAV (or ground based sensor) detects Infiltrators that have found some spot where the LoC fencing is down or covered in snow (up in the mountains it happens), the UAV controllers contact the local area commanders and the alert SOF units, the SF SQD of the IA's AACs either is given access to the footage or receives pictures, the ALHs take off and the SOFs are dropped off to go hunting whilst local RR units seal the area. Pretty much fool proof.
Drone with the gun having sniper like capability will be a good option in this case why it always has to arm with bombs....long way to achieve this i guess.
Drone with the gun having sniper like capability will be a good option in this case why it always has to arm with bombs....long way to achieve this i guess.
I think this is practically impossible- to mount a sniper rifle on a fixed wing UAV. Either you have a gatling gun type weapon (as on AC-130s) or a very low flying rotary wing UAV (less then 200 feet) and then this put the drone at risk.

At 3,000+ feet people look like nothing but dots on the ground. Not only is this range at the limits of a lot of rifles but that shot is hard enough from a perfectly stable platform but when you're flying along at 100+ mph? Forget about it.....
Rot in hell 8-)

Armed drones (currently no one except the U.S and Israel have that tech) would be an overkill to eliminate just 2 guys, why use a sledgehammer to swat a fly. And moreover our guys get good shooting practice
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