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Two Kashmir Youth Killed by Indian Army in kashmir

lol Raped or It was Opposite in Kargil ?? your Army Cant defend hundreds of Vacant Post

Our army fu**ed yours. That's why your generals are still in shock today. :rofl:

Musharraf is a good man. I know you Indians love him as well. :D
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And your huge country cannot even touch Pakistan.


Those dreams of becoming a supa powa become useless when you get bullied by a nation 7 times smaller than yours.

We will continue giving India a Bloody nose.

As for the girlies in your nation:

Look at how they love Pakistanis...


We don't need to touch the nation who is harming itself. ;). Rest carry on with whining. I WILL POST VIDEO OF VEENA MALIK. YOU CAN SEE HOW SHE LOVES US TOO . :pop:
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You laugh because your fat and dark Indian @$$ never had to be subjected to oppression.

I smile knowing Indian Army is full of pussies like you.

Hey guess what!?


Your army will get dragged across Kashmir.

Once A'stan is cleared, we will send back the heads of your 'soldiers' or terrorists.

The ones that killed people for your saffron flag.

Just like TTP beheaded your soldiers in North Waziristan!!!

what a joke?
Our army fu**ed yours. That's why your generals are still in shock today. :rofl:

Musharraf is a good man. I know you Indians love him as well. :D

lol if you think leaving your soldier behind for enemy to kill is Victory then Congr8s Buddy ...... you takeover Vacant Post put your Pakistani Flag there and when Indian Army Hit you .... you ran Back .... leaving your soldier to DIe ..... What a General

soldiers survived by eating grass(literally), He sent Nawaz Sharif to America to stop the war.... but he is a Great General
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we r not indians and secondly we love pakistan that is why on 14th agust we waive pakistan flag in streets, villages and cities

I can't imagine what it would be like to be live in Kashmir occupied by these Indians. I see their attitude in this forum, and I can see how vile they are when they laugh over hearing how Indian army is killing Kashmiris. Just in 3 months Indians killed 70 Kashmiris and now add these two... Such hatred and no respect for human life.
lol if you think leaving your soldier behind for enemy to kill is Victory then Congr8s Buddy ...... you takeover Vacant Post put your Pakistani Flag there and when Indian Army Hit you .... you ran Back .... leaving your soldier to DIe ..... What a General

Hahaha. I am enjoying your desperation, bhartee.

For us it is funny to see you Indians so frustrated.

Your forces killed a couple Pakistanis when they were retreating. They were shot in the back.

In reality Indian Army got fucked in Kargil.

You think you Indians can even touch Pakistan?


Your surgical strikes were long past due.

Pakistan can **** India, but you Indians can do nothing about it.

Now you Indians try to challenge the Chinese.

Get out of your dreams and illusions and zara appni aukat check kar lo. :lol:
I can't imagine what it would be like to be live in Kashmir occupied by these Indians. I see their attitude in this forum, and I can see how vile they are when they laugh over hearing how Indian army is killing Kashmiris. Just in 3 months Indians killed 70 Kashmiris and now add these two... Such hatred and no respect for human life.

If i Reply you i would be Permanently Blocked from PDF ...but, Just Replace Those Two Words ..... YOu know what i mean lol :cheers:
Hey retard do you remember our tribals taking Kashmir, or better yet when our soldiers raped yours in Kargil?

Talk is cheap.


you are pure result of distortion of history in pakistan. I don't wanna indulge in teaching you the history of kashmir conflict and how your tribal along with PA got their a$$'s kicked when IA entered into the valley after your invasion in 48. And it would be better for you If wont drag your debacle aka Kargil.

You guys are quite famous for living in denial even if its well documented by your own Army Generals ;)

Yeah...agree.....Talk is indeed Cheap, Kido !
If i Reply you i would be Permanently Blocked from PDF ...but, Just Replace Those Two Words ..... YOu know what i mean lol :cheers:

I see Indians laughing over the murder of Kashmiris. Showing their true colors on this forum.
kaka oo teri army da banda he ...... sadhi nai ..... te teri ini aukat nai ki tu apne army de bandhe nu challenge karenga ....

Internet te kadi mil na jayin sale yeh PDf he islia bacha hua he tu

hmm reported ok MODS Listen If you Banned me THose two Even Deserve it ...!!

Be Fair

Threatening other members on the forum. This deserves a permanent ban.

kaka oo teri army da banda he ...... sadhi nai ..... te teri ini aukat nai ki tu apne army de bandhe nu challenge karenga ....

Internet te kadi mil na jayin sale yeh PDf he islia bacha hua he tu

Don;t take him seriously.

He is famous Internet Tough guy of PDF and full of = Hot Air and Bullsh!t.

In real life, we all know how cowards such people are ;)
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