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Two Kashmir Youth Killed by Indian Army in kashmir

And what do you Kashmiris except?

Allying yourself with India will only produce dead people and raped women.

They cannot stand your religion. Have your people become Hindus, and they will revere you as Gods.

we r not indians and secondly we love pakistan that is why on 14th agust we waive pakistan flag in streets, villages and cities
Collateral damage's are bound to happen when an entire nation is backing the Insurgencies/terrorists into India.

If those guys were innocent then R.I.P.
You laugh because your fat and dark Indian @$$ never had to be subjected to oppression.

I smile knowing Indian Army is full of pussies like you.

Hey guess what!?


Your army will get dragged across Kashmir. :pop;

Hot air balloons don't stay in air forever, do does the Rhetoric from Pakistan. :pop:

Once A'stan is cleared, we will send back the heads of your 'soldiers' or terrorists.

The ones that killed people for your saffron flag.
Pakistan has been saying this since 1948. Its June 2013 now.

Let me repeat the golden words: hot air balloons don't stay in air forever; neither the rhetoric from Pakistan. :pop:
Does it matter to us even if outsiders curse our army.No! Should we sacrifice our state, if outsiders ask us to do so.No! So i won't comment in this thread further. :D

On topic - I pray for them if they are innocent. Even God will punish them if they are criminal. Not aware of detail news, hence won't comment much.

we r not indians and secondly we love pakistan that is why on 14th agust we waive pakistan flag in streets, villages and cities

Kashmiri are neither Pakistanis. :pop: it's not kashmiri loves Pakistan, it's you, so speak for yourself :omghaha:
Your army will get dragged across Kashmir.

Once A'stan is cleared, we will send back the heads of your 'soldiers' or terrorists.

The ones that killed people for your saffron flag.

Hey Kid, why you guys always yap 2014, or once US leave A'stan and all that bullsh!t.

Are you guys weak on memory ? when you weren't able to do jack about kashmir in 90's when most of the Taliban fighters who were fighting against Russians in A'stan were directly redirected towards kashmir by your ISI/Army after the withdrawal of Russians from A'stan. Than do you hope you will be able to get success now ? If yes, than you are welcome to dream wet as you guys are doing since your inception.
And what do you Kashmiris except?

Allying yourself with India will only produce dead people and raped women.

They cannot stand your religion. Have your people become Hindus, and they will revere you as Gods.

Have you noticed how ruthless, cold hearted and psychopathic these Indians are when they laugh and smile over news of Indian army killing innocent Kashmiris. This shows their true intentions and how vile and evil their hearts are.
we r not indians and secondly we love pakistan that is why on 14th agust we waive pakistan flag in streets, villages and cities

And you are also free to move and settle down in pakistan. The Ancient Dharmic Land of kashmir will remain our's as it always was and always will ! Period!
we r not indians and secondly we love pakistan that is why on 14th agust we waive pakistan flag in streets, villages and cities

And I was Thinking that Kashmiris want Full Freedom ....... !! :tdown:
Hey Kid, why you guys always yap 2014, or once US leave A'stan and all that bullsh!t.

Are you guys weak on memory ? when you weren't able to do jack about kashmir in 90's when most of the Taliban fighters who were fighting against Russians in A'stan were directly redirected towards kashmir by your ISI/Army after the withdrawal of Russians from A'stan. Than do you hope you will be able to get success now ? If yes, than you are welcome to dream wet as you guys are doing since your inception.

Hey retard do you remember our tribals taking Kashmir, or better yet when our soldiers raped yours in Kargil?

Talk is cheap.

A youth namely Irfan Ahmad from Markundal
sonwar ,Bandipora martyred by Indian army early today.

Source:Syed Ali Gillani
Pakistan has been saying this since 1948. Its June 2013 now.

Let me repeat the golden words: hot air balloons don't stay in air forever; neither the rhetoric from Pakistan. :pop:

And your huge country cannot even touch Pakistan.


Those dreams of becoming a supa powa become useless when you get bullied by a nation 7 times smaller than yours.

We will continue giving India a Bloody nose.

As for the girlies in your nation:

Look at how they love Pakistanis...

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Hey retard do you remember our tribals taking Kashmir, or better yet when our soldiers raped yours in Kargil?

Talk is cheap.

Thousands join Kashmir protests - YouTube

Indians killed 70 innocent Kashmiris in Kashmir in the last 3 months. Indians are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing on Kashmiris. Just look at the Indians on this forum, how they laugh over the news over Kashmiris being murdered. This is the true colors of these people. So vile and evil.

The state of Kashmir has been occupied by these Indians and they take pleasure in killing Kashmiris.
Hey retard do you remember our tribals taking Kashmir, or better yet when our soldiers raped yours in Kargil?

Talk is cheap.

lol Raped or It was Opposite in Kargil ?? your Army Cant defend hundreds of Vacant Post
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