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Two Kashmir Youth Killed by Indian Army in kashmir

witness of bandipora killings :Around
midnight forces
laid cordon in a
village in bandipora
forces went on
door door search in
the locality after
started to retreat
village ,just before
leaving the village
people heard gun
shots and
screams ,it was
army personnel
had killed a young
chap who was a
student of 12th
class ,after killing
youth army tried
to take the body
along with them
but the nearby
villagers came and
resisted the
move ,in the
meantime more
reached on spot
and shot four more
youth. People were
subjected to
brutal torture,
injured were
medial aid and
siege continued till
morning.In the
mean time another
person died early
in the morning
But! Not before The sun starts rising from west. :coffee:

But! Not before The sun starts rising from west. :coffee:

I didnt started it, just replying mate!

I think all Indians should quit this thread. The sole purpose of this thread is to abuse India. So lets quit this thread rather than fighting and bad mouthing here. If we quit the thread then automatically this thread will stop and that'll be a better response I guess.
It would have been the best if all Indians could have avoided these kind of threads.
The people of Kashmir have made it clear that they do not want to be part of India. It is time India should let Kashmir go and become an independent state.

PS: RIP to the shaheed martyrs. Death and Shame be upon Indian Army for eternity. Allah Indian army ko is dunya may zalil Keray . Bad dua Lagy Indian army ko Kashmirion ki.
Just another day,being a jamati.
In dreams for sure :lol:

You want one on one match ? Invite me where ever you want piece of stinking sh!t. And i will show you who is the daddy, i dont do bitching around internet forums like you, But i can do some serious f@#king. Its reality, you guys will **** in your pants as you did when we slaughtered you!
@RoYaL~GuJJaR Calm down man....
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Revenge of Killing of Eight Indian Soldier's ..... !! They are even son of Someone a Husband to Some and Brother to Some .....!!

If you guys think we leave you .... its totally your Mistake

if they were sooooo somebody's xyz then what were they doing in an occupational force occupying valley?
You laugh because your fat and dark Indian @$$ never had to be subjected to oppression.

I smile knowing Indian Army is full of pussies like you.

Hey guess what!?


Your army will get dragged across Kashmir.

Once A'stan is cleared, we will send back the heads of your 'soldiers' or terrorists.

The ones that killed people for your saffron flag.

@RazPaK ay ki gand dala wala hai? :angry: jsut last night you were asking me why I am mad at @Parul and she is ok... :unsure:
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