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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

The same report said the raid was conducted because the Pakistani post was harassing Indian positions.

Because you were building posts that were barred by the terms of LOC.

The construction work — barred by the terms of the Line of Control ceasefire which India and Pakistan agreed on in 2003 — provoked furious protests from Pakistani troops. Indian commanders, the military source said, conceded that the construction was in violation of the ceasefire.

It is you who started all this. It is you who took provoked. It is you crossed LOC. And now you guys here blaming. Sharam karo. :angry:
The United Nations declared Jama'at-ud-Da'wah a terrorist organization in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader.

That is enough proof.


United Nations declaring some one terrorist doesn't make him a terrorist tomorrow they will something bad about your family you will accept that too

Your account is in line with this..

Last year, for example, there was fierce fighting Karnah, some 140 kilometres from Srinagar after two Indian soldiers were beheaded in an attack on a forward position by a Border Action Team. Indian special forces responded by targeting a Pakistani forward post, killing several soldiers and, by the account of one military official, which The Hindu could not corroborate independently, beheaded two.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...c-skirmish-indian-army-169.html#ixzz2HY6tWcV7
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Last year, for example, there was fierce fighting Karnah, some 140 kilometres from Srinagar after two Indian soldiers were beheaded in an attack on a forward position by a Border Action Team. Indian special forces responded by targeting a Pakistani forward post, killing several soldiers and, by the account of one military official, which The Hindu could not corroborate independently, beheaded two.

I am fully confident the Indian army will soon retaliate in the language that our enemy understands the best, if not now then some time later.

It may or may not come in the media since Pakistan normally does not accept such things for the fear that this may destroy the morale of their soldiers.

Indian compatriots - stay calm, revenge shall be taken, sooner then later.
United Nations declaring some one terrorist doesn't make him a terrorist tomorrow they will something bad about your family you will accept that too

Unlike hafiz sayed , my family is not running terrorist camps throughout Pakistan with full support of establishment.

So if with full proof UN declares someone terrorist , pakistan is not ready to accept it.

What makes you think that pak will accept the report on these firings ???
I am fully confident the Indian army will soon retaliate in the language that our enemy understands the best, if not now then some time later.

It may or may not come in the media since Pakistan normally does not accept such things for the fear that this may destroy the morale of their soldiers.

Indian compatriots - stay calm, revenge shall be taken, sooner then later.

And after that I am confident that my army would respond. This is not Indo BD border.

Bach kai nahi jao gai. Yaad rakhna.
Sir you crossed the border first Sir if Pakistani post was firing at you what the hell was your Army doing they were so scared to fire back why you have given them guns take them back if they cannot fire back but you did a serious act of crossing the border and now got the answer so stop crying like babies

The Indian grudge is not with Pakistani troops crossing the border or even ambushing a patrol party. The grudge is over the alleged beheading.

Please read post #2521

Pakistani shelling from that post claimed the lives of 3 kashmiris. Cross border raids aeot uncommon. It happens. But mutilation is rather unprofessional of any army.
Unlike hafiz sayed , my family is not running terrorist camps throughout Pakistan with full support of establishment.

So if with full proof UN declares someone terrorist , pakistan is not ready to accept it.

What makes you think that pak will accept the report on these firings ???
Sir he is running camps of freedom fighters who are fighting for freedom of Kashmir jut like your hero Bhaggat Singh did UN didn't declared Hafiz Saeed terrorist with any proof they declared him because they wanted to please India
Indian compatriots - stay calm, revenge shall be taken, sooner then later.

I am against escalation of tensions at the LoC. As I suggested earlier, both armies should rather target area commanders covertly. Artillery fires in th region only goes to hurt the villagers, whom ironically, Pakistani Army claims to want to liberate and the IA claims to protect.
Lost on three fronts badly - referendum, war & terrorism, to change the status-quo of Kashmir, Pakistan is remained with just one option - Diplomacy or 'Internationalize the Kashmir Issue'. Diplomacy is a very powerful tool if used properly, this is what the Palestinians achieved in 2012 when there UN status was upgraded & international community accepted TACITLY that a country called Palestine do exist. This when Israel's military might is unmatched in entire middle-east.

Pakistan has time & again, used any sort of platform available to make International community aware that here we have a so-called Disputed territory called Kashmir, be it OIC, or UN GA or even Kargil was not a military operation but an operation to bring the world to notice about Kashmir dispute & to force India to find a solution for it. Yes, India is powerful enough a country to dodge any pressure but if whole world will have a feeling that it could result into a nuclear war b/w the two nations & if all countries started demanding solution, India cannot remain blind either.

This is what Pakistan is trying to achieve through Diplomacy (though unsuccessful till now), it is playing with the fears of the world that a nuclear war is still a possibility & u can't see THIS incident separated from the larger designs of Pakistan on Kashmir (remember LOC is not International border), why else do u think Pakistan within hours of the incident asked for a UN monitored probe where some people from powerful countries like US, UK, France, etc. will come & make a local Incident an International issue?? I know that a UN monitored probe will not at all change the status-quo, but Diplomacy is about Baby Steps & in it nothing can change immediately. The issue is why should we let enter some foreign nationals on OUR TERRITORY that will inspect everything - LOC, Dead Bodies, surrounding areas, etc. & make a mockery of the death of our soldiers?? Does US let Indian citizens to probe any incident on it's soil??

I know nor Indians trust Pakistanis on this nor Pakistanis on Indians so the Joint probe option is also ruled out.

+ as this incident goes there can be only three possibilities:

1. Either it were the regular PA soldiers.
2. Either the militants.
3. OR as the conspiracy theorists like to point out, IA itself.

Now, i cannot say anything about Possibility 1 or 3 as i have no knowledge about it, but if the possibility is #2 than i should tell u that in is not at all possible without the active support of the PA, since LOC was crossed & soldiers were killed & mutilated, this can't be done by irregulars alone, right??

The only option which i think is possible here is that we can have INDEPENDENT Post-mortem report of the bodies & Pakistan should accept whatever it's finding will be.

Even if I were to take your conjectures on face-value & ignore commenting on them just to keep the discussion localized to the issue at hand, I still cannot understand the rest of the argument.

If a 'baby step', as you call it, is able to internationalize the Kashmir Issue by extrapolating one incidents which is asked to be investigated purely along 'forensic' & not 'diplomatic' or 'political' lines then one might, also, be justified in asking that couldn't such an internationalizing occur during the Dam Construction issues for they too were in the same 'disputed territory' which Indian maintains is an integral part of its country; Pakistan could have very well have adopted that line of reasoning & asked for an indefinite stay-order on that Dam's Construction owing to the Status of Jammu & Kashmir.

And yet we didn't....why ?

Because it would not work ! Because courts & bodies act in the purview of a set of parameters within which they are to judge for or against a petition. They do not, however, extrapolate an incident to a larger dispute if they did India would be the first to register to an objection.

Furthermore if it was Internationalization of the Kashmir Issue that could be sought through such incidents & others like them than the Mumbai Bombings & '02 Stand-Off or even the '99 Kargil Skirmish would have done that very well for any neutral observer when trying to understand the root of the problem that could have caused Pakistan or Pakistanis to acts they way the did & India to react the way she did is an open wound - Kashmir ! And yet none of those events did that not even Kargil did that !

In fact, conversely so, the Kargil War, poured in sympathy for the Indians & stronger than ever support for India on their stance on Kashmir because we were wrong to do what we did. Similarly if India thinks that Pakistani soldiers or irregulars crossed over the LOC, took out their boys & beheaded one then a UN sponsored probe would demonize Pakistan to no end & if this is an Internationalization of the Kashmir Issue then it would be one in favor of India.

India's refusal to doing that casts doubt over the sincerity & veracity of their claims.
Sir he is running camps of freedom fighters who are fighting for freedom of Kashmir jut like your hero Bhaggat Singh did UN didn't declared Hafiz Saeed terrorist with any proof they declared him because they wanted to please India

So, if UN would implicate PA in the attack you'd say it did so to please India. We are all biased towards our own country, lets accept it rather than painting ourselves as saints.
Sir he is running camps of freedom fighters who are fighting for freedom of Kashmir jut like your hero Bhaggat Singh did UN didn't declared Hafiz Saeed terrorist with any proof they declared him because they wanted to please India

Please don't compare a freedom fighter like bhagat singh with terrorist like hafiz sayed ....

Whether you like it or not , hafiz sayed is a internationally declared terrorist .No matter of pakistani whining is going to change the fact.

And about the second part of pleasing India , No wonder pakistanis love conspiracy theories.
When you respond, we will respond again.

Tum bhi Yaad rahkhna

Yeah yeah. But we will respond. And we will respond strongly. Keep that in mind. An don't whine after that.

India's refusal to doing that casts doubt over the sincerity & veracity of their claims.

It is they who have provoked. Even Indian media accepts this. Ab ro rahai hain harkat karnai kai baad.
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