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Two guns to rule them all:Russia's game breaking coalition SP artillery.


Jun 10, 2008
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Interior automated,crew safe in seperate compartment.

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Logistics support vehicle.

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The 2S35 Koalitsija-SV (coalition) is a prototype twin-barrel self-propelled howitzer. The first demonstrator of this unique artillery system was completed in 2006 and uses a number of components from the 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled howitzer. However production variant of this new SPH will look differently. The Koalitsija-SV is intended to replace the ageing Russian 152-mm artillery systems.

The twin-barrel Koalitsija-SV has a high rate of fire comparing with current artillery systems. It might be around 16 rounds per minute. This artillery system will be fitted with two 152- or 155-mm howitzers. Vehicle has a fully-automatic ammunition handling and loading systems. Two barrels have a number of other advantages comparing with usual self-propelled howitzers. The Koalistsija-SV is more reliable as both guns have associated autoloaders and if one of them fails, another keeps on firing. This SPH uses both barrels in quick succession, so the guns do not overheat and have a twice longer service life. The Koalitsija-SV can load both barrels at any inclination angles. This SPH is capable of multiple round simultaneous impact firing. It can also launch two precision-guided rounds, that will hit two different targets simultaneously.

The Koalitsija-SV will have an automatic targeting and charge selection system.

The demonstrator vehicle has a crew of 5, however production Koalitsija-SV will have a high level of automation. It's crew will consists of only two men, located in a well protected compartment at the front of the hull.

Demonstrator of the Koalitsija-SV uses a modified Msta-S chassis, however production self-propelled howitzer will have a new tracked chassis. Production vehicles will be also fitted with larger turret.

Koalitsija-SV Prototype Self-Propelled Twin-Barrel Howitzer | Military-Today.com

This guns a beast,it would have twice the rate of fire of any modern SP gun and would be able to fire at simultaneous targets at different angles,and barrels would also be more enduring.

I think we should keep our eye on this.When our long delayed SP art tender is issued may be we can get these?:woot::woot:
This guns a beast,it would have twice the rate of fire of any modern SP gun and would be able to fire at simultaneous targets at different angles,and barrels would also be more enduring.

The barrels are not independent from each other, so no, it would not be able to fire simultaneously at different angles. And at twice the rate of fire, the wear and tear on the barrels is the same as with the conventional howitzer. So....yea.....
The barrels are not independent from each other, so no, it would not be able to fire simultaneously at different angles. And at twice the rate of fire, the wear and tear on the barrels is the same as with the conventional howitzer. So....yea.....

Two barrels have a number of other advantages comparing with usual self-propelled howitzers. The Koalistsija-SV is more reliable as both guns have associated autoloaders and if one of them fails, another keeps on firing. This SPH uses both barrels in quick succession, so the guns do not overheat and have a twice longer service life. The Koalitsija-SV can load both barrels at any inclination angles. This SPH is capable of multiple round simultaneous impact firing. It can also launch two precision-guided rounds, that will hit two different targets simultaneously.

From the article itself.Read plz.
Two barrels have a number of other advantages comparing with usual self-propelled howitzers. The Koalistsija-SV is more reliable as both guns have associated autoloaders and if one of them fails, another keeps on firing. This SPH uses both barrels in quick succession, so the guns do not overheat and have a twice longer service life. The Koalitsija-SV can load both barrels at any inclination angles. This SPH is capable of multiple round simultaneous impact firing. It can also launch two precision-guided rounds, that will hit two different targets simultaneously.

From the article itself.Read plz.

There's nothing revolutionary about that. It looks badass, but apart from that.....the simultaneous PGM hitting two targets at the same time is more dependant on the PGM then the howitzer.
Multiple rounds simultaneous landing is also standard. The firing rate also isn't 100% improvement but just 60% on the standard howitzer (PzH 2000)
For the barrel life, it probably wont last any longer when fired x number of shells as compared to same x number of shells fired from a conventional howitzer.

You need to know basics before you call something a game changer. Not telling me to go read. Knowing that what you presented is a prototype from 2006 , which in 2013 lost the second gun and got transplanted to a wheeled truck wouldn't hurt either.
But what about its firing rate?The best SP guns atm [say pzhbtz 2000 german] have around 10 rounds per minute firing rate.This has 16.Thats a great improvement.
Not the best looking thing and looks like it might fall over on it's side, but it does look terrifying. Over all, pretty cool piece of tech, don't know if it would be of any use.
The problem is never RPM, but how accurate you can deliver your arty fire on target.

Almost all call for support is tactical these day, you get a lot of Danger close coming to relieve your guy or just try to work on a static defence(but most of the time to relieve your guy)

Problem with Support fire is, I can accept you drop a barrage of low intensity but accurate fire rather a high concentration but low accuracy fire on me. I had enough trouble, that's why I am calling for arty, I don't need more trouble if those arty is going to fall on me. Especially high volume inaccurate incoming.....
so i guess its 2 guns,

the only real advantage is you save money by using one chassis.

the barrel lasts longer, but that's only because you are using them less, same can be achieve with 2 regular howitzers by slowing the 10 rounds/min to 8 rounds/min firing rate(thus getting the same 16 rounds/min) and in fact the reg is better because you have the OPTION of going at 10

but the disadvantage includes

unable to aim at multiple targets
if that one vehicle gets hit u lose 2 guns.

you win some, you lose some.
Advantage is u can concentrate double the amount of firepower on the same timeperiod.It makes shoot and scoot tactics easier and more effective.
Advantage is u can concentrate double the amount of firepower on the same timeperiod.It makes shoot and scoot tactics easier and more effective.

Don't think that heavy beast can scoot very quickly
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