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Twin Blasts in Quetta, 15 dead

If they can send hundreds of terrorists then why not one or two suicide bast@rds. I won't be surprised if these two bombers were also from Afghanistan.

When ANA officials start getting caught inside Pakistan, you know things are pretty dire from their end.
The kids that got kidnapped by terrorists in the Bajaur border region got sanctuary in Afghanistan as well. Infiltration from Afghanistan into Dir, Malakand, Chitral is happening in hundreds of Afghan terrorists in their Afghan safe havens trying to infiltrate into Pakistan. Then there is infiltration of terrorists from Kandahar to Chaman to Quetta as well. Wonder when the Afghan safe havens will be tackled.

at least we are actively fighting the terrorists in our side, but the question is when will the safe places in NW will be eliminated.
The thing that almost killed me from inside was when they mentioned that many dead were just people, people from every walk of life. Some one passing by some one going to work, some one coming from work, a bike rider, an auto driver, and the 3 FC jawans who burned to death in their car. The reporter mentioned that they were burned beyond recognition. These pigs who killed so many innocent people, what did they achieve. At that point I just wished that I could lay my hands not on the foot freaks of the terrorist organisation but the trainers of theirs, their planers, the one who brain washes these retards, and do to them what Vlad did to the Turks during his wars (Even though I hate him as a historic figure who fought against the Turks). But I would adapt his method of torture on these b@stards, these ****** roaches and Impale them all. So they can feel the death coming to them, slowly and painfully. And then they would realize that they while blowing their retards up in a crowd, would not only kill who they had killed but also sentenced to death many with them. Their families who had to die slowly and painfully day in day out.
really really sad,
still we have been blamed as terrorists.
we are the ones who have suffered most of it, still do more for us.
enough of blame game.
RIP to those who have died in these blasts.
at least we are actively fighting the terrorists in our side, but the question is when will the safe places in NW will be eliminated.

Ahmad you need to stop selective reading on your end, fighting on your side with who. Those who you dont like, but what about the ones that harm us. We have tried time and again to eliminate the nuisance but guess one some one to the east not only gives them a free entry, but also assists them when they attack and kill our soldiers and civilians with out discrimination. Hint it starts with an A and end with one as well.
Why the baseless allegations against Afghanistan, the country worst affected by terrorism?

Please spare the sad thread from cheap point scoring. Let your investigation agencies investigate and hand over proof to Afghanistan if any.

RIP to the dead.
at least we are actively fighting the terrorists in our side, but the question is when will the safe places in NW will be eliminated.

Dude, come out of your state of denial! NW is being tackled already by the drone strikes, there is far less infiltration & terrorism from NW into Khost, Paktia than there is from many other Afghan provinces, & I have figures to prove that. The infiltration from Afghanistan, hundreds of terrorists at once (200-600+ terrorists simultaneously) for days trying to infiltrate into Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Chitral, Bajaur repeatedly for months has no comparison with NW. The fact that ANA officials have been caught inside Pakistan has no comparison. So stop it with the bullcrap, with your rants on NW.
Why the baseless allegations against Afghanistan, the country worst affected by terrorism?

Please spare the sad thread from cheap point scoring. Let your investigation agencies investigate and hand over proof to Afghanistan if any.

RIP to the dead.

Lolzzz Looks who saying this.

From another thread same individual.

Despite our horrible neighborhood and their non state actors where the PM says he can not guarantee his non state actors will not carry out attacks in foreign countries, but the same PM then goes and defends his non state actors in UNSC, the terrorism instances in India have declined.

This is because the common masses in India do not support terrorism.

Blast at Delhi High Court

And we don't need RIP from a clown like you. Grow up, be mature and then show your condolences. Your RIP is like a disrespect for these 20 martyrs.
at least we are actively fighting the terrorists in our side, but the question is when will the safe places in NW will be eliminated.

Absolutely right mate-- somehow we wonder why all the high profile terrorists found in Pakistan. This is a fact and you can't argue on that.
Dude, come out of your state of denial! NW is being tackled already by the drone strikes, there is far less infiltration & terrorism from NW into Khost, Paktia than there is from many other Afghan provinces, & I have figures to prove that. The infiltration from Afghanistan, hundreds of terrorists at once (200-600+ terrorists simultaneously) for days trying to infiltrate into Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Chitral, Bajaur repeatedly for months has no comparison with NW. The fact that ANA officials have been caught inside Pakistan has no comparison. So stop it with the bullcrap, with your rants on NW.

Those officials might be visiting thier relatives, you know it and i know it and until something proven against them, we need to wait. and these cross border attacks into paksitan from afghanistan is something fairly new while we ahve been complaining about infiltration into our soil and planning suicide bombings into afghanistan from NW for over 10 years now.
Absolutely right mate-- somehow we wonder why all the high profile terrorists found in Pakistan. This is a fact and you can't argue on that.

Yeah just one or two high level targets are arrested from Pakistan and hundreds of terrorists roam freely from Afghanistan to Pakistan and within Afghanistan. Talk about the difference. :)
Ahmad you need to stop selective reading on your end, fighting on your side with who. Those who you dont like, but what about the ones that harm us. We have tried time and again to eliminate the nuisance but guess one some one to the east not only gives them a free entry, but also assists them when they attack and kill our soldiers and civilians with out discrimination. Hint it starts with an A and end with one as well.

brother, and when these basta.rds are chasing and killed while they are entering pakistan during those chase, it has been our paksitani friends who have always been sensitive to the issue and even they stopped supplies to the nato. and we need to know that the TTP are as our enemy as they are yours.
Why the baseless allegations against Afghanistan, the country worst affected by terrorism?

Please spare the sad thread from cheap point scoring. Let your investigation agencies investigate and hand over proof to Afghanistan if any.

RIP to the dead.

You are so quick to make cheap comments and insinuations on the dehli bombings making sneaky cheap remarks about pakistan and terrorism and then you are on here asking us to wait for the investigation? Why one rule for one and a different one for you. Its people like you that tend to speculate that create issues and disharmony.
Yes lets wait till an investigation has taken place for BOTH atrocities and not single one out and speculate.
Yeah just one or two high level targets are arrested from Pakistan and hundreds of terrorists roam freely from Afghanistan to Pakistan and within Afghanistan. Talk about the difference. :)

Are you serious ? As i said facts there are to been, you should brush up your knowledge please.
Are you serious ? As i said facts there are to been, you should brush up your knowledge please.

I am also talking about facts dear not the BS you guuys share at BR or any other Indian forum for that matter.
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