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Twin blasts in Mohmand leave 40 dead

very sad news....feel for the innocent victims...its getting regular nowadays...hope these end soon

Assumption much?

What gives you the right to say that?

Have you lost a cousin, two friends an aunt to terrorism. Have you seen your next door neighbour that you grew up with and been firends with since 5 go to work and come back in a coffin?

Works both ways, perhaps you should lecture your comrades who are still busy slinging mud against Pakistan in various spam threads before pontificating to us.

Who takes notice? BBC, CNN, SKY, CSBN, FOX?

Nope: Dawn, Samman, Geo, ARY, Express, Aj.... ( No one outside Pakistan cares!)

Police cannot be everywhere all the time, you cannot barricade entire cities and provinces...

I have got answer, after all the blast wasnt in Punjab, thats why...WHO CARES..Pakistan is all about Punjab, this forum and specially this THREAD has proved it. I remember how much people got angry and yelling against Govt and TTP, when there were 3 blasts in LAHORE about 3 months ago with 25 odd dead.
Your frustration doesnt change things, it all in front of you.
People turning Cold Blooded is what i felt having look at conditions on this forum itself

To bold part, Even these news agency dont care much about it, because its outside Punjab and moreover extreme on border.

Even remember when there(Mohmand) was blast last time with 70 odd dead, i remember your own fellow citizens saying "How is this not covered by media, they dont care"
Media only gives, what people want.
I have got answer, after all the blast wasnt in Punjab, thats why...WHO CARES..Pakistan is all about Punjab, this forum and specially this THREAD has proved it. I remember how much people got angry and yelling against Govt and TTP, when there were 3 blasts in LAHORE about 3 months ago with 25 odd dead.
Your frustration doesnt change things, it all in front of you.
People turning Cold Blooded is what i felt having look at conditions on this forum itself

To bold part, Even these news agency dont care much about it, because its outside Punjab and moreover extreme on border.

Even remember when there(Mohmand) was blast last time with 70 odd dead, i remember your own fellow citizens saying "How is this not covered by media, they dont care"
Media only gives, what people want.

Sorry professor 62,809,427 Pakistanis DO CARE..
YEH HUM NAHEEN | Say No To Terrorism

So you take your analysis elsewhere. Our nation our people... Our families slain.. Of course we care, stop being retarded and stupid.

I have lost many near and dear to me due to this, you cannot begin to imagine so Please, spare us the lecture.
Is it not sad that around 40 tribal elders, security personnel and journalists were killed yesterday in twin suicide bombings at a jirga? These dedicated people had gathered, outside the office of the assistant political agent of Ghalanai, the agency headquarters of Mohmand, to devise a strategy against terrorism in the tribal region? Our sympathies are with the People of Pakistan and our condolences go out to the family of the deceased. Terrorists who cannot compete against legitimate rule silence stronger voices and ideas with violence

Our NATO forces in Afghanistan target every terrorist hideout even in Kunar and Nouristan. It is true that we have pulled some troops from remote areas in order to focus our forces on population centers, but we have not left them out for terrorist to flourish. On the contrary we regularly monitor those areas and on viable intelligence hit terrorist targets. Our overall operational tempo has increased dramatically with the surge, leading to the removal of more than 32 Taliban leaders and 228 lower level fighters off the battlefield from 22-28 November. In the 90 days before 25 November, our Special Operations Forces conducted 1,756 operations resulting in 385 insurgent leaders either killed or captured, 909 lower level fighters killed and 2,590 insurgents captured.

Have not TTP terrorists become a menace for the peace loving people of Pakistan? Have they not been attacking and killing the innocent citizens in hundreds on a daily basis? Is their agenda not to terrorize and brutalize the innocent and kill without remorse? Do we not need to think about these questions and help eliminate the like of Al-Qaeda and Taliban once and for all?

LCDR Bill Speaks
DET – United States Central Command
Sorry professor 62,809,427 Pakistanis DO CARE..
YEH HUM NAHEEN | Say No To Terrorism

So you take your analysis elsewhere. Our nation our people... Our families slain.. Of course we care, stop being retarded and stupid.

I have lost many near and dear to me due to this, you cannot begin to imagine so Please, spare us the lecture.

People start personal attacks, when they fall short of reasoning.
I have told you incidents and you aren't able to deny them.?
Did i told a lie about any incident?? NO
Did i told lie About media coverage ?? NO

Sorry for your near and dear ones.

But the thing is i told you something, that you also know and dont want to accept.
Prove whats lie or wrong in my earlier post or otherwise it proves that you are stupid itself.

I wont talk more about, Blast at "MOHMAND" . YOUR fellow citizens dont care about this part of land, why should i ??
Carry on what you want to say.
Sad the innocent life is lost, ISI pets are getting back to its master pretty bad now days.
People start personal attacks, when they fall short of reasoning.
I have told you incidents and you aren't able to deny them.?
Did i told a lie about any incident?? NO
Did i told lie About media coverage ?? NO

Sorry for your near and dear ones.

But the thing is i told you something, that you also know and dont want to accept.
Prove whats lie or wrong in my earlier post or otherwise it proves that you are stupid itself.

I wont talk more about, Blast at "MOHMAND" . YOUR fellow citizens dont care about this part of land, why should i ??
Carry on what you want to say.

eople start personal attacks, when they fall short of reasoning.
reasoning? Please don't insult me. You come onto our forum and call us cold blooded, exuse me.

I have told you incidents and you aren't able to deny them.?

You are judging a entire country by the response on Dawn and PDF, is that commonsense, come with me to my relatives house in Peshawar and i will show you the grief the go though every day.

Come with me to my cousins house who was 24 and was to be wed this year, sadly some retard targeted his convoy. He was only 24... Tell that to his fiance and his family...

Tell that to my cousin who was training to be a doctor in the Pakistan Army Medical Crops when her bus was targeted and she lost an arm.

Tell that to my grieving neighbour who was widowed when a terrorist ruthlessely rammed his jeep into the checkpost her husband was manning.

Or Talk about "Reasoning" to me, i lost my loved one and i still remember that we couldnt even see his face one last time because the damage done to him during the blast was so hurrendous that his face had to be covered up, his mother could not even see her son for the last time....

Tell that to THEM!!!!!!

How many lovedones have you lost? How many to terrorism?

I lost 23 GOD DAMNIT. You know nothing of our pain, there are hundreds and thousands of others like me who lost relitives and friends to this menace and you come here and question our motives, you quesiton our loyalty and our compassion.

Did i told a lie about any incident??
So we don't mourne, we don't care for our own people... What planet are you on?





your view of Pakistan is through what?

do you follow Samma, PTV, AJJ, Express... Do you read the urdu dailies or the Jang?

But the thing is i told you something, that you also know and dont want to accept.

The thing you told me is NONSENSE.

Look you are sitting safe in India my family and loved ones face this EVERY DAY, It like CAT lecturing a seal on how to SWIM

Prove whats lie or wrong in my earlier post or otherwise it proves that you are stupid itself.

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

Home - pakistan terrorism survivors network

YEH HUM NAHEEN | Say No To Terrorism

I wont talk more about, Blast at "MOHMAND" . YOUR fellow citizens dont care about this part of land, why should i ??
Carry on what you want to say.

No, we are not asking you not to talk, we are asking you to stop prejudging and commenting on things you have no knowlege of appart from what you read in the papers or see on TV.

If you still don't belive we care about our fallen. I invite you to come tp Pakistan i will take you door to door, you can live their loss and grief... And then tell me if it's not genuine.

Till then, please don't make sweeping judgements.
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Hence the saying, u will reap what u sow.

"RIP" from the bottom of my heart.
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RIP...isn't it time the Pakistan government tears up the old arguments on autonomy of the tribes and enforces her writ in the border areas?
RIP...isn't it time the Pakistan government tears up the old arguments on autonomy of the tribes and enforces her writ in the border areas?

Army waiting for ‘right time’ to launch NWA operation

Daily Times
By Iqbal Khattak
November 26, 2010

PESHAWAR: The military will wait until it has completed the operation in Orakzai, stabilised Swat and Bajaur and handed over stable places such as Shangla to civilian control before it launches action in North Waziristan, where Washington is wanting an army operation against safe-havens of the Haqqani network and its local and foreign facilitators, top officials said on Thursday.

“Oh yes, we have to go to North Waziristan for action to restore the dignity of the state, but not by leaving other ongoing missions half done,” the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Daily Times, in what could be the first hints at preparations for much-awaited action around the border areas of North Waziristan. North Waziristan, according to reports, has been the last bastion for local and foreign militants after the military regained lost ground in Swat, drove them out from South Waziristan and put them on the “back foot” in Bajaur.

The officials said it was principally agreed to take action in North Waziristan. “However, we will wait for the appropriate time before doing that,” they said.

“For actions in North Waziristan, the military will need to remove troops from areas where they are already engaged against militants or stabilised other areas. Leaving the ongoing missions half done will be an extremely unwise move to take.” With reports that the political leadership of the country authorised Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to take the decision as to when action should begin in North Waziristan, it looks less likely the army will take action in winter.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
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