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Tussle between Pak, India escalates over denial of visas

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Tussle over denial of visas escalates
*India denies visa to Pakistani diplomat posted in HC in Delhi days after Islamabad refused visas to two yoga instructors
NEW DELHI: The tussle between India and Pakistan over denial of visas to applicants from either side has escalated, with Islamabad describing New Delhi’s decision to deny visa to its foreign ministry official as ‘unprecedented’ and ‘unacceptable’.
On Wednesday, The Hindu quoted an official of the Foreign Office in Islamabad asserting that India had no reason to deny visa to the official who was being sent for a position in its High Commission in New Delhi.

While Pakistan has termed the decision as ‘absolutely absurd’, The Hindu report said India had indicated that it would be unable to give visa to the foreign ministry official concerned and had cited ‘concerns’ over his alleged links to the Pakistani intelligence.

Indian reports indicate that Pakistan is yet to withdraw the application of the official concerned.

The kerfuffle comes close on the heels of India accusing Pakistan of rejecting the visa applications of two yoga instructors, the report added.

According to report, Pakistan turned down the application of a Yoga instructor, made through the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in March this year, and it also turned down the request of a second instructor, in the run up to the preparations for the International Yoga Day on June 21. Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has said India had to make ‘internal arrangements’ for holding the International Yoga Day celebrations as ‘Pakistan’s mindset became clear when they rejected visa to our yoga teacher’.

She asserted that despite the problems, India will hold the Yoga Day celebrations at the High Commission in Islamabad.

According to reports, diplomats of all countries will attend the June 21 celebrations being held in the High Commission in Islamabad but Pakistani officials are unlikely to be present. Earlier in May, Pakistan had accused India of not giving visas to a nine-member Ju-Jitsu Federation, which was supposed to participate in the first South Asian & Central Asian Ju-Jitsu Championship in Bengaluru.
Tussle over denial of visas escalates
Things are getting messy day by day...
only the honey coating has worn out.
Nothing has changed otherwise.

Humiliated and ruled over by outsiders for centuries but have egos the size of Jupiter.
Didn't knew 'Tussle' was a english word too. Lol
We were divided since last decade but Thanks to India All nation is on the same page now.

Thank you Modi Sarkar :D
how did you measure unity. And unity is for PDF members only.
To hell with yoga.. first indian denied visa to our Jitsu team, u 17 wrestlers and then diplomates ...
Pakistan have all the right to react for those 2 indivuals after this major incidence...
there are always reactions, india is aggressive on diplomatic front...
I think India and Pakistan should stop acting like kids. We need to grow up!
Little retarded children...... I wish China and US divide India and Pakistan between them.............
how did you measure unity. And unity is for PDF members only.

Baloch rebels are surrendering themselves. TTP is almost finished in tribal areas, Indian influence reducing rapidly. Armed forces are determined for peace and performing really well.

and indian butt's are hurting simultaneously :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Baloch rebels are surrendering themselves. TTP is almost finished in tribal areas, Indian influence reducing rapidly. Armed forces are determined for peace and performing really well.

and indian butt's are hurting simultaneously :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So all your problems are solved. Time for a party. :taz:. very soon hafiz saeed will be your PM.

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