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Most of us dont even know when we exploded our nuclear weapons, let alone counting it as the finest day for India.
I guess your big thrill was when M.S. Dhoni went for a haircut.

I'm not sure what do you mean by "that" amount of energy.
We do know that PAEC had prepared the Chaghi sites for testing purpose long before '98. So it is quite possible that permanent power lines where laid down from the nearest possible high power transmission line. In '98, most of the preparations were already done, just the devices were flown to the sites and on-site preparations were made.
Dude, i'm not talking about the street lighting or something rather the energy required for that critical mass, you know to quash the uranium ball. @Oscar, need some help man.

Most of us dont even know when we exploded our nuclear weapons, let alone counting it as the finest day for India.

because you guys are f(#$%* cool! Actually the reason why you guys dont remember is because Indian nuke test was a mere firecracker, heck your devali firecracker yield more energy then indian nuke.
If that was your takeaway from my post, then I completely agree with you. There is a reason why Pakistani's consider a nuclear bomb as the best moment in Pakistan's history. That reason is that you dont have many other significant achievements.
Let them celebrate...
Yes sir yes sir, each Pakistani Nuke = 1000 Indian Nukes! Pakistani nukes very good quality, ekdum badhia!!:partay:
The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs is wrong! Pakistan, India and North Korea are NOT considered 'Nuclear Weapon States' since they have not signed the NPT.

There are eight sovereign states that have successfully detonated nukes. Only five are considered to be "nuclear-weapon states" (NWS) - the US, Russia, UK, France and China.

see , as I said , this single event put a cork up the rear end of every enemy of Pakistan , especially these indians
Dude, i'm not talking about the street lighting or something rather the energy required for that critical mass, you know to quash the uranium ball. @Oscar, need some help man.
Oh, that. :P
You have been misinformed, there is no "very high" amount of electrical current needed to trigger the explosion. If that was the case, missile warheads would've been extremely large (as capacitor banks w0uld be needed).

Here's how it works:
The weapon core (U/Pu/Composite) is surrounded by explosive lenses. An electrical detonator is connected to each of them, all of which are connected to a single high voltage battery. As soon as the trigger command is issued by the warhead controller, current from the battery is supplied to all detonators simultaneously, which explode all lenses simultaneously. So it is the explosion from the lenses which squashes the core, not the current/electrical energy.

when Pakistan detonate the Muslim world get some relieved that in front of Zionist christian hindu bomb at last we have a answer . Pakistan really brighten the image of Muslim world by achieving this technology .
yar kisi nay 26 sec say ziyada wali video dekhi hai?
Well that is debatable..

Yaaar Detergent Bhai eik baaat tou batanaa : Are we able to convert this Nuclear Tech from military purposes to Civilian purposes in an independent or at least partially independent manner ? :)
because you guys are f(#$%* cool! Actually the reason why you guys dont remember is because Indian nuke test was a mere firecracker, heck your devali firecracker yield more energy then indian nuke.

Is that some kind of joke ? :woot:A country that can make a fast breeder reactors can develelop a nuclear bomb.200 kT TN warheads are being equipped on latest canisterised Indian BMs/SLBMs as we speak.

Well that is debatable..

FBFs or TN ?
Yaaar Detergent Bhai eik baaat tou batanaa : Are we able to convert this Nuclear Tech from military purposes to Civilian purposes in an independent or at least partially independent manner ? :)
Weapons grade fissile material and associated systems are relatively easy to develop. Designing nuclear reactors is a bit difficult. Except for small research reactors, we haven't developed anything indigenously in this regard. It would require a huge amount of money which we do not have at the moment.

FBFs or TN ?
Weapons grade fissile material and associated systems are relatively easy to develop. Designing nuclear reactors is a bit difficult. Except for small research reactors, we haven't developed anything indigenously in this regard.

So we're only as good as detonating the Bomb & not utilizing its energy for some constructive purpose !

And I called you as 'Detergent' in my previous post - You missed it ! :(

No tantrum....no nothing - I feel so unloved ! :cray:

Khair jokes aside, Bhai can you answer two questions :

(i) What about those Reactors we've set up with Chinese assistance - Shouldn't we have learned how to build at least a decent Reactor after that ?

(ii) What are these Tritium Reactors I've been reading about with India's name being mentioned as the World-Leader in this ?
@The Deterrent, thanks for the info, however it's suffice to say that there would be miles of cables leading from OP to the devices (attached), i wonder how the trigger is activated during a free fall air delivery, especially some sixty years earlier.
So we're only as good as detonating the Bomb & not utilizing its energy for some constructive purpose !
As I said, it requires money.

And I called you as 'Detergent' in my previous post - You missed it ! :(

No tantrum....no nothing - I feel so unloved ! :cray:
I didn't :P

Khair jokes aside, Bhai can you answer two questions :

(i) What about those Reactors we've set up with Chinese assistance - Shouldn't we have learned how to build at least a decent Reactor after that ?

(ii) What are these Tritium Reactors I've been reading about with India's name being mentioned as the World-Leader in this ?
(i) Paisa laa do bhai, sab kuch ho jaye ga.
(ii) Tritium Reactors? o_O
I guess you are referring to Fast Breeder Reactors.
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