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No idea to be honest.

Maybe they diverted any high power transmission line nearby? (If that is possible).
It's mind boggling thinking there must have been wires stretching for some 12 kms between the OP and ground zero.
:pakistan::pakistan: Alhamdulliah this was the finest day in History of Pakistan ...the day we rise from Dust and become a Nuclear State , rejecting all the pressures ....the day when we show middle finger to all our enemies and give them a message " Dont even think about messing with us now "
Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:

Most of us dont even know when we exploded our nuclear weapons, let alone counting it as the finest day for India.
I have read many interesting things regarding the nuclear tests. Just like to share.

1. During the days leading upto tests propaganda was really picked up. 2 militants posing themselves as Baloch Liberators (neighbouring country sponsored) hijacked a PIA plane from Quetta. Their demand was to protest the nuclear test on Baloch soil. They ordered the plane to be taken to Ahmedabad India. Pilot who was Ex-PAF, landed the plane on Hyderabad Airport and told them that it was Ahmedabad. SSG commandos raided the plane and even before they blink eye both were shot in the head, Unfortunately a bullet from falling terrorist martyred our SSG officer.

2. These sites were selected and prepared as early as 1984 for the same purpose.

3. Ch. Nisar and Sartaj Aziz was strongly opposing tests, while Nawaz Sharif was also in favor of taking US Aid package. In a meeting with leading journalists, Majeed Nizami (Nawai-e-Waqt editor) said to Nawaz, that mood on the ground is very charged up. Mr. PM if you dont explode the devices people will explode you.

4. In a last moment meeting NESCOM engineers told PM that even if we want to abandon we cant as we have plugged all tunnels with concrete.

5. Seeing that Nuclear test are inevitable, Nawaz government go ahead with plan-B. They decided to take maximum political advantage by taking all credit of going nuclear. They also take out all the money from banks outside and freeze all foreign currency accounts. Many analysts claim that this was the biggest hit to our economy after Bhutto nationalization.

5. Only 28th may tests were recorded but 30th may second round tests normally went nu-noticed. The fact is that on 30th May Pakistan testes a nuclear weapon rather then a device. That was a separate site from this one. It was also a vertical well like structure, L shaped. 1000m or so deep.

I really salute the guys who were able to dig up those tests sites in such rough train without even coming to notice of powerful intelligence agencies.

Salute ::pakistan:
maybe because your first test was a failure ? :ashamed:
If that was your takeaway from my post, then I completely agree with you. There is a reason why Pakistani's consider a nuclear bomb as the best moment in Pakistan's history. That reason is that you dont have many other significant achievements.
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@Irfan Baloch @nuclearpak @The Deterrent

Gentlemen, i am rathert keen to find out that in a remote place like Chaghi, where did the power supply come from, surely that amount of energy couldn't be obtained from generators. ??
I'm not sure what do you mean by "that" amount of energy.
We do know that PAEC had prepared the Chaghi sites for testing purpose long before '98. So it is quite possible that permanent power lines where laid down from the nearest possible high power transmission line. In '98, most of the preparations were already done, just the devices were flown to the sites and on-site preparations were made.
If that was your takeaway from my post, then I completely agree with you. There is a reason why Pakistani's consider a nuclear bomb as the best moment in Pakistan's history. That reason is that you dont have many other significant achievements.

sir that statement is good to satisfy your small ego .. but for us this was a great achievement
you guys dont give much credit to LK Advani, he was a tiny bit responsible for your detonation too. :p:

Think about it yourself. Why do Indians not give too much significance to nuclear detonations despite being first in south asia.
come on its important and we do feel proud .. but we cant remember more than 2 dates... aug 15 and jan 26.
I remember that day very well & the looks on ganja during his speech clearly showed he was never going to test the nukes & both ganjas were busy negotiating for dollars with US & etc, but thanks to Pak Army & our scientist the nuke test was carried out in tough time.
The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs would later describe it as "Pakistan’s finest hour". Pakistan had become the world’s 7th nuclear power and the first nuclear weapons state in the Islamic World.
The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs is wrong! Pakistan, India and North Korea are NOT considered 'Nuclear Weapon States' since they have not signed the NPT.

There are eight sovereign states that have successfully detonated nukes. Only five are considered to be "nuclear-weapon states" (NWS) - the US, Russia, UK, France and China.
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