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Turks still love Pakistan


Jan 28, 2019
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I was in Turkey recently and after seeing the news last year about Pakistanis doing all these weird and illegal things in Turkey and social media/TV campaigns against Pakistanis, I didn’t know what to expect. I was even afraid of some racism.

Boy, was I in for a pleasant surprise. It seems like every other person who I talked to would cheer up when learning I am from Pakistan and they didn’t speak English at all but they would say “Pakistan Turkey Kardesh (brothers) !”. That put a huge smile on my face!. They were really happy to see me, a Pakistani. I even got a few free tea cups from my hotel when they learned my nationality lol and after it was at discounted price. Such nice warm people.

I guess this is my appreciation post for being welcomed so much into their country and I felt terrible that Pakistanis were being such bad guests by getting involved in all those weird and illegal stuff (recording women on streets like creeps lol ).

I was also taken aback by Turkey’s beauty, I had no idea. It was also snowing and I love snow so much. The visa process is so difficult unfortunately but if you can, you must visit Turkey. The country is beautiful and the people are happy to see us Pakistanis! Lol at least some part of the world thinks good of Pakistanis.

India media love putting spin on things.

I was in Turkey recently and after seeing the news last year about Pakistanis doing all these weird and illegal things in Turkey and social media/TV campaigns against Pakistanis, I didn’t know what to expect. I was even afraid of some racism.

Boy, was I in for a pleasant surprise. It seems like every other person who I talked to would cheer up when learning I am from Pakistan and they didn’t speak English at all but they would say “Pakistan Turkey Kardesh (brothers) !”. That put a huge smile on my face!. They were really happy to see me, a Pakistani. I even got a few free tea cups from my hotel when they learned my nationality lol and after it was at discounted price. Such nice warm people.

I guess this is my appreciation post for being welcomed so much into their country and I felt terrible that Pakistanis were being such bad guests by getting involved in all those weird and illegal stuff (recording women on streets like creeps lol ).

I was also taken aback by Turkey’s beauty, I had no idea. It was also snowing and I love snow so much. The visa process is so difficult unfortunately but if you can, you must visit Turkey. The country is beautiful and the people are happy to see us Pakistanis! Lol at least some part of the world thinks good of Pakistanis.

Visited Turkey, no doubt it is a wonderful place. The Turks are very nationalistic and proud of their heritage. In recent times Turks have become very anti Syrian due to the arrival of Syrian refugees.
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Back in 2012, people knew Jeevay Pakistan.

Barring the western wannabes and the people of Turkey are very hospitable and kind.

Kind of surprised English isn't more common now though, seems everyone in Istanbul knew it in 2018.
Many people are not on social media, those who make the most noise tend to be the ones more fixated on it, I wouldnt use that as a way to gauge public opinion.
brother we are defaulting rn this is the least of our worries.

but we love our friendly nations too

Bro, why are you allergic to anything wholesome?
Not everyone is as miserable as you :lol:
yar thread kolne ki kya zaroorat hai is bare mai? ese lagta hai jese isko turki ka pyaar oxygen jese zarori hai :rofl:
wasn't there some drama a while ago where 'get lost Pakistan' or something of the sort was trending in Turkey..

owing to Pk men misbehaving with and ogling at women, acting lewd on the beaches etc ? .. typical desi :P
Last week I went to a Turkish restaurant in Riyadh. I ordered a shawarma and I asked the Turkish guy to add extra mayonnaise, he jokingly said if more mayonnaise there will be less chicken. I laughed and said no problem.

I never saw a shawarma this big in my life. He made it with 3 breads to hold all the chicken and fries inside. Turkish people are great. Always had pleasant interaction with them.
Believe me only yesterday I spoke with a restaurant worker from Turkey; I have known him for a few years. I offered my condolences for the loss in Turkey. He was touched and immediately said 'Pakistan has done a lot to help' and he also said 'your President was in Turkey to show support' (I think he meant PM Shahbaz Sharif). I said the Turks always help Pakistan during natural disasters. He often says 'Jivey Pakistan' and 'Kardesh'.

Having said this, Pakistanis, being socially repressed Desis, would be Desis and overstay their welcome before long.

PS. I tend to think Turkey is quite different between the Turkey of Istanbul and other touristy areas vs those in the more eastern parts of Turkey and perhaps attitudes toward foreigners, even toward Pakistanis, would be different based on who you talk to. From my own brief interaction with Turks in America, I found the western Turks to be more standoffish vs those from the heartland.
I really enjoyed my recent trip to Istanbul. It was refreshing to see a Muslim country which is so civilized, balanced and supermarkets and bars serving alcohol and nobody going full spastic about it. Just normality. It was like an upgraded version of Malaysia. I am glad I didn't encounter the jahil Pakistanis from the backwater towns to sour my mood. I really do think there should be a ban on immigration for Pakistanis born in certain towns so they are not allowed to escape the insane asylum which is their backwater towns.
Ill be traveling on 27 feb, it will be my first time and absolutely excited about my trip. A bit confused about renting a car what do u guys suggest who’ve been there before. I am planning to visit bursa and sogut by car(300kms drive a day is not an issue for me). PS: I drive in Middle East
I cant speak for all Turks but generaly Turks love Pakistanis, I live in one of the most nationalist city in northen Turkey and all Pakistanis here are no different than other local peoples
But not every people in Turkey is Turkish, Most Kurds in Turkey dont like Pakistan because they see Baloch peoples as their brother nation and they thing Pakistanis are invader in Balochistan and also some Afghan migrants attack Pakistanis But its hard to meet with such peoples.
My friends, what leads to this distortion of perception is the tendency to make a scale through social media. PSYOP activities are mostly starting well-organized and multiply their impact by mobilizing the manipulated segment. But to form an opinion about a nation or a society as a whole based on anonymous accounts on social media is completely absurd, and at its most basic, it is already acting in the way that these PSYOP activities aim to do. Social media does not shed light on society at large. But the most organized groups can have the strongest voices. That's just the way it is. I have tried to explain this to my Pakistani friends here many times before in different threads. Some have understood, some have insisted on not understanding. I don't get involved in such discussions anymore.

Especially the new generation that has grown up with the concept of social media has a better grasp of such issues, whereas explaining it to the previous generation is like trying to get a camel to jump through hoops.

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