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Turkmenistan received the Turkish patrol boats


Apr 17, 2010
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Held in September 5, 2012 the first Turkmen naval exercises "Khazar-2012" (which informed our blog) participated recently became members of the State Border Guard Turkmenistan large patrol boats (border patrol ships) Turkish construction Arkadag (hull number 101) and Barkarar (hull number 102), which became their public debut. Boat names are translated respectively as "Patron" (one of the official titles of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov) and "powerful". Turkmenistan signed a contract worth 55 million euros for the construction of these two boats in October 2010 with the Turkish private shipyard Dearsan Shipyard ( Dearsan Gemi Insaat Sanayili SA, Istanbul), the project developed by the business NTPB (New Type Patrol Boat, Turkish acronym YTKB). In 2007, the Turkish Navy issued Dearsan Shipyard contract worth 405 million euros to build a boat of 16 NTPB, the first two of which, Tuzla P 1200 and P 1201 Karaburun , were handed over to the Turkish fleet in 2011, and the following two P 1202 Köyceğiz and P 1203 Kumkale are in the testing stage. Construction of two boats for Turkmenistan was carried out by construction Dearsan Shipyard hull sections, which are then gathered under the leadership of the Turkish experts to set up in 2010 Shipyard in Turkmenistan's Turkmenbashi (formerly Krasnovodsk). Both kits to build boats were delivered there in October 2011. About the build boats in Turkmenbashi almost no information, but, presumably, the head of Turkmenistan boat Arkadag was launched in February 2012. NTPB boat project is a rather large unit standard displacement of 400 tons and a length of 55.75 meters (detailed specifications - s Here ). The main armament of the Turkish and Turkmen boats of this type is 40-mm twin turret automatic gun mount Oto Melara Twin Compact. According to Oto Melara, a contract for the delivery of two of these gun mounts for Turkmen boats was the first Italian company to order from the territory of the former USSR. Unlike built boats for the Turkish Navy, Turkmen boat, reportedly also have two 25-mm automatic remote controlled turret guns Aselsan STOP (Turkish boats have two installation Aselsan STAMP with a 12.7-mm machine guns), but not equipped with mounted on the Turkish boat aft six-reactive bombometnoy installing Aselsan / Roketsan DSH. Turkmen boats are also different from the Turkish prototype avionics weapons - in particular, the surveillance radar Thales Variant 2D. According to the Turkish company MED-MARINE, involved in the supply of electrical equipment for boats, built Dearsan Shipyard, to date, Turkmenistan has contracted this Turkish shipyard six patrol boats Project NTPB, ten small 15-foot boats of AMB, a 27-meter landing craft type LCM-1 and one tow. Other evidence of these contracts is not yet available, but, presumably, the first four small boats of the type AMB were delivered in 2012, the State Border Protection of Turkmenistan, where they are referred to as a type of "Bars-12". These boats also participated in the exercise "Khazar-2012."


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