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Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

you are correct my dear poster.

Many Pakistanis on this board think China and Russia are new gods who can challenge NATO and Western powers.

In big scheme of things, Chinese and russians are now regional players and thus it will be very difficult for Chinese or Russians to get involved militarily.

My hope is that Turkey army will win quickly and thus end the suffering of Syrian people. Otherwise Assad the butcher will go on killing for next 10 years and the rebels will do the same.

Many Pakistanis were on the wrong side of history when they supported Qaddafi the butcher. And now they are doing the same for Assad the butcher.

Go Turkish army and win. Hope this will inspire Pakistani army as well and it too will help out Syrian civilians.


Firstly, why should Pakistan, a non-Arab country get involved? Why should Turkey, also a non-Arab country, get its hands dirty? In a conflict that has Arab written all over it why not let the GCC and other Arab countries, who claim to be concerned about the civilian loss in Syria, deal with the problem.

I posted this before in this thread and will post it again.

First of all, Pakistan is not a concerned party in the Syrian conflict nor the Palestinian-israeli one. It's none of our business and i'm glad that Pakistan has maintained a neutral stance thus far with regards to the Syrian conflict. Secondly, you raised a valid question; why don't any of the Arab countries who are making hue and cry over the Syrian conflict intervene on behalf of the Syrian Sunni civilians and end the bloodshed now, or at least brush aside Assad's "weak Russian weapon equipped army" since they do have the capability to do so, or so they claim?

But of course they won't intervene, they want Turkey to do the dirty work for them, they want Turkey to get its hands dirty for them, while they'll just stand on the sidelines and watch the show, as they are currently doing. If they (the Arab countries "crying" over the loss of Syrian civilian lives at the hands of Assad's army) are so concerned for the lives of their Syrian Arab brothers and sisters, then's what's taking them so long in mobilising their armies and air forces, whom Western equipment they so proudly boast of?

They cry about "Arab brotherhood/unity", and how Assad is an impediment to their plan of this so called "unity". Well, what does Turkey have to gain from/do with that? These same Arabs didn't hesitate to stab the Turkish state in the back in 1916 with the assistance of "Lawrence of Arabia", that too was for their Arab unity, a single Arab state spanning from Syria to Yemen, yet the british only gave them israel and divided rest of the territories into independent Arab nations and occupied what it could.

Its funny how some Turkish members here are falling for all of this cozying up some Arabs are showing them. Do Turks suffer from that bad of a memory loss that they have completely forgotten what these same Arabs who are now cozying up to them did to them in 1916? Is Turkey willing to risk its own economic and social prosperity for the sake of these Arabs by dragging itself into a conflict from which it will not gain anything of benefit?

It's unfortunate that Turkish citizens were killed in this incident, however it is not reasonable on the part of the Turkish government to quickly blame any single party involved in the conflict, in this case the Assad's army, for all we know it could have also been the FSA since they too have under their possession heavy and high caliber weapons ranging from Tanks, APC, to mortars, that they captured from Assad's army. If they could have tanks in their posession, what doubt is there left that they wouldn't have mortars? One shouldn't rule out both conflicting factions. There should be an investigation or so.

Now coming to those who are dreaming of a possible NATO involvement, i can only suggest to them that they should stop dreaming because that will not happen. NATO is trying to pull itself out of Afghanistan and a good number of NATO States are facing growing social unrest within their own countries, the last thing they want is to be dragged into another military/political quagmire in the Middle East.
Firstly, why should Pakistan, a non-Arab country get involved? Why should Turkey, also a non-Arab country, get its hands dirty? In a conflict that has Arab written all over it why not let the GCC and other Arab countries, who claim to be concerned about the civilian loss in Syria, deal with the problem.

I posted this before in this thread and will post it again.

First of all, Pakistan is not a concerned party in the Syrian conflict nor the Palestinian-israeli one. It's none of our business and i'm glad that Pakistan has maintained a neutral stance thus far with regards to the Syrian conflict. Secondly, you raised a valid question; why don't any of the Arab countries who are making hue and cry over the Syrian conflict intervene on behalf of the Syrian Sunni civilians at.

Asking Arab armies to fight in Syria is like asking a cripple to fight Mohammad Ali Clay (the famous 20th century boxer for those who do not know him).

Arab Armies have no positive experience of fighting the 20th century wars. Nill. If you want to find such experience you have to go back in history for many many centuries if not 1000s of years.

Do not ask them to fight, however you can always ask for financial contribution. Or if you insist, and I think Turkey should do asap is to get few units from Gulf and Saudi. These Arab units should be the first one to go inside a Syrian city and not Turkish or Pakistani troops. This is good tactical move on many many views.

Turkish army on the other hand is a proven force in the modern warfare.

Pakistani army has huge peacekeeping experience. And thus we all can help Syrian civilians for a relatively manageable transition.

As I said earlier, Arabs can provide upto a Brigade in no time but it should be under Allied Turkish command.

that's all,

peace to you. peace to all.

I can understand you romantic desire for a Turkish intervention to Syria, but it won't happen. I mean, there is no need for it. We have proxies, special ops and intelligence officers who trains FSA in Syria. Turkey doesn't need a war with Syria, because we are already fighting in Syria actively.

And about the secterian bullchit, no one gives a damn about it in Turkey. A Shia Block which transports Iranian and Iraqi (well, Kurdish) oil via Syria to Mediterrenean is a trouble for Turkey. We need to broke this chain, we have the command in Northern Iraq, hope to see Syria's fall too.
I think we chinese should deploy lioning carrier fleet with type 052C to Syria...Better mother russia will deploy T-90M tanks near Armenia turkish border.

Poor reaction!

You can come with carrier fleet we have enough frigate and subs to send your ***** to bottom of the mediterian see.
If you mean the Dioyu Island then we'd simply crush nippon Japan like we crushed the gokturks and forced to migrate...

Sure China can crush Japan, but it too will pay a heavy price.

I doubt Chinese leadership that so far has been very very deliberate and patient, will do anything rash for tiny uninhabited island.

What I like about Chinese leadership is that they are patient and thing long term.

So I don't think they will do anything militarily in the next few years or even decades.

All this fuss is to keep Chinese population as calm as possible.

peace to you.
Poor reaction!

You can come with carrier fleet we have enough frigate and subs to send your ***** to bottom of the mediterian see.
You're going way over the top now. Turkey can no way defeat China in a war. This is the problem with Turks - they are too ultra nationalistic.
Asking Arab armies to fight in Syria is like asking a cripple to fight Mohammad Ali Clay (the famous 20th century boxer for those who do not know him).

Arab Armies have no positive experience of fighting the 20th century wars. Nill. If you want to find such experience you have to go back in history for many many centuries if not 1000s of years.

Do not ask them to fight, however you can always ask for financial contribution. Or if you insist, and I think Turkey should do asap is to get few units from Gulf and Saudi. These Arab units should be the first one to go inside a Syrian city and not Turkish or Pakistani troops. This is good tactical move on many many views.

Turkish army on the other hand is a proven force in the modern warfare.

Pakistani army has huge peacekeeping experience. And thus we all can help Syrian civilians for a relatively manageable transition.

As I said earlier, Arabs can provide upto a Brigade in no time but it should be under Allied Turkish command.

that's all,

peace to you. peace to all.

No non-Arab armies on the ground, no one would accept it even Qararies, Arabs asked for UN permission to impose a no fly zone on Syria and they pledged to be the spear head of such an attack. Anyway, no one called for forces intervention on the ground.

"Asking Arab armies to fight in Syria is like asking a cripple to fight Mohammad Ali Clay (the famous 20th century boxer for those who do not know him)."

:lol: Arab armies if were put together in 2012 would be the third most powerful army on earth.:smokin: And for the training thing that is based on the previous wars, I would assure you that Pakistan and Turkey would absolutely survive an attack by 33 countries like what happened in Iraq, and Nato air bombardments.
Ḥashshāshīn;3470022 said:
You're going way over the top now. Turkey can no way defeat China in a war. This is the problem with Turks - they are too ultra nationalistic.

The problem with guys like you is you people make china, russia, america, iran and israel big. Did you really think china is capable to send a fleet to fight? The distance wil brake china. And they can make 10 aircraft carrier and send it no problem cause we have enough anti-ship missile.

China is a regional power. So sit and think, maybe somewhere wher you com from they are big. Not for us....
Ḥashshāshīn;3470022 said:
You're going way over the top now. Turkey can no way defeat China in a war. This is the problem with Turks - they are too ultra nationalistic.

We are talking about Turkish territory, they come and because there is no border they can't use human wave which is China tactic otherwise they can't fight or war, this is seen, we defeated British empire, French empire, Russian empire, and all their colonies together, in them days British use to make warships like peanuts they had more than 30 warships against us, who's China man they are the subjects of Japanese.
Ḥashshāshīn;3470022 said:
You're going way over the top now. Turkey can no way defeat China in a war. This is the problem with Turks - they are too ultra nationalistic.

Are you thinking that Chinese will try to send warships to a traditional American hinterland, Mediterranean? Even if they do such a thing, they can send a small squadron which can Turkish Navy can handle.
Russo-Japanese war is an example about this matter.
No non-Arab armies on the ground, no one would accept it even Qararies, Arabs asked for UN permission to impose a no fly zone on Syria and they pledged to be the spear head of such an attack.

This is all talk. Over cups of gahwa. That's all. Arabs league is zero on this.

One recent example aka Libya clearly showed that Arab armies were nowhere to be found. Only tiny tiny Qatar was brave enough to send few F-16s. Every other Arab country was shivering and hiding under the proverbial bed, that big bad wolf Qaddafi will come eat them.

it was terrible to see Arabs all sitting on the ring side, while Wester powers did their thing.

Unfortunately Arabs armies were awol, so the West relied on pathetic militias who have no interest in Libya as a stable country.

Had Arab armies been there, that country would have had a stable government and there would not be any militia goons.

As desert fox said earlier, Arabs armies want others to do their dirty work.

Coming back to Syria, Arab league behaved as cripple. Sending 200 inspectors to Syria? to do what? count the dead bodies of Syrians?

This is so pathetic to see.

And even now Arab league is a collection of mumbling idiots who continue to allow slaughter of poor Syrians.

This is a huge shame. Huge shame I tell you.
"Asking Arab armies to fight in Syria is like asking a cripple to fight Mohammad Ali Clay (the famous 20th century boxer for those who do not know him)."

:lol: Arab armies if were put together in 2012 would be the third most powerful army on earth.:smokin:
Whatever you say. Only Egypt has an adequate military with good training. The rest have very little to no experience at all...
The problem with guys like you is you people make china, russia, america, iran and israel big. Did you really think china is capable to send a fleet to fight? The distance wil brake china. And they can make 10 aircraft carrier and send it no problem cause we have enough anti-ship missile.

China is a regional power. So sit and think, maybe somewhere wher you com from they are big. Not for us....
No I never said anything about China attacking you. I was replying to the guy who thought Turkey would defeat China - which is untrure. And when did I make Israel or Iran look big? Israel is nothing without USA...

We are talking about Turkish territory, they come and because there is no border they can't use human wave which is China tactic otherwise they can't fight or war, this is seen, we defeated British empire, French empire, Russian empire, and all their colonies together, in them days British use to make warships like peanuts they had more than 30 warships against us, who's China man they are the subjects of Japanese.
Can you give me the years where Turkey defeated Biritish, Russian and French empires? (not hating, just want to know)
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