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Turkish voter base. (Quite clueless)

Can you explain the video a bit?About what exactly they are 'Clue less'??
Can you explain the video a bit?About what exactly they are 'Clue less'??

The interviewer is asking random people what dates do elections(such as our general elections) take place and which positions are elected. The majority have no clue when the elections take place or even who is elected in these elections. Showing that the voters in our country are really clueless considering they can't even point out who gets elected in these elections. These will be the people casting votes in our June general elections.
The interviewer is asking random people what dates do elections(such as our general elections) take place and which positions are elected. The majority have no clue when the elections take place or even who is elected in these elections. Showing that the voters in our country are really clueless considering they can't even point out who gets elected in these elections. These will be the people casting votes in our June general elections.

mmm That mean Turkish public is not much 'politicized' as we Pakistanis are...I don't know whether its a good thing or not :-\
By the way ,what do you think of Present Turkish Govt.?? Tayyib Ordogan is a good and honest leader (I think so)..Do you agree??
mmm That mean Turkish public is not much 'politicized' as we Pakistanis are...I don't know whether its a good thing or not :-\
By the way ,what do you think of Present Turkish Govt.?? Tayyib Ordogan is a good and honest leader (I think so)..Do you agree??

There is being politicized. Then there is being clueless. If you gave me 10 minutes with each of these people i would have them voting for any party i wanted. People must understand why they vote for and which party but before that they need to understand what they are even voting for and when it takes place. I have personally seen in the 09 elections people telling people who they need to vote for(even as far as telling people which boxes to check) and the reason they gave was because that specific party was good and this one was bad (obviously no details were given on why one was bad and the other was good) and really that seems to be all our people really need. That and coal and washing machines (AKP is big on handing these out then telling people to vote for them).

I am not a supporter of the AKP never was and never will be(Most people know this from my posts anyway) . I don't view his policies as progressive his attack against our Media outlets (arrest of journalists and political pundits that were against him without proper legal framework) or his text book McCarthyism act he is playing on the military. His reforming act has undertones set on border line fascism and poltical islam. Of course he is great at hiding these beyond his EU reform packages and for true "democracy".

However i can see how outsiders would view him as a good person. They see his anti-Israel foreign policy and give the guy thumbs up and of course his conservatism also is what many Muslims countries who have failed governments see as something they can adopt. The AKP is probably the dream party of any country with a Islamic framework in their political system. However this is not applicable to Turkey
they mostly dont vote for CHP,thats why they are clueless..if they would vote for CHP(not AKP) they will be considered as Einstein..so what have we learned from this so far?if voters dont vote for the party we support,we can consider them as they are clueless or "belly-scratching man"
they mostly dont vote for CHP,thats why they are clueless..if they would vote for CHP(not AKP) they will be considered as Einstein..so what have we learned from this so far?if voters dont vote for the party we support,we can consider them as they are clueless or "belly-scratching man"

Thanks for missing the point completely but proving mine. Watch the video genius.

However there is no need to for you to respond. Or this will end up with me giving you more history lessons and derailing the thread.
Thanks for missing the point completely but proving mine. Watch the video genius.

However there is no need to for you to respond. Or this will end up with me giving you more history lessons and derailing the thread.


why did you get offended?i was telling my muslim brother AUz about the foolness of some people in Turkey..

about history,i owned you from all directions..so keep your highschool stories to yourself

why did you get offended?i was telling my muslim brother AUz about the foolness of some people in Turkey..

Offended no. However i was surprised you missed the point of the post. It had nothing to do with who people vote for but everything to do with them not understanding anything about the political process. Its a issue in the system personally. Since everyone has the right to vote it makes it (for example if you took a political professor and put him with a guy that knew nothing then told them they both had the same voting power it would of course mean someone that knows nothing can put people in office.) I am saying we should try to educate the public on voting since unlike other fields where you need credibility to have an effect in voting its the sheep herder against the university professor. At least the sheep herder should know the basics and make a informed choice. Considering we have millions of people who can't even read i see a voter base for easy manipulation.

about history,i owned you from all directions..so keep your highschool stories to yourself

If you say so chief.
Offended no. However i was surprised you missed the point of the post. It had nothing to do with who people vote for but everything to do with them not understanding anything about the political process. Its a issue in the system personally. Since everyone has the right to vote it makes it (for example if you took a political professor and put him with a guy that knew nothing then told them they both had the same voting power it would of course mean someone that knows nothing can put people in office.) I am saying we should try to educate the public on voting since unlike other fields where you need credibility to have an effect in voting its the sheep herder against the university professor. At least the sheep herder should know the basics and make a informed choice. Considering we have millions of people who can't even read i see a voter base for easy manipulation.

its impossible to disagree what you have said above..but im saying that the mainstream media always voices concern about this issue when they arent happy with the result of elections..thats what im critisizing,not your personal view..
I am not a supporter of the AKP never was and never will be(Most people know this from my posts anyway) . I don't view his policies as progressive his attack against our Media outlets (arrest of journalists and political pundits that were against him without proper legal framework) or his text book McCarthyism act he is playing on the military. His reforming act has undertones set on border line fascism and poltical islam. Of course he is great at hiding these beyond his EU reform packages and for true "democracy".

However i can see how outsiders would view him as a good person. They see his anti-Israel foreign policy and give the guy thumbs up and of course his conservatism also is what many Muslims countries who have failed governments see as something they can adopt. The AKP is probably the dream party of any country with a Islamic framework in their political system. However this is not applicable to Turkey

You really have to get a grip of reality. There is no denial whatsoever that CHP and the likes have for decades imprisoned Turkey and created internal as external threats by demonizing 1: Islamists 2: Hijab 3: Our neighbours and the list goes on. The sole reason to why the current government supports the ongoing prosecution of Military officers is because they planned a coup wherein they planned to bomb a mosque to create internal conflicts, they planned to shoot down Greek plane tos provoke rivalry and many other things, herein killing civillians to serve their cause. Truth speaks louder than words my friend. I am not a pro-AKP person, but i am able to perceive to what causes some members of our society serves.

The only period where Turkey has experiences a degree of strong nationhood, a stable and rapidly developing economy is during their period.

The degree of democratization has also boosted, no matter empty accusations you come with concerning the media. Do you even know about what Dogan did? Don't throw mud recklessly, you need hard evidence before coming with empty accusations. Corrupt people's time is over in Turkey, no matter how loud you scream people have opened their eyes. They see the former oligarchies and understand that slow by slow people's voices are being heard.

You headache about this Video originates in your ideas and ideals of a small group of secular "white" turks vaccuming the resources of Turkey.

I am sorry to tell you, but the Turkish population are not getting fooled by such corrupt people again. We have had enough
You really have to get a grip of reality. There is no denial whatsoever that CHP and the likes have for decades imprisoned Turkey and created internal as external threats by demonizing 1: Islamists 2: Hijab 3: Our neighbours and the list goes on. The sole reason to why the current government supports the ongoing prosecution of Military officers is because they planned a coup wherein they planned to bomb a mosque to create internal conflicts, they planned to shoot down Greek plane tos provoke rivalry and many other things, herein killing civillians to serve their cause. Truth speaks louder than words my friend. I am not a pro-AKP person, but i am able to perceive to what causes some members of our society serves.

My grip on reality is perfectly fine however yours is very very suspect. Crashing planes into mosques, starting a war with greece to overthrow the government. Plz don't make yourself out to be a clueless idiot. If you even took a little bit of time instead of you and others living in your passive little bubbles. You would quickly understand what the AKP is doing. Also don't try to pull yourself in some level of objective ambiguity by saying you don't support the AKP if you support the destruction of what this country is founded on and are against its principals then you should be questioning weather your a Turk or not. Political associations would have nothing to do for you at this point. Nor does your credibility considering you believe in such nonsense.

The degree of democratization has also boosted, no matter empty accusations you come with concerning the media. Do you even know about what Dogan did? Don't throw mud recklessly, you need hard evidence before coming with empty accusations. Corrupt people's time is over in Turkey, no matter how loud you scream people have opened their eyes. They see the former oligarchies and understand that slow by slow people's voices are being heard.

Empty accusations ? Oh right like crashing planes into mosques and going to war with Greece to overthrow the government. Ergenokon doesn't even have the necessary evidence to support itself let alone be "discovered" It doesn't exist and is simply a imaginary scapegoat used to weaken the military and anyone else that is anti AKP just like the Oda-TV arrests that are happening now. Since they criticized the AKP they had their building raided with no legal value and a few days later arrests were made on the bases that they are part of the imaginary Ergenokon group educate yourself on the issues if your going to discuss them first. You can't legally make arrests of people who you say is part of a group whose very existence is highly suspect nor can you use illegal wiretapping to try and gather evidence as that would not be presentable in court. Oh and those back tax accusations against Dogan must have been very serious considering they have been winning their cases in European courts because of utter lack of evidence being presented against them.

Also i will stick with credible people in these fields as seen below

You headache about this Video originates in your ideas and ideals of a small group of secular "white" turks vaccuming the resources of Turkey.

I am sorry to tell you, but the Turkish population are not getting fooled by such corrupt people again. We have had enough

Racists are way ? Its really sad people like you give my country a bad name. I am sorry to tell you but the point of the video was to show that the Turkish population can be quite easily and quickly fooled.

Don't worry we are in the millions and are quite real.
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CHP genel baskani came to my village in summer when i was on holiday there..
he came and said something about.. i make you rich and then myself..
i live just like you guys live and all that..
hes good guy.. but politics is nothing for him..
especially in a rising global super power.
we need a basbakan like Reccep Tayyip Erdogan who gives his live for politics and can finally say you jewish state and the rest of world.
who gives hard speeches and is not afraid.
If you find a person like Ümit Kocasakal credible i have nothing to discuss with you.
actually i don't like this Star TV news and this "asking people" part of it... they ask questions 100 people on the street, if 10 of them fails they make it news..then people think that everybody like this in turkey.. so idiotic.. thats normal %10 of folk is irrelevant of things.. there is no such nation %100 of it follow the daily agenda..
i suggest you guys watch NTV, HT or CNNturk for good news.. others are really crap..

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