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There is nothing wrong in that quote, you can't ban someones mother tongue, everybody should be able to use their mother tongue freely in daily life.

And seriously grow up, most of your comments are biased and disrespectful.

Mr. Kurtiz is a respectable person, and rip.


i agree with you Targon, however, i think atatwolf is right. The death of Mr. Kurtiz is sad, but if someone tries to Show her agenda by hiding behind a dead is not something that most people can accept.

Obviously This terror supporter is making propaganda of his agenda behind a dead person. We should not let such people disrespect The dead in such a very disgusting way.


Such people are very disgusting, and like a parasite.

ps: sorry for the language, but it is really disgusting.
There is nothing wrong in that quote, you can't ban someones mother tongue, everybody should be able to use their mother tongue freely in daily life.

And seriously grow up, most of your comments are biased and disrespectful.
Everybody is allowed to speak their mother language in Turkey, that is not the problem, what they (PKK) want is that Turkey gives elementary state education in Kurdish. The Spaniards allowed the Catalonians that couple of decades ago and now Catalonians and Spanish are more seperated than ever. Probably they will spilt sooner or later. There is a good reason US only has English state education. If they would allow every 200 ethnicity to have their own state sponsored education than there wouldn't be US in two/three generations. This counts for all countries. that If a particular country doesn't maintain law and order. If you want Turkey to split in 5 states like the imperialist want, go ahead.
... ayrıntı veya önemsiz gibi görünebilir; ama şu İngilizce kelimleri yazarken bayağı yanlış yapıyoruz, herkes yazdığı yorumların altına parantez içinde yanlış yazdığını gördüğü kişiye mention yaparak gördüğü yanlışı düzeltse iyi olur bence.
That quote says nothing about education in mother tongue, its about just banning mother tongue, neither I agree with education in mother tongue, every country should have a main, common official language for education and all state related stuff, otherwise it will further segrate population, that doesn't means usage of secondary languages should be banned of couse.
Ben inglizce yanlislarim varmi?

Hollanda'lı arkadaşların Türkçe yanlışları daha çok. :D

Ama ne söylediğiniz anlaşılıyor ve İngilizce yerine Türkçe konuşmanızı tercih ederim.
I do not want to go off topic but obviously calling Mr. Kurtiz a '' kiro'' is out of proportion and shows lack of knowledge of his work. I do not hide behind the death of an honourable man. But it seems that to wake up people, good people have to die ( Özal is another example... Heck, even Ecevit used to be pro-Kurdish at some points in his career). For example, if I said that mother language education should be allowed then people would call me a seperatist. But when someone honourable like Mr. Kurtiz says it then it suddenly becomes right and true regardless that we are saying the same. The matter of fact is that there still exist ethnic and true socialdemocratic Turks in Turkey which makes me very hopeful.

I mean, what is the difference? Mr. Kurtiz said this during his living time. If I had brought it up back then you would still have called me a seperatist.
ya dikkat edin, nerede bir Fars-Türk, Kürt-Türk kavgası var, her zaman başlangıcı @atatwolf denen şahsa dayanıyor.. Adam Hz. Muhammed(S.A.V)`ın iğrenç bir karikatürünü paylaştı burada, yüzbin defa uyardık yapma filan diye @olcayto ile...Hala şu adamı ciddiye alıp münasabete giriyorsunuz...Az önce Çin HQ-9 threadine baktım, herif durduk yerde "Chinese crap" tabirini kullanıp Çinlileri de irrite etmiş..Arkadaş, cevap vermeyin şuna ya, ne yapacağınızı söyleceyecek pozisyonda değilim ama zamanınıza yazık
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Biraz daha dikkat et bazi seylerde artik cigrindan ciktin sen..
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Arkadaşlar biraz fazla sticky threadimiz yok mu sizce ?

İçlerinden bazılarını normal bölüme alsak (IDEF 2013)

Bazılarınıda birleştirsek (TF-2000 / Donanma treadi)
Arkadaşlar biraz fazla sticky threadimiz yok mu sizce ?

İçlerinden bazılarını normal bölüme alsak (IDEF 2013)

Bazılarınıda birleştirsek (TF-2000 / Donanma treadi)

Haklisin Sinan bey, mesal

Turkish OMTAS, UMTAS, Cirit: Updates & Discussions


Turkish Ongoing Missile/Torpedo Programs (Update)

Perhaps we also should have threads named after their project names designated by SSM? Easier to read and find. What you think?

Ne oluyo adam tehdit eder gibi dalıyosun milletin ortasında. Benden bir talebin, alıp veremediğin varsa git mesaj at. Eğer şikayetçi isen git yukardakilere söyle. Ama öyle efe efe dolaşıp aklınıza gelenizi public thread'lerinde söyleyemezsiniz bey efendi.

@Sinan eğer diğer arkadaşlar da kabul etti ise. Threadleri birleştirebilirim, gereksizleri de çıkartırım.
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