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I'm straight dear, no worries, I assume @Sinan is straight too :D :lol:

We were talking about emotional sharing of your friendship, not physical sharing :omghaha:


@Sinan @Serpentine - Just to tell you guys, I'm homophobic ! :unsure:

So whatever sharing you guys want to do...do it amongst yourself - Leave me out ! :fie:

Well, you know me, you don't need to get concerned. :D

Serpentine is also straight. I know from our earlier conversations. So just relax, no one is after your plump @ss. :enjoy:

Oh I see, so it was a misunderstanding, sorry for that 8-)

No need to be sorry, mate. :tup:

We are talking about sharing him as if he is a cake, no offense @Armstrong :D

Okay than. :) Since it's you we can do an exception, i guess. But we have to ask @T-123456 since he is the biggest share holder. :D

Well, you know me, you don't need to get concerned. :D

Serpentine is also straight. I know from our earlier conversations. So just relax, no one is after your plump @ss. :enjoy:

No need to be sorry, mate. :tup:

Okay than. :) Since it's you we can do an exception, i guess. But we have to ask @T-123456 since he is the biggest share holder. :D
There is no sharing,he belongs to us Turks!:smokin:
Evry Team has a bigboned(FAT) person,in ours its @Armstrong .:enjoy:
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Mate, i know this discussion is over and you have no interest in but i felt like. I have to clear myself after your last post.

No, but I felt that this was implied in the posts I saw. Rightly in my eyes UNTIL I saw your replies to my first post here where I explained myself.

If you say, i have implied anything. Here is the talk between xenon and me.

Me neither, i am neutral in this issue, but i had to say this after i read a comment like ''go back to central Asia and leave ME to us natives'' from that person.

Really..... I didn't know about that. :butcher:

I wonder, what would be your reaction if you heard this kind of anti-Arabic quote from me ?

You see, I already explained that, and told that it was a reply to Atatwolf who started saying that Arabs across the world should move back to the Middle East after a series of insults to Arabs which he continued throughout the whole debate. It was merely a reply to a troll in a language that he could understand since logic did obviously not work with him in that debate if you take a look.

You don't need to explain what Atatwolf did. If you remember i warned you about him and asked you to not waste your time.....

Well, I am writing in other sections of the forum. Arab Defence for instance. But since the ME section is dealing with most of the issues that concern my country, region (Middle East) and Arab world then I obviously write there. If we had our own Arab section (not Arab Defence section since we can only discuss military there) then I would rarely use the ME thread. Believe me, LOL.

I know, and what i'm saying is there is huge difference between al-hasani and 4 months ago al-hasani. Believe me or not. ( I'm referring to offensive language you use.)

Well, I have always replied to trolls in the only language that they understand since I joined this forum.:) I don't think that I have ever been good at ignoring trolls on the internet! Unfortunately.

Mate, i believe when words come out of your mouth, they are your words not anybody-else's. So if some guys some how insults your country and you do the same in the retaliation. It means there is no difference between you and him. It's mods duty to deal with trolls, not yours.

Anyway let us end it here. I think I said everything that needs to be said. If not the discussion will just continue and it is rather pointless as I see it when everything has been cleared by now.

I just wanted to clear everything.
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