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Turkish Special Operations Forces

Turkish SF made PKK figters shit their pants when Olive Brench kikced off. There is a segment in that PKK video during the opp, when jurno is interviewing some PKK foreign fighters...basicly when they realized that turskih comando unit ( thats how they refered to them) started engaging their lines, they broke the line an abandoned their positions.

Is it this video?
Yes. Thats the one. They never heared them much less seen them coming until it was too late.And they were expecting the attack for weeks, preparing for itm, it wasnt some suprise ofensive. Also, its fair to give credit to Syrian units that took part in opp too. They were of course less trained then TSK, but were brave and relentless and took a lot of causlties but havent waivered. I guess PPK scum didnt think much ahead when they betrayed them in Aleppo, and attacked them from behind wjile they were facing massive russian-regime onslought in Aleppo, and then paraded their bodies on trucks trhu Afrin in celebration.
Yes. Thats the one. They never heared them much less seen them coming until it was too late.And they were expecting the attack for weeks, preparing for itm, it wasnt some suprise ofensive. Also, its fair to give credit to Syrian units that took part in opp too. They were of course less trained then TSK, but were brave and relentless and took a lot of causlties but havent waivered. I guess PPK scum didnt think much ahead when they betrayed them in Aleppo, and attacked them from behind wjile they were facing massive russian-regime onslought in Aleppo, and then paraded their bodies on trucks trhu Afrin in celebration.

Turkish army in a nick of time took Afrin.

I gotta say the battle of Al bab was pretty hectic. As much as I hate those Isis bastards they did fight zealously and fanatically compared to ypg and pkk cowards.

Either way good job, Turkish Armed Forces in kicking terrorist ***!!!
Turkish army in a nick of time took Afrin.

I gotta say the battle of Al bab was pretty hectic. As much as I hate those Isis bastards they did fight zealously and fanatically compared to ypg and pkk cowards.

Either way good job, Turkish Armed Forces in kicking terrorist ***!!!

It was a rushed opp. Main objective was to prevent PKK cross the Euphrat, stop PKK expansion along the border with Turkey, and at the same time insert Turkey as a power broker in the arena. When the Anti-ISIS campaign started US promised Turkey certain things, which it later didnt fulfill. So... Turkey had to risk it, and rush into arena not fuully prepared to prevent fait acompli re its borders.

And yess, ISIS was arguebly the most capable fighting force in Syria. They were indeed in that period of time a state. Better functioning state then Syria. For God sake they were poroducing their own variaty of weaponry almost on idustrial scale, singleshot rocket luncher, their version of LAWS for exmpl, organizationaly they were ahead of Syria and Iraq at the time. Had clear structure and administration. If you go thru their leadeship structure, most of their leaders were higly decoated former Sadam officers, generals, even some other high ranking officers like that commander of Kyrgistan special forces, trained in Russia and US, not to mention that they menaged exampl,. recruit lots of young, western educated college engineers and etc. profe W/O foreign interventions by US, If those countries had to take them alone, Baghdadi would gve sermons in Baghdad today. I mean, their ideolocial backgeround was what it was, but ISIS warent bunch of cavemen, they were no dummies in regards to many thing.
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Turkish casualities in Al-Bab were mostly by IED's or SVIED'S and once when the FSA lines crumbled and TSK got flanked by ISIS terrorists.

ISIS couldn't never ever manage that what you mentioned @rajvoSa you need a lot of help (Intelligence & money) to build up such a network.

That guy behind McCain looks somehow like Baghdadi without beard...
No., its not Baghadid. Its FSA commander, famous during the first years, forgot his name. I think he's now commander in one of units under Turkish backing. I remebered the name of the unit, Northern brigade, was the name of that FSA unit, had turkish backing from the start, they are now incopoorated into SNA, and they took part in both opps, ES and Olive Brench.
Or in short; Its fake news. Assad/Russia propaganda.
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Turkish casualities in Al-Bab were mostly by IED's or SVIED'S and once when the FSA lines crumbled and TSK got flanked by ISIS terrorists.

ISIS couldn't never ever manage that what you mentioned @rajvoSa you need a lot of help (Intelligence & money) to build up such a network.

That guy behind McCain looks somehow like Baghdadi without beard...
View attachment 565597

Lets not forget isis commanders even its soldiers served in Saddams era. The americans done the dumbest mistake by making them all unemployed.

Americans literally set this whole thing up its no surprising that they wanted Turkey to clean up the mess that they caused.
Türkçe yazdığın için Türkçe cevap vereyim.

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Special Forces can choose between those attachments for their own HK-M416A5 rifle.

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